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Thread: Resident Evil 2: STORY THREAD

  1. #1
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Default Resident Evil 2: STORY THREAD

    [This thread is for rules, information, and public writeups for the Resident Evil 2 game.]
    [This thread is for official use only, no discussion may take place here.





    August 2010

    Mere months after the viral outbreak in Dark Falls, in the nearby town of Southgate, Montana

    There is a wave of missing persons reports

    Prisoners at the maximum security prison are reported missing, presumably they escaped

    Patients at the home for the mentally ill are also reported missing

    Soon, terminally ill patients at the hospital begin to vanish, and their bodies are never found

    Then, from the streets of Southgate, many ordinary citizens begin to disappear

    No one is safe. Even the police report that some of their own have gone missing

    September 2010

    The tide of missing persons reports begins to ebb

    The crimes were never solved, however

    Later on, health inspectors shut down the water treatment facility due to code violations

    Water is pumped in from elsewhere to compensate


    People begin to get really sick.

    October 2010

    The entire town of Southgate, Montana is quarantined by the Federal Government.

    An outbreak of the Omega virus has rendered the city uninhabitable

    The President of the United States is forced to make the call

    The entire town of Southgate, Montana must be sterilized.

    Only nuclear weapons are known to be effective in completely wiping out the virus

    But Congress is still divided. The Hawk Party of the United States, although normally quite willing to take drastic measures

    Opposes the current President and seeks to regain control of the Presidency in 2012

    They declare the current President to be soft on global terrorism

    Yet too willing to use nuclear arms on his own citizens

    The current President gives an address and states that in an emergency such as this

    He has the authority to unilaterally make this decision

    But that he does not want to proceed without first consulting Congress

    Putting the question back to them, and forcing a partisan debate

    Meanwhile, the people of Southgate are suffering and dying

    And when they die, their bodies do not remain still

    Within a week, the bodies begin to rise

    Soon, the living who have shown no signs of illness suddenly turn

    And the infected begin to attack and consume whatever is in their path

    The chaos is unimaginable, and no one is allowed to evacuate

    Martial law is declared, and rioting in the streets reaches a fevered pitch

    Days later.... the riots end

    As the voices of the uninfected slowly are silenced

    And replaced with moaning

    And gnashing

    And chomping

    But not all of the citizens of Southgate were affected.

    A few dozen people wake up scattered throughout the town

    With no memory of the events of the past two months

    And find that they are unaffected by the virus, they appear to be immune

    They find that escape from Southgate is quite impossible

    It is as though someone erected a massive, invisible force field around the city

    Which they cannot penetrate

    If they try to leave, their bodies become weak, and they lose all muscle control, and cannot breathe

    Something is preventing them from leaving.

    Or Someone.

    It's obvious that the Umbrella corporation was involved somehow, but

    Southgate Montana is actually home to one of the largest SynTech Systems research facilities in the United States

    And they have been known to operate with the same reckless disregard for human life as Umbrella.

    There are definitely other players involved, but it isn't immediately clear how they are involved.

    But one thing is clear:

    The survivors of Southgate must free themselves and escape the city

    Before they are all consumed by the zombie horde.


    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 11-23-2013 at 14:20.

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  2. #2
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: STORY THREAD

    Links to Chapters of the Story


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    1. Amsel
    2. Andres
    3. AntiDamascus
    4. Autolycus
    5. Backwards Logic
    6. Beefy187
    7. BSmith
    8. CHarry
    9. Chief Pappy
    10. Choxorn
    11. crys
    12. Darth Feather
    13. Diana Abnoba
    14. Double A
    15. edse
    16. El Barto
    17. Ferret
    18. Flying Squid with Goggles
    19. Frozen in ice
    20. Gaius Scribonius Curio
    21. gnarlycharlie
    22. Gregoshi
    23. Ibn-Khaldun
    24. ihcjay
    25. Ironside
    26. Ishmael
    27. issaikhaan
    28. Jarema
    29. Jolt
    30. JRodd
    31. Major Robert Dump
    32. Makrell
    33. metsandfinsfan
    34. Montmorency
    35. Naut
    36. Nick Royale
    37. Pokedel
    38. Seon
    39. Sprig
    40. Stildawn
    41. Stuck in Pi
    42. The Moocher
    43. TheFlax
    44. TheLastDays
    45. Tiaexz
    46. ​TMLeafs1967
    47. UncleDynamite
    48. White_Eyes:D
    49. Winston Hughes
    50. Zack
    51. Zain


    1. Rikand
    2. Clockwork Jackal
    3. Ekolite
    4. Visorslash

    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 12-02-2013 at 00:05.

