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Thread: Tool - EditSF 1.0.7

  1. #1
    The Philosopher Duke Member Suraknar's Avatar
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    Default Tool - EditSF 1.0.7

    startpos.esf file in Rome II is not packed (thank you CA)

    And can be edited using this tool.

    It permits to do some interesting modifications to your experience. This tool also edits the esf file in Saved Games.

    !!!Please always backup Original Files!!!

    The startpos.esf file can be located under your "Steam\steamapps\common\Total War Rome II\data\campaigns\main_rome" folder.

    make a backup of it before you edit it.

    Savegames, are under (in Win 7), "Users\<your user>\AppData\Roaming\The Creative Assembly\Rome2\save_games", EditSF will open these as well.

    Here are two popular modifications:

    Turns per Year:

    either open the startpos.esf or your latest savegame file then navigate to CAMPAIGN_STARTPOS -- > COMPRESSED_DATA -- > CAMPAIGN_ENV -- > CAMPAIGN_MODEL -- >

    CAMPAIGN_CALENDAR (select it), and change the first number on the list to the number of turn you desire per year in the game.

    Ex: if you change that from 1 to 2, then each year in the game will take two turns. This will not affect Building times, as these are based on turns not years. But it will permits Characters Generals etc to not dies so quickly and be in your campaign twice as long (provided they die from natural causes).

    Changing Money

    Open your savegame with editSF then navigate to CAMPAIGN_ENV/CAMPAING_MODEL/WORLD/FACTION_ARRAY/FACTION_ARRAY - 0/FACTION_ECONOMICS (select it) , change the first number in the list to the desired amount. This will be your faction's Treasury. Safe reported amount seems to b 999,999 (albeit in previous TW games I always start at 5 Million).

    Some may consider this Mod a cheat, I do not. My reasoning in the Spoiler if you are interested.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Greetings, I have been changing Treasury since the first Shogun Total war (much Koku), and then on 2002 when i registered here at the ORG I learned to mod these games and always moded Income and Treasury.

    And I do not consider Modding Economics and Money as a Cheat any more so than any other Mod that chnages stats/parameters of the vanilla game.

    It is a playing style for me, some of us just do not like spending endless "turns" trying to have enough funds in order to be able to advance our civs and have fun with the battles. Some people like the economical Play, I prefer the Military Play. My Fun comes form battles, frequent battles, Large Battles in the series within a campaign.

    In order to do so in a reasonable to me time, one needs more Cash Flow than what is possible in the game by default. In some games it unbalances the play (Such was the case with the first Rome TW), as you could bribe yourself all of the map. It requires some responsibility to maintain the focus on what gives one fun.

    Plus, lets not forget tha the AI cheats anyways. While I am not AI expert on the game, from playing I have noticed that the AI simply cheats. When you raise difficulty the AI does not become more intelligent it just has more resources, even unlimited money at its disposal, and that is how it fields armies upon armies to invade you and give you the impression that the game is harder, because you have to deal with the meager finaces the difficulty setting sets for you. At least from playing observation.

    Well I like a different kind of difficulty and excitment which comes from battles. So these are my reasons why I have been modding Income and money in all of the TW games.

    Having said this,

    I would like to share an approach that I develloped over time, and found to be better than just adding 5 000 000 starting cash (enough for a whole Large campaign usually)

    I started doing this with Empire Total War. And it takes a bit more time and effort to mod but I found it was very worth it.

    Using the Moding tools what I do now is Modify the Upkeep of the units.

    I reduce that to 10% of the original value, so if a unit upkeep was 900 it becomes 90. You may play with the percentage that you desire, 50% makes already for a better experience and flow and pace of the game that does not have you pressing "Turn Button" without doing anything in the turn just to accumulate cash to build 1 structure or recruit 2 units.

    You can also do this selectivelly only to the faction you play (and since the AI cheat anyways), depends on you, and make sure to make backups of your pack files etc, should you want to play another faction.

