Hey guys, enjoy some Roma Surrectum 2 mod videos that have been further sub modded by me while we wait for Rome 2 to come out. Just go to you tube and type in "legion vs phalanx", and mine is the first one to come up. I have several on there.
Hey guys, enjoy some Roma Surrectum 2 mod videos that have been further sub modded by me while we wait for Rome 2 to come out. Just go to you tube and type in "legion vs phalanx", and mine is the first one to come up. I have several on there.
Wowy geezers amazing!
I believe you posted this in the wrong subforum. This would belong in the Rome 1 section...
If the mods feel the need to please move the thread; Thanks in advance of course moderators.
EDIT: I see what you did there.... :P
Last edited by BroskiDerpman; 08-30-2013 at 02:38.
Lets play Divide et Impera, Ptolemy Campaign. Link to full playlist down below!