  3. #3
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: STORY THREAD

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1. Observe all the Gameroom rules as posted in the Gameroom subforum. They are stickied for easy reference. The major thing that applies to this game is sportsmanship, because unlike most games, there are some aspects of the game I simply cannot police. I need you to be mature and not do things which break the game, as described here.

    Please do not grumble about the outcome of the game, or any delays that may occur. Be a good sport!

    2. PRIVATE COMMUNICATION outside the thread about the game, and PUBLIC discussion about the game is not allowed unless specified exactly by the game host.

    No seriously, this is the biggest rule of them all. Most of you cannot communicate telepathically across a city, so unless you have an item which allows such communication, you cannot talk to your friends or enemies about the game in any way shape or form. You may mention the game in passing to a friend who is not playing if you wish, but do not divulge your current stats, weapons, location, or other sensitive personal information. You never know who your friend might tell that information to... and having your friend communicate this information to other players on purpose is an intentional rule break and it is not allowed, no exceptions.

    If someone accidentally breaks this rule, please inform me immediately, and I'll send them a friendly warning. This is the best outcome for that situation. Otherwise, you're on the hook for this rule break as well.


    This particular rule is so important, that I need to be informed of any accidental rule breaks here immediately, to maintain the game balance. It is possible to keep playing, but there may be a penalty. Depending on the situation, I may have to release you from the game. However I value honesty and you may play other games of mine. Repeated or (In My Opinion) Intentional rule breaks will result in a ban from this and possibly future games.

    3. Screenshots or quoting/full revealing your "Role PM" and any other message from the game host is banned.

    However, you may tell people your name, your general objective, and what items or weapons you have, at your own peril. Just do not copy/paste my role PM, and do not ask anyone to reveal their role PM. Remember, the above rule (Number Two) still applies... you can't reveal anything to anyone you don't have contact with. (This means you need to have a method of communication, or you need to be in the same grid coordinate or you need to be in adjacent grid coordinates)

    4. When you die

    You can continue play as a zombie, provided you be a good sport. This is your best chance of scoring well if you die. The participation points and opportunities to score are quite real, and you can still have a wonderful time. If you don't want to be a zombie when you die let me know.


    I will allow for there being a public thread for commenting. However, the following is strictly enforced:

    You are not to discuss any of the following-

    1) Who you are in the game
    2) Where you are in the game
    3) What you plan on doing in the game
    4) Reveal any game-related information that you have obtained during the game

    What can you do?

    A) Comment on how awesome the writeups are
    B) Comment on how lousy the writeups are
    C) Prod the game host to "GET ON WITH IT"
    D) Ask a question to the game hosts which does not reveal private information.
    E) Want to say something else? Get permission first, please.

    6. Other rules

    If I need to adjust the rules or aspects of the game, I as the host have the prerogative to do so. I will attempt to keep my hands off, but if I need to make a final balancing adjustment to the game or add or remove elements of the game, I reserve that right.

    However, every change I make to the game (if any) will be logged and made public, with apologies that I did not do my job as a game designer and iron out any difficulties beforehand. If this change affects your character or your play in any way, you reserve the right to protest such an action, and you will get my sincere apologies. If I accidentally made your weapon too powerful, then I have learned my lesson for next time. However, if there is a major problem with the game (such as the LUCK stat being too powerful that it prevented normal combat) I may adjust its strength, globally, and announce that change. Other than that, I really have to leave the game as-is and hope for the best. Any change will be made in good faith and with the best interests of fairness and fun.

    7. Phase length

    The reality of this game is that my real life schedule will greatly impact when new rounds begin.

    You will have a minimum of 3 days (72 hours) to send in Movement Phase orders.
    You will have a minimum of 2 days (48 hours) to send in Interactive Phase orders.

