I see people still playing this vintage game for the first time but unsure what version to play, what mods are best, etc. I am reposting my submod. The other had issues.
This is for 1.2 on Alex.exe and you can only play the civilized factions. If you do not know what any of these mods are, each of them have a page.
I have a bare bones version with just citymod and alex if anyone wants. I also have a version with city mod 5.1a. I have many other mods of this game, if any are unavailable I will post if you ask.
1.2 Fixes
City Mod 5.1b (modded for more large/huge cities and MOT)
forced diplomacy minimod
cute wolf's small models unit fix
Konny's Trait Changes
ExUIM-EUonly v1.1 (extended unit info mod)
Darth Formations 16.2 for EB (Modified, v3)
Realistic movement mod
Phalanx mod
EDU rebalance*
Modded walls (added law bonus, cost more time/money)
AI win conditions
*EDU rebalance takes from seer7, 1.3c, and some other changes. Too many changes to list here. Biggest change I made was I adding ap Jav to all Hellenic and eastern Thorakitai.