Am I allowed to talk to you outside the thread about the game? (referring to the game host)
A: Yes of course, and you may also talk to anyone
in your square, in an
adjacent square, or if you have a
communications device and so does your friend. Think: Two-way radio. The instant you are out of contact, however.... you move too far away.... you can't talk to them anymore. Not without that radio device.
How do you find out if anyone is there?
A: You have a certain amount of line of sight which allows you to see people a few tiles away, and you can communicate with and know the name of the players in your "zone of control" which is the 8 tiles surrounding your tile.
By "see", I mean I'll tell you they are there.
You are also allowed to climb on top of a building or structure at your location during the "Interactive Phase" and
listen and observe carefully. Using this course of action will allow you to determine which direction noises are coming from, which will give you a rough approximation of where everyone else in the game is. You just won't know if they are friendly, hostile, human, or zombie. You also won't know precisely their locations or exactly how far.Example: "There are at least a dozen people northwest of your location, fewer people to the south."
Can you attack some one without them attacking back?
A: Yes. A
first strike will cause damage without retaliation on the first round of combat. Then if their orders are to escape from combat, they will flee immediately, if they're still alive.
Can different factions work together / not automatically attack each other?
A: Yes.
What about zombies, can I work with the zombies? Or other, non-zombie monsters?
A: Zombies are different, they
cannot cooperate with you. They are part of the zombie horde and have limitations on what they can do.
Other monsters may be intelligent, but I won't reveal whether or not they're hostile.
Are we able to make noise? Our awarness is limited but sound travels a long way.
A: Well, that's good thinking, but it goes against the limitations of what I designed the game to do. Let's pretend if you were to do something like that, the entire zombie horde comes after you, and that's the reason why you can't. However, there is something in the game, the
flare gun, which if you fire it into the air, everyone on the map can see it and know precisely where it was fired. You can use that to rally people to your location... or lure them into a trap.
Do we start with 0 points on everything? When choosing what to add points to, Is there a limit to the amount of points I can assign to any one attribute ?
A: Most of you start with all your points evenly distributed. You can choose to take away points from one category and add it to the other. So if you don't assign your points, all your skill sets will have an average number of points. And yes, your maximum points in a category at the start of the game is 10.
Other roles in the game have restrictions, minimums, maximums, or completely locked stats, for game balance purposes. Most ordinary townsfolk can customize their stats, however.
If I'm attacked does the attack take a fixed amount of my vitality or does it vary? Could I die in one strike (with no chance to fight back or run away), or would it take many?
A: Some weapons will cause more than one point of damage if you are hit successfully. Yes, you can die in one strike with certain weapons. For example: If you get blasted by the rocket-propelled grenade, you can possibly die instantly. If you get hit repeatedly by an automatic weapon (several shots fired in one combat round) you can lose enough vitality to die that round. Also, some players will have the strength, speed, and skill to cause severe damage with melee weapons.
However, any attack which removes your
final vitality point gets a special 50/50 "saving throw". If you win the "saving throw" you will survive the attack and keep your final vitality point.
Can this save throw be used multiple times? Seems like you could survive a long time if you get lucky.
Yes. Every time your final vitality point is taken away, you have a 50/50 chance at life or death.
This means someone can shoot at you with a machine pistol 4 times in a combat round, and have you miraculously survive each bullet. Or you could die on the first one.
Can you have more then two weapons? Eg, can you have a sniper rifle and a sub machine gun at the same time?
Yes. You can carry an unlimited number of weapons and items and gear.
Also, a related point: During any given combat round can you use more than one weapon, perhaps one in each hand fired simultaneously?
You can use a different weapon on a different combat round, but not two different ones in the same round. The one exception is if you're using two guns that come as a pair. For example there's a pair of machine pistols that come as a pair and
effectively count as one weapon. In all other cases, there are no exceptions.
Can you combine two similar pistols and treat them as a pair?
No. Pistols will be relatively common and there will be little point in having automatic weapons in the game when you could effectively turn common pistols into an automatic weapon simply by holding one in each hand. I know this breaks the realism a bit, but it's for the purposes of simplicity (I have made only rare sacrifices in realism for the sake of simplicity) and game balance. If I allowed that, I'd have to make automatic weapons even more powerful than they already are, and then anyone with automatic weapons will destroy anyone with any other kind of weapon, and that's a game balance issue. They are already powerful enough and I do not believe two handguns are more powerful than a single sub-machine gun, and that's the only reason I won't allow combining two weapons.
Do I need to know anything about Resident Evil?
Nope, you don't need to know anything about Resident evil. For people who aren't fans of the series:
1. The dead people in this game turn into zombies and keep playing. They can be killed with weapons, or you can outrun them.
2. There are non-human creatures that are much bigger and stronger than you. Especially the crowd-busting creature that I will be sending after you. He's about 20 feet tall.
3. Herbs can be mixed together to make heath items or attribute-boosting items.
4. There will be almost no one from the Resident Evil games in this game. 98% of you are all new characters. Yes, you have images that look like RE characters, but that's because I'm not about to make 52 brand-new images. These are new characters, with the rare exception.
