Zero Hour + 1:05 here.
Unpacking the pre-load and updating took a little while but not too bad considering lots of people must have been doing the same. I had 37 Gb free on my SSD before preload, which went down to 9 Gb during the uncompressing before ending up with 19 Gb free. So you will need at least 28 Gb free space for the install but once done it uses up 18 Gb.
My Greek states DLC validation code hasn't arrived from Amazon UK yet (some people have been emailed it already IIRC?) so for now I'm without it. Minor annoyance.
I lasted about 30 mins of the Prologue. It was heavily scripted for newbies which is great but I'm ready for the main campaign now. Two immediate worries in the Prologue: I wanted to use Hastatii to attack some slingers who strayed too close but didn't want to waste their pila on such unimportant enemies. But there wasn't any button I could see to turn off fire-at-will for the pila - as soon as I selected then right-mouse-clicked on the slingers the Hastatii threw a volley of pila before attacking. A loss of control for the player unless I have missed something.
And even more worrying: with units selected there was a button in the bottom left of the screen which displayed this tooltip: "Toggle Cinematic Mode: This produces a small combat boost when turned on" or something similar. WHAT??! Pray to Zeus that this is either a mistake or just a prologue-only bit of nonsense.