    You may attempt to send in missing orders after this deadline for an additional 24 hours, and I will attempt to carry out your wishes as best I can, however, if my hosting duties have already progressed too far to fully accept them, your orders will essentially be to either stand still and waste a turn, or arrive too late to your destination to do anything the following phase, depending on the severity of how your late orders would affect the outcome. That's why it behooves you to get your orders in on time.

    Please note it may sometimes (or often) take longer than 24 hours to resolve your orders. Be patient, this game is more work than hosting 10 large complicated mafia games at once, or hosting 3 huge sized mish-mash games for you 2+2 types. I have a co-host and a backup co-host and this will still be more work than I can always handle within a 24 hour period.

    I reserve the right to add a new rule here, if I need to do so I will announce it. Otherwise, just seven rules to worry about.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    ACTIVITY (20%)

    Premise: Your final RANK is determined by the following weighted factors.

    Each one of the factors will be scored and ranked individually along a percentile curve. Then, like a final grade, each percentile score will be averaged with the others, with different weights given to each.

    Let's begin with the easiest one:


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Each phase you send in a valid order on time, you will get 1,000 points.
    Each phase you send in an invalid order, or a late order, you will get 500 points instead.
    Each phase you send in no order, I deduct 500 points.

    Each phase you are alive, you will get 1,000 points.
    Each phase you are dead, and sending in valid orders, you get 500 points instead of 1,000.

    Removed from play for inactivity:
    I deduct 1,000,000 points


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    • Survivor team (rival: Zombie Team)
    • Serial Killers (rival: Serial Killers)
    • Zombie team (rival: Survivor Team)
    • Umbrella versus SynTech

    Team Standing:

    If your team is eliminated from play, your rivals get a one-time Team Standing score bonus. Since the Zombie Team cannot be eliminated from play, the last Survivor escaping from Southgate means their defeat, as long as enough survivors have escaped to achieve Team Victory for the Survivors.

    Survivor Team Survives Bonus: 20,000 points.
    Zombie Team Defeats Survivors: 20,000 points.
    Serial Killer outlasts another Serial Killer: 10,000 points each instance.
    Umbrella Team Outlasts/escapes before SynTech Team: 20,000 points
    SynTech Team Outlasts/escapes before Umbrella Team: 20,000 points
    Other teams: Spoiler information contained within. Hidden from public view.

    Team Elimination:

    If your team (a member of your team) defeats the final member of your rival team, an additional bonus is given to the entire team.

    Survivor eliminates final member of any faction: 5,000 points each
    Zombie Team slays the final Town Survivor: 10,000 points.
    Serial Killer personally slays another Serial Killer: 20,000 points
    Umbrella Team slays last SynTech member: 10,000 points
    SynTech Team slays last Umbrella member: 10,000 points

    Plus a bonus for the player responsible: 5,000 additional points.

    Other teams: Spoiler information contained within. Hidden from public view.

    Team Objectives:

    Survivor Team

    • 10 Survivors must "Free" themselves- 20,000 points
    • 10 survivors must Escape Southgate- 20,000 points

    Zombie Team

    • Leon S Kennedy is destroyed- 30,000 points
    • Less than 10 survivors escape Southgate- 20,000 points

    Other teams: Spoiler information contained within. Hidden from public view.


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Primary Objective achievement: 15,000 points for a single instance, 4,000 points for multiple instances.

    Avoid primary objective penalty = 10,000 points for a single instance

    Secondary Objective achievement: 10,000 points for a single instance, 2,000 points for multiple instances.

    Tertiary Objective achievement: 5,000 points per instance.

    Personally survive the game: 10,000 points

    Slay El Gigante: 25,000 points

    Slay Leon S. Kennedy (if not teammate): 10,000 points

    Slay Umbrella Operative (if not objective): 5,000 points

    Slay SynTech Operative (if not objective): 5,000 points

    Slay Serial Killer: 10,000 points

    Slay any player: 2,500 per player killed

    Slay any NPC: 1,000 per NPC killed.
    Open a building: 2,000 points

    Obtain very important item: 2,000 points

    Chainsaw-wielding Maniac- Awarded for getting the largest total number of player kills- 10,000

    Others: To be determined.

    Judges Awards
    Chaotix, Askthepizzaguy, GH give out these awards.
    Limit 10 per type of award per judge.

    We do not have to give out all 10. Some can have fewer numbers.

