Welcome to Sword and Cross!
A game of holy war and papal favor.
Game Settings
Stainless Steel 6.4
Late Era
Gracul ai
Disable real recruitment
VH/VH difficulty
Auto-resolve battles only
Only catholic factions may be selected for play, and the Kingdom of Jerusalem/Crusader States and Principality of Antioch are not eligible for selection.
LooseCannon1 - Norway
Points =
TheCeLL - France
Points =
Nightbringer - Poland
Points = 4
Myth - Holy Roman Empire
Points = -6
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
New/game specific rules
Players may not engage in any kind of diplomacy with the Papal States.
Players may not request for the Pope to call crusades on any non-player factions (to prevent burning the crusade timer then getting excommunicated).
The game's winner is based on a point system.
The first player to reach 50 points wins the game.
(If multiple conditions apply, points do not stack, simply take points from highest category.)
(Points can only be scored for any single settlement by any single player once every 10 turns [meaning gifting settlement's back and forth, or to the ai for recapture, will not allow multiple scoring])
Capturing the target of a crusade is worth 10 points.
Capturing settlements owned by the target of a crusade are worth 5 points.
Capturing settlements owned by any excommunicated faction are worth 3 points.
Capturing settlements owned by a Muslim faction in mainland Europe are worth 3 points.
Capturing settlements owned by Lithuania are worth 2 points.
Capturing settlements owned by any faction at war with the pope are worth 2 points.
Capturing settlements owned by a Muslim faction not at war with the Pope are worth -1 points.
Capturing settlements owned by a Orthodox faction not at war with the Pope are worth -2 points.
Capturing settlements owned by a Catholic faction not at war with the Pope are worth -3 points.
Special Rule: Call for Crusade
Can only be done if at least 2 non-excommunicated players exist.
Any non-excommunicated player may attempt to call a crusade at the start of a turn cycle.
They select a single province owned by any faction (except non-excommunicated Catholics) to be the target of the crusade.
If done, all non-excommunicated players get single vote that must be made during that turn cycle.
If a majority (over half) of players vote that the crusade is just, then the following additional conditions apply.
-Capturing the target of this crusade is worth 8 points.
-Capturing other settlements owned by the target of this crusade is worth 4 points.
Excommunicated Crusade
Works exactly the same as the above call for crusade, except that all instances of excommunicated/non-excommunicated are switched. (the heresy has spread far enough that it has become a schism in the church, with zealots on both sides.