5. Some of your fellow townsfolk may simply wish to kill you and take your weapons and items, to increase their chance of survival. Others want you eliminated anyway because they aren't ordinary townsfolk.
Can I go into the river?
There may be zombie fish which will um.... eat you.
Like piranhas, except they are undead and super, super strong and extra bloodthirsty.
Does the river have sharks?
would have sharks, but this particular mountain river doesn't have any.
As a Botanist, does it mean that i have a 50% chance of finding herbs (during search mode) regardless of search value?
50% during search mode regardless. You find herbs 50% of the time on average regardless of how bad your search value is.
If i increase my search stat, would this chance increase with it?
Nope, just your chance of finding OTHER items and weapons.
The combined herbs that give +1 or +2 vitality; that essentially means getting more stats points right?
All of your stats can increase depending on which herbs you find. Some herbs heal you. The really good herbs are rare.
Is there a limit to the number of items we can carry?
combat is good for guns but not so for melee yes?
Combat is important in all forms of... combat. Strength just enhances the damage you do in melee. But think of combat as your TO-HIT-YOUR-OPPONENT percentage no matter what.
What's the difference between strength and combat?
Combat is your To-hit-your-opponent percentage. Strength, as it pertains to combat, relates only to melee, and it increases the damage of your physical attack weapon, not your guns, if any.
Can people inside a group have different commands? For example, one guy is in Search mode, while the other is guarding in Defense mode and the third is in Stealth mode?
People inside a group can have different commands, absolutely!
Can players give other players gifts or exchange equipment?
Yes, players can gift or exchange equipment. Both parties inform the host of their intent, and they must be in the same square or adjacent squares.
I take it you can still choose what weapon to use vs what enemy?
I suppose I need to know how the zombie can move (can they only walk?)
NPC Zombies can
walk or
run, but cannot
What mechanics does helmets and armour use? Luck boost for combat only?
Luck no longer affects combat at all. If anything they will decrease the amount of damage sustained per combat round or they will have a % chance of doing so built-in.
Are there rare herbs, and how do they interact with the Botany skill?
There are rare herbs. Once you get your 50/50 shot of landing an herb, if you did get an herb, high luck affects your chances of obtaining a rare herb.
You can search both in the movement round and the interactive round. Does that give 2 search occurences during a single total round? One before you can see how it looks like at your ending place and one when you can see where you ended up?
You can search while moving (if moving slowly) to cover the entire territory you are walking in. You can do a thorough search of the tile you're in plus the 8 tiles around you by searching during the Interactive round.
- If you choose Search Mode, you will search all tiles that you cross, as you move.
- You'll only be able to search the tile you arrive at, none of the in-between tiles
- You may not use "Search" mode. You're running too fast to look for anything, and you'll be out of breath when you arrive at your location, you'll be forced to rest rather than search anything.
So if you Sprint, you cannot even Search at all.
If you Run or Walk, doing a search at your new location is clearly superior than not doing so, given you're searching the tile and the 8 tiles around it.
If you Walk, you're also thoroughly searching every tile you move across, which highly improves your odds of finding a rare item tile or an ultra rare item, since you aren't skipping any tiles whatsoever.
However, if you have already searched a tile, it becomes a tile that yields nothing when you search it.
what is (if any) difference between having, lets say, 1 or 3 strength?
There is, frankly, no difference.
4 strength is the first time you got a noticeable difference, which is a boost to melee combat. The next boost is at 7 strength, for melee combat.
5 strength will be the minimum needed to bust down any doors or into any windows in the city. This refers to ordinary unmarked buildings like offices and residences.
6 strength will be the minimum needed to bust down any important landmarks or whatever, however most key buildings require more strength than that.
I will have buildings that require 7, 8, 9, and 10 strength to open. (These will have
keys to open, you have to have massive strength to ignore the key requirement)
So therefore, if you put any points into Strength, it should be a minimum of 4 or 5.
Otherwise it is a dump stat.
Do we have any built-in damage reductions if we lose a combat round?
You now need armor-type items to reduce damage. Luck no longer serves that purpose.
Are zombies searching or not by default
Non-player character zombies with the exception of El Gigante do not "search".El Gigante does not search unless 50% (or more) of the players in the group that he is chasing are hiding. Then he searches because he smells many more people than he can see.
Pizza, what does El Gigante and the zombies consider a group? Is it only people in the same tile, the same zone of control, or just the same general area?
A "
group" is defined as the largest concentration (within 1 tile of the
center of mass) of a "chain" of people.
A "
chain" of people is any group of people linked contiguously by others in adjacent tiles or the same tile.
So, if there are 3 people in one tile connected to one person in another tile connected to one person in yet another tile connected to two people in the final tile, the "center of mass" is the person connected to the three people, and the one person, and that's where El Gigante will strike. The two people are too far away from the center of mass to be impacted by the battle.
So 3 connected to 1 connected to 1 connected to 2, the largest concentration that El Gigante can hit is by landing on this guy highlighted in blue:
So 3 connected to
This Guy Right Here connected to 1 connected to 2
Because then El Gigante can hit the following:
These three connected to
This Guy Right Here connected to
This last guy connected to 2 who are too far away
Gets 5 out of 7. Assuming El Gigante can move that far.