    Green Herb award- Awarded for excellent teamwork

    Red Herb award- Awarded for very clever use of items

    Yellow Herb award- Awarded for surviving several brushes with death

    Blue Herb award- Awarded for fast completion of the game

    Brown Herb award- Awarded for unlocking key landmarks

    Black Herb award- Awarded for impressive use of stealth

    Purple Herb award- Awarded for detecting infiltrators

    Orange Herb award- Awarded for impressive item finding

    Silver Herb Award- Awarded for assisting others in victorious escape

    Golden Herb Award- Awarded for best overall effort
    One per Judge.

    Tyler's Crest- Recognition for excellent participation and sportsmanship

    Manhole Cover- Awarded for victory by sheer luck alone

    Flare gun- Awarded for alerting others to possible routes of escape

    The Striker- Awarded for defeating multiple foes at once

    The Sniper- Awarded for defeating a foe from a distance

    Killer 7- Awarded for going it alone and still achieving victory

    Golden Lugers- Awarded for winning a difficult battle against the odds

    Gatling Gun- Awarded for winning multiple battles

    Cold Steel Dragonfly- Awarded for being the last man standing

    RPG7- Awarded for winning the decisive battle of the game

    Virus Sample- Awarded for successful completion of extraction mission

    Chainsaw- Awarded for most aggressive play
    One per Judge.

    Dynamite- Awarded for best explosion
    One per Judge.

    Best Survivor
    One per Judge.

    Best Zombie
    One per Judge.

    Best SynTech
    One per Judge.

    Best Umbrella
    One per Judge.

    Honorable mention
    Three per Judge

    Team Ranking = highest Team score total/rating
    Individual Ranking = highest Individual performance score/rating
    Activity Ranking = highest Activity score/rating

    To determine overall ranking, use the following formula:


    Highest Activity Score = 100%
    example: 50,000 was the highest score. That now represents 100%.
    Therefore, multiply all Activity scores by 0.002 (The multiplier which causes the highest score to become a total of exactly 100) to determine Activity Rating of each player.


    Highest Individual Score = 100%
    example: 50,000 was the highest score. That now represents 100%.
    Therefore, multiply all Activity scores by 0.002 (The multiplier which causes the highest score to become a total of exactly 100) to determine Individual Rating of each player.


    Highest Team Score = 100%
    example: 50,000 was the highest score. That now represents 100%.
    Therefore, multiply all Activity scores by 0.002 (The multiplier which causes the highest score to become a total of exactly 100) to determine Individual Rating of each player.



    Activity Rating (x2) Individual Rating (x4) Team Rating (x4) [Divided by 10] = OVERALL PERFORMANCE RATING


    1. total points scored
    2. Performance rating


    By overall performance rating, and will also show ranks for the 3 scoring categories just for your information. But only the final overall performance rating will count.
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 12-02-2013 at 00:06.

  4. #4
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: STORY THREAD

    Game Mechanics

    Movement Round
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    Free actions:

    1) Communicate with people in same or adjacent tiles

    Elective options:

    Player Movement Choice:

    • A) Walk (4) Max 2 diagonal, 1 straight ; Max 4 straight
    • B) Run (6) Max 4 diagonal ; Max 6 straight
    • C) Sprint (8) Max 5 diagonal, 1 straight ; Max 8 straight
    • D) Ambush (0) - Only applies to those who have already prepared an Ambush. Successful Ambush allows FIRST STRIKE

    Walk = +1 combat due to extra caution
    Diagonal = 1.4 movement points
    Straight = 1 movement point

    Player Action Choice:

    • 1) Defend (+1 combat)
    • 2) Hide (Stealth mode) = Allows you to Ambush those who have failed to spot you in the next Interactive Phase.
    • 3) Search

    Player Combat Choice:

    • X) Escape (Flee Combat Immediately)
    • Y) Non-Lethal (Fight until sustain X amount of damage, then Flee)
    • Z) Lethal

    Player Target Choice:

    • 1) Attack All
    • 2) Attack Strangers
    • 3) Attack Non-Humans only
    • 4) Attack Zombies only
    • 5) Self-defense only
    • 6) Attack X (specific known target)

    Movement rules:

    You cannot move through river tiles (that is to say, crossing through them) you must move around them. If you send an order that is illegal, I'll move you as close to your target location as legally allowed.

