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Thread: Slow motion battles

  1. #1
    Member Member Sp4's Avatar
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    Default Slow motion battles


    in my campaign as Arverni, I've run into a battle where a navy of a faction I've thrown out of their country comes and attacks a port town, which in itself isn't very spectacular. It's probably happened a hundred times that campaign already. The problem I have is that once their ships land, like literally the second their bows bury themselves in the beaches, the battle slowls down to a crawl. I can still pan around the map fine, my FPS stays the same, everything is just as responsive as ever but the units start moving and acting really choppy, to the point where I can set the battle to slow motion.

    Fast forward wont work, reloading the same save wont change anything. I've played the same battle as a custom battle and everything is fine.

    By now I have decided to autoresolve the battle (which gets rid of my attempt to not auto resolve anything that campaign) and it's lost me the battle which I probably could have won but that's alright.

    Has anyone else ever had this? What is it? How to avoid it in the future?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Slow motion battles

    It's happened very often for me. I think it's similar to the pathfinding bugs that were prevalent in Empire.

  3. #3
    Member Member Spoonska's Avatar
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    Default Re: Slow motion battles

    Happens to me probably once or twice a night. When it does I just hit slow motion, go into cinematic mode and turn up the music I'm listening to. Usually LotR soundtrack or something close to that. Makes for epic fights.
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  4. #4

    Default Re: Slow motion battles

    Has happened to me twice - and I won battles I shouldn't have because the AI just pigeon-stepped in front of my towers for the whole time.

    On a similar note, same battles, when the AI tries to land units, sometimes one man will be left on the ship, will run up to the edge to jump off before obviously having second thoughts, turning back and repeating his little run until the battle timer runs out. Wish I could have recorded/giffed it. The rest of the unit can't even be targeted because they're not fully disembarked...

    Is it worth reporting these things? Is there a bug report thread/forum over at TWC somewhere?

  5. #5
    Member Member Sp4's Avatar
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    Default Re: Slow motion battles

    Quote Originally Posted by Fridgebadger View Post
    Has happened to me twice - and I won battles I shouldn't have because the AI just pigeon-stepped in front of my towers for the whole time.

    On a similar note, same battles, when the AI tries to land units, sometimes one man will be left on the ship, will run up to the edge to jump off before obviously having second thoughts, turning back and repeating his little run until the battle timer runs out. Wish I could have recorded/giffed it. The rest of the unit can't even be targeted because they're not fully disembarked...

    Is it worth reporting these things? Is there a bug report thread/forum over at TWC somewhere?
    I hate that one. If it's a shitty unit, you can just send one of your melee units to stand 'on' them and they'll kill them/each other but it's great if this happens with the general and his Oathsworns >_>

    -E- Btw, this can happen to your own units too. You need to make sure that when you select a place to land, your ship is actually half way on land. There are some places where the silhouette appears still in the water. Those 'landing places' will cause the glitch.
    Last edited by Sp4; 09-13-2013 at 12:59.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Slow motion battles

    It happened in previous Warscape games when the engine can't handle it/ computer can't run it. Quite strange when all the animations lag and your camera is pretty smooth.

    It happened to me in Empire a lot, Napoleon a little less, and Shogun 2 a bit smoother.
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  7. #7
    Member Member Sp4's Avatar
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    Default Re: Slow motion battles

    I think I figured out what causes it. There is this little thing here... every time a slow motion battle happens:

    That unit is not actually visible and stuck behind the red line. Came in from a reinforcing fleet.

  8. #8
    Strategist and Storyteller Senior Member Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Slow motion battles

    Could be. It happened to me in port defense battles but also when I assaulted a town which had a navy that wanted to help. When it's a few ships it's OK, but when they're more than 10-ish the game lags horribly the moment the AI tries to disembark. If you have the patience, once you kill some of the landed units the game returns to normal.
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  9. #9
    Member Member Sp4's Avatar
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    Default Re: Slow motion battles

    It never happens on disembarking for me. If the AI navy gets into the battle without it slowing down horribly, it will be alright. If it slows down, it does it as soon as the AI navy joins the battle.

    -E- While I am here... how do I turn off the advisor in battle? Or make it so he only tells me stuff like the enemy general is dead rather than a window popping up telling me? I've already tried to turn it off with the settings button in the actual window but it always keeps coming back >.<
    Last edited by Sp4; 09-22-2013 at 11:10.


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