    In combination tothat I set the game to hardest difficulty setting VH/VH etc...

    Having a low Upkeep cost permits all the normal economic mechanisms to work as intended in the game, retains importance of Trade agreements and Routes etc, and permits you to field many large armies and have a healthy Income every turn to pursue Structure buildings and have something to manage/build every turn (combine that with 2/4 turns per year too, makes for a great campaign).

    Just wanted to share this approach should someone be interested like me in that kind of play experience, without having to feel handicaped on the economic area of the game, while having a very intense Tactical/Strategical Military Campaign experience


    PS: I am currently playing Vanila Rome II, I am still evaluating the economics and pace of the game, these seem to be a bit better than previous games of the series, Trade agreements play a bigger role it seems adding much needed cash, one has to explore however establish contact with as many Factions as you can. Also pay attention to their ressources. Conquering cities which have some ressource and having more resources/commodities under your control will make you a more desirable Trade partner and this will boost your Income. I'll do at least one vanilla Campaign and then have a good idea of what needs to be moded if necessry.

    Happy Modding!
    Duke Surak'nar
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  2. #2
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tool - EditSF 1.0.7

    Thank you for this!
    On the Path to the Streets of Gold: a Suebi AAR
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  3. #3
    The Philosopher Duke Member Suraknar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tool - EditSF 1.0.7

    Most welcome my Lord. ;)
    Duke Surak'nar
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    ~ Ask not what modding can do for you, rather ask what you can do for modding ~
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  4. #4
    Undercover Lurker Member Mailman653's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tool - EditSF 1.0.7

    Great! I can finally have two turns per year now.

  5. #5
    Resident Northern Irishman Member ShadesPanther's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tool - EditSF 1.0.7

    Quote Originally Posted by Mailman653 View Post
    Great! I can finally have two turns per year now.
    I prefer 4. You can actually roleplay with your generals now

    "A man may fight for many things: his country, his principles, his friends, the glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally, I'd mudwrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock and a stack of French porn."
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  6. #6
    The Philosopher Duke Member Suraknar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShadesPanther View Post
    I prefer 4. You can actually roleplay with your generals now
    Roleplay? Care to elaborate please :)
    Duke Surak'nar
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    ~ Ask not what modding can do for you, rather ask what you can do for modding ~
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  7. #7

    Default Re: Tool - EditSF 1.0.7

    My only mod right now is 2 turns per year.
    At 2 TPY everything is researched and the whole world conquered by 120 BC (Im at 150 now, and just need to finish off everything East of the Iraq Iran Border.

    The tech tree and the amount of time it takes to conquer and pacify a region is based on 1 tpy. At 1 typ your generals are gone in 30 minutes, you will be lucky to make rank 5, and even then, you need to recall your general for armeis that no longer are on the front lines and send them to the new front lines.

    What I would like is 2 turn where it is SPRINGSUMMERFALL then Winter.
    Say 3x movement points in first Year Turn then 1/2 Movement points in Winter Turn.

  8. #8
    The Philosopher Duke Member Suraknar's Avatar
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    Thanks for feedback Ararax.

    I found too 2 TPY is ideal for the game :)

    Also I would like to say that, I am very pleasantly surprised about the economics of Rome 2. It really works quite well in comparison to previous ones. I really like it! No need really to mod for money. CA did a great re-design here.

    I know there are bugs and many things some people complain about (some comments on are horrible at times, I simply try to post feedback about the betas and get out asap), but I think Rome 2 has been up to now the most fun strategic play I have ever had throughout the series.

    Only thing I find is missing is during battles, a "Custom" formation. If I group a unit on deployment they do not maintain the formation...they only maintain it when one of the default formations is selected, unless I am missing something.