    Note that your movement can be interrupted by a successful ambush that causes you to flee. Often times, you'll flee in the opposite direction. Maybe you get lucky and flee in the right direction. The trouble is, it's not up to you which way you flee! It is random.

    If you move into the zone of control of someone who has prepared an ambush, and they elected to engage you, and you don't spot them, the ambush is successful.

    If their ambush fails, you gain the first strike, and if you flee immediately, you'll flee in the correct direction (where you intended to go). If you do not flee immediately, but later flee from battle, it means your opponent gained the upper hand and you lost your chance to move in the correct direction. Your flee direction is randomized.

    If you do not flee and your opponent does flee or is defeated by you, you'll move in the right direction.

    Interactive Round
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Free actions:

    1) Communicate with people in same or adjacent tiles
    2) Trade items with people in same or adjacent tiles
    3) Interact with the game environment (see: interactions)

    • Break into building using Strength, then Search or Barricade (If you did not just Sprint)
    • Break into building using an Item (such as a key) then Search or Barricade (If you did not just Sprint)
    • Climb on top of the building using the Fire Escape, then Barricade
    • Barricade oneself (open buildings only)
    • Use the Subway
    • Use the Elevated Train
    • Obtain Gasoline
    • Attempt to commandeer vehicle
    • Attempt to use Ferry
    • Sabotage equipment
    • Other options, location specific

    Barricade inside / Top of building = Negates the ability to escape during combat.
    Rule/Mechanics addendum: Climbing on top of a building automatically gives you +1 sight range, +2 with a sniper weapon.

    Elective options:

    • Ambush target (Only if you're already hiding) Successful Ambush allows FIRST STRIKE
    • Hide/Prepare an Ambush (Allows you to attack targets crossing your zone of control in the next Movement Phase instead of moving)
    • Search and Destroy (look for items and attack hidden targets)
    • Normal Search (look for items)
    • Pursue (follow a specific player in your zone of control = guarantees ending up in same tile, follow a specific player in visual range = no guarantee)
    • Attack Target (Choose which specific targets to attack before they move)
    • Do nothing (reduces risk of being attacked by hidden monsters)
    • Defend (Same as Do nothing, but with +1 combat)

    Sprinting removes Ambush, Hide/Prepare, Search, Search and Destroy, and Defend as viable options.
    Combat Mechanics:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Zone of Control: the 8 tiles surrounding your location, plus the tile you are standing on.
    Ambush: Allows you to attack targets of your choosing (who pass into or through your Zone of Control) instead of moving.

    A normal battle takes place within 1 tile (in all directions) of the aggressor's target. Anyone who is allied to or directly attacked by the aggressor will be involved. Anyone who is allied to the target(s) is involved as well, provided they are within the 1-tile radius. (9 tiles affected)

    Sniper battles only involve the sniper and his target, who returns fire if that target also has a sniper weapon. No one else is involved with that unless they also have a sniper weapon and are within 1 tile of the aggressor's target.

    Types of weapons:

    Melee Weapons: No penalty to same-tile targets.
    • Adjacent-tile targets get First Strike when attacking or defending (with a ranged weapon only).
    • The Melee weapon holder must close the distance to attack, after all.
    • The Melee weapon holder has the advantage against a Sniper Weapon even in an adjacent tile, because Sniper weapons are difficult to use against close targets on the move.

    Melee weapons are typically very dangerous, especially in the hands of someone with high Strength in addition to Combat.

    Ranged Weapons: No penalty to adjacent-tile targets.
    • Same-tile targets get First Strike when attacking (with a melee weapon only).
    • The Melee weapon holder has already closed distance and has an advantage in close-quarters.

    Ranged weapons are typically dangerous in the hands of someone with high Combat, especially when they have the First Strike.

    Sniper Weapons: Same-tile targets get First Strike when attacking or defending.
    • Allows you to target anyone within 3 tiles with one shot, anyone outside your zone of control cannot return fire unless they have a Sniper weapon. Otherwise there is only one round of combat, as the target will take cover if they cannot return fire.
    • If the target can return fire, normal combat rules apply.
    • If the Sniper is attacked, the Sniper can only squeeze off one shot before being forced into melee or normal ranged combat.
    • If the Sniper hits the target, the target becomes aware of the Sniper's location.
    • Sniper weapons are treated as Ranged weapons in other situations, except against a Melee weapon, which gets first strike if the Melee weapon user is attacking the Sniper.

    Sniper weapons are typically the least dangerous in prolonged combat, but useful to gain attacks on targets which cannot return fire.
    Combat Rounds:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Order of operations:

    First Strike Rounds

    1) Ambush-related First Strikes (simultaneous with one another), then
    2) Saving Throws (if necessary)
    3) All other First Strikes (simultaneous with one another), then
    4) Saving Throws (if necessary)

    Normal First Combat Round

    5) Attackers strike all their targets. (simultaneous) Then,
    6) Targets now flee if they elected to Flee Combat Immediately. Then,
    7) Whether the target(s) is(are) slain or not, the target(s) has(have) the opportunity to return fire. (simultaneous) Then,
    8) All Targets and Attackers now flee if they elected to engage in Non-Lethal combat and have sustained the appropriate minimum level of damage. Then,
    9) Saving Throws (if necessary)
    10) Next Normal Combat Round begins. However, everyone is now considered an "Attacker".

    Normal Second (etc) Combat Round

    11) Attackers strike all their targets. (simultaneous) Then,
    12) Targets now flee if they elected to engage in Non-Lethal combat and have sustained the appropriate minimum level of damage. Then,
    13) Saving Throws (if necessary)
    14) Next Normal Combat Round begins. Repeat this round until all attackers and targets have either fled the battle, or been slain, or are victorious.
    Search/Luck, Rare items, Special tiles:
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Mechanics Addendums:

    Terms you should understand:

    Normal items
    Rare items
    Ultra-rare items
    Search Stat
    Luck Stat
    Botany Skill
    Regular tile
    Rare tile
    Ultra-rare tile

    Normally, your Search stat determines the rate at which you find items.
    1 point in Search means you have a 40% chance of finding normal items on a regular playing tile. Each additional point improves your chances of finding normal items.

    Search Stat mechanics:

    1- 40%
    2- 45%
    3- 50%
    4- 55%
    5- 60%
    6- 65%
    7- 70%
    8- 80%
    9- 90%
    10- 100%

    Your Luck stat cannot be modified
    and is directly related to (specifically, the inverse of) your BASE vitality (the average vitality you begin the game with) or in some cases, it is simply determined by the game host because you have a special role which has all 7 in every stat. Adjusting your base vitality does not move your Luck stat. Note: this is a mechanics change from a previous announcement.

    Luck determines the rate at which you find RARE items instead of normal items in a regular playing tile. You must first find an item, then your Luck modifier determines how rare it is.

    1- 20%
    2- 25%
    3- 30%
    4- 35%
    5- 40%
    6- 45%

    7- 50%
    8- 65%
    9- 80%
    10- 90%

    Botany skill- regardless of your search stat, you have a 50% chance of finding healing or stat-boosting herbs as long as you are on a regular or rare playing tile. If you do not find an herb, you find an item as if you did not have the Botany skill, at a rate determined by your Search stat.

    Rare tiles are tiles which yield a rare item regardless of your Luck stat, as long as you successfully Search that tile.

    Ultra-rare playing tiles yield an item regardless of whether or not you have even performed a Search, as long as you land on that playing tile.

    Some tiles in the game are the location of unique items you REQUIRE to win the game, therefore simply move to that location to obtain it.

    Some items in the game are not just unique, there are only a certain maximum number of those items allowed to be collected from that location.

    Some items are so rare that there is only one of them in the entire game, to be replaced only if the person who found it died and no one was there to pick it up. The replaced item can be found at the location it was originally found.
    Stats, how do they work?
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    More mechanics-related info.


    1-3 = no bonus for melee, no unarmed damage.
    4-6 = +1 damage per combat round with melee weapon, 1 damage unarmed
    7-9 = +2 damage per combat round with melee weapon, 2 damage unarmed
    10-12 (yes its possible to boost your stats above 10) = +3 damage per combat round with melee weapon, 3 damage unarmed
    13-15 = +4 damage per combat round with melee weapon, 4 damage unarmed
    15-17 = +5 damage per combat round with melee weapon, 5 damage unarmed

    In case you're wondering why anyone would bother with melee, this is the reason.

