Ave Rome II subforum! 
We at the .Org are announcing the The Rome II Serial Screenshot Spectacular!
Here is how it's going to work:
Over the next four weeks, we will have four screenshot competitions, each lasting one week long, and the fifth week will be a finals week, culminating in an Amazon gift card prize of at least $50!
Now that we have your attention, you are probably wondering, how will this work?
Each week, you can submit one photo in the appropriate screenshot submission thread. Initial "voting" will be in the form of how many "thanks" a submission gets (for the newcomers, at the bottom of each individual post there is a thank button you can press). You can "thank" however many submissions you want, but remember, you can only submit one screenshot per week. So you can submit a total of four screenshots during this contest. If you submit more than one per week, we disqualify you from that week's competition. At the end of the week of submissions, we count the number of "thanks" that every submission gets, and the top 10% or so will be in the voting poll, which will be open for three days. And the winner of that poll gets to the final round. In the case of a tie, both go to the final round. This repeats for four weeks, and the final week is a vote between the top submissions, and the winner gets the Amazon gift card!

Now then, for rules:
-You may crop out the UI
-Light photoshopping is allowed. That means things like shaders, things like SweetFX and the Graphic Enhancement Mod are fine. Just don't overdo it.
-As I said before, you may only have one submission a week. If you submit more than one, we will give you a warning, and if you do not heed the warning we disqualify you from that week.
-It doesn't have to be a serious photo if you don't want it to be, but you will be on the same playing field as the serious ones, so it's your choice.
-You may change your submission over the course of the week, only when the semester ends will you be "locked" into a submission.
-Screenshots must obey forum rules.
Good luck!
Weekly winners
Week 1: Untitled by Spoonska
Week 2: Exhausted, but victorious? by Forward Observer
Week 3: Untitled by TarheelDan
Week 4
300 scene re-enactment by chuuch1
Surprise attack on the stockade by Forward Observer