    Last edited by Suraknar; 09-24-2013 at 17:36.
    Duke Surak'nar
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    ~ Ask not what modding can do for you, rather ask what you can do for modding ~
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  9. #9
    Urwendur Ûrîbêl Senior Member Mouzafphaerre's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: Tool - EditSF 1.0.7

    Duke Surak'nar back to modding TW! I might give this one a try then

    Well, OK, to be honest no, I'm not going to touch this game... But it's great to see the Duke back at the ORG anyway
    Last edited by Mouzafphaerre; 10-03-2013 at 07:39.
    Ja mata Tosa Inu-sama, Hore Tore, Adrian II, Sigurd, Fragony

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  10. #10
    HopeLess From Humanity a World Member Empire*Of*Media's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tool - EditSF 1.0.7

    How can i Change my Saved game difficulty ?!

  11. #11
    HopeLess From Humanity a World Member Empire*Of*Media's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tool - EditSF 1.0.7

    Quote Originally Posted by EasternSpartakus View Post
    How can i Change my Saved game difficulty ?!
    no one to Answer?!

  12. #12
    The Philosopher Duke Member Suraknar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tool - EditSF 1.0.7

    Quote Originally Posted by Mouzafphaerre View Post

    Duke Surak'nar back to modding TW! I might give this one a try then

    Well, OK, to be honest no, I'm not going to touch this game... But it's great to see the Duke back at the ORG anyway
    Hello my friend,

    Total War Games are mainstay for me, I buy them all since the first Shogun (Albeit I do not always buy the small region extra Campaigns, I prefer Grand Campaigns).

    And my first stop is always the ORG since the very early days of this place, it has been very nice to see how it evolves. I do not post much but I read allot.

    I just got TW:Attila yesterday. I have been playing Rome2, and still do, I think Rome2 is the first of the best iterations of the game with all the enhancements over the years.

    I love the provincial system, the Armies System, Naval combat and Amphibious/Combined battles is a great addition. And while we somehow lost the ability to make new MAPS in nodding, I like the new Map system too.

    With latest patches I appreciated the improvements additions of types of towns and town specialisation according to Resource availability. I also appreciated the Blacksmith System and that once you have a town with a forge you can distribute better weapons to all troops across the empire.

    I am not sure if that improvement made it to Attila, but I hope it will be updated. Bringing all armies to the province with a forge to upgrade them is very counter intuitive.

    Ahh yes there are very nice Multiplayer options now too, full campaign mode in Coop or Head to head. Coop mode is very nice :)

    In between Rome 2 and Attila I we have almost 1000 years of History to cover, it is very nice to play 3 campaigns Early Rome, then Emperor Edition and finally Attila's Era just prior to the Fall of the Western Empire.

    I believe a great choice to do this instead of M3. Having said this, playing a bit the prologue of Attila, it feels like Medieval somehow, even the pace of the Combat, but of course with all the novelty and all the systems from Rome 2 and more :) Extremely polished I get better performance on Attila than Rome 2 even.

    In either case I recommend both games, I know you will enjoy them :) So do not stay away hahaha!

    Next TW is greatly anticipated not only by myself (as Fantasy Fan too) but most of my MMORPG Guild as well, TW is moving to Fantasy realm, with Warhammer! (I actually have an extensive collection of the Miniatures for teh Table top game, both Warhammer and Warhammer 40K, and Epic Space Marines).

    Looking forward to the Bretonnians and the Eldar of course ;)

    Duke Surak'nar
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  13. #13
    The Philosopher Duke Member Suraknar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tool - EditSF 1.0.7

    Quote Originally Posted by Empire*Of*Media View Post
    no one to Answer?!
    Hello :)

    I have not been able to find this in EditSF.
    Duke Surak'nar
    From: Residing:
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    ~ Ask not what modding can do for you, rather ask what you can do for modding ~
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  14. #14
    The Philosopher Duke Member Suraknar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tool - EditSF 1.0.7

    - NOTICE -

    This tool can still be used for Rome 2 if anyone wishes to continue doing so however, there is a new tool around "Savegame Parser", which is good for most TW games and is more comprehensive/visual.


    Duke Surak'nar
    From: Residing:
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    ~ Ask not what modding can do for you, rather ask what you can do for modding ~
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