    Would you like an axe to the head taking off like 5 damage per combat round? That's like half your maximum possible starting health per.... second.

    It's also why El Gigante is such a freakishly powerful menace even though he's unarmed.


    Each point is another point of damage you can sustain before you have to make a saving throw.
    When you reach zero vitality you have to make a saving throw, 50/50 chance of death except for the first time it happens. No one dies on the first hit no matter how much damage they sustain. If you win the toss, you survive with 1 vitality remaining. If you lose, you're dead.

    You can recover lost vitality by being healed by a doctor, finding a healing item, or using a powerful mixture of rare herbs to give yourself auto-regeneration power.


    Normally, your Search stat determines the rate at which you find items.
    1 point in Search means you have a 40% chance of finding normal items on a regular playing tile. Each additional point improves your chances of finding normal items.

    Search Stat mechanics:

    1- 40%
    2- 45%
    3- 50%
    4- 55%
    5- 60%
    6- 65%
    7- 70%
    8- 80%
    9- 90%
    10- 100%

    Your Luck stat cannot be modified
    and is directly related to (specifically, the inverse of) your BASE vitality (the average vitality you begin the game with) or in some cases, it is simply determined by the game host because you have a special role which has all 7 in every stat. Adjusting your base vitality does not move your Luck stat. Note: this is a mechanics change from a previous announcement.


    Luck determines the rate at which you find RARE items instead of normal items in a regular playing tile. You must first find an item, then your Luck modifier determines how rare it is.

    1- 20%
    2- 25%
    3- 30%
    4- 35%
    5- 40%
    6- 45%

    7- 50%
    8- 65%
    9- 80%
    10- 90%


    Improves your to-hit percentage or reduces your opponent's to-hit percentage, depending on who is attacking whom.

    Combat V Combat
    Your combat versus their combat

    1 versus 10= 5% chance of hit, opponent has 95% chance of hitting you
    2 versus 9= 15% chance of hit, opponent has 85% chance of hitting you
    3 versus 8= 25% chance of hit, opponent has 75% chance of hitting you
    4 versus 7= 35% chance of hit, opponent has 65% chance of hitting you
    5 versus 6= 45% chance of hit, opponent has 55% chance of hitting you
    5 versus 5= 50% chance of hit, opponent has 50% chance of hitting you
    6 versus 5= 55% chance of hit, opponent has 45% chance of hitting you
    7 versus 4= 65% chance of hit, opponent has 35% chance of hitting you
    8 versus 3= 75% chance of hit, opponent has 25% chance of hitting you
    9 versus 2= 85% chance of hit, opponent has 15% chance of hitting you
    10 versus 1= 95% chance of hit, opponent has 5% chance of hitting you

    In short:
    Each point you have over your opponent reduces their odds of hitting you by 5% and improves your odds of hitting them by 5%


    Stealth allows you to hide or ambush. Hide is successful if you beat your opponent's search check.

    Stealth versus Search

    1 versus 10= 5% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 95% chance of finding you
    2 versus 9= 15% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 85% chance of finding you
    3 versus 8= 25% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 75% chance of finding you
    4 versus 7= 35% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 65% chance of finding you
    5 versus 6= 45% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 55% chance of finding you
    5 versus 5= 50% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 50% chance of finding you
    6 versus 5= 55% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 45% chance of finding you
    7 versus 4= 65% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 35% chance of finding you
    8 versus 3= 75% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 25% chance of finding you
    9 versus 2= 85% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 15% chance of finding you
    10 versus 1= 95% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 5% chance of finding you

    Stealth versus someone not even searching

    1 versus 10= 25% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 75% chance of finding you
    2 versus 9= 30% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 70% chance of finding you
    3 versus 8= 40% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 60% chance of finding you
    4 versus 7= 50% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 50% chance of finding you
    5 versus 6= 60% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 40% chance of finding you
    5 versus 5= 75% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 25% chance of finding you
    6 versus 5= 80% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 20% chance of finding you
    7 versus 4= 90% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 10% chance of finding you
    8 versus 3= 100% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 0% chance of finding you
    9 versus 2= 100% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 0% chance of finding you
    10 versus 1= 100% chance of remaining hidden, opponent has 0% chance of finding you
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 