Hopefully people can add to these as they come up:
- When you unlock new units, you can upgrade existing units by selecting it and clicking the 'retrain' button. This will upgrade, for example, hastati to legionaries and principes/triarii to veteran legionaries. (Note that you might want to keep the triarii, since legionaries are sword-armed and not spearmen.) This costs 100 per unit.
- You can swap out retainers/items for your characters. Pay attention that some of these grant faction-wide bonuses (I think).
- What 'authority', 'cunning', and 'zeal' do for generals and characters is explained in mouseover text under their portraits when selected in campaign map (and nowhere else).
- If a city you want to take is blockaded by another faction (so you can't attack it), move your army away to make the defenders more likely to sally out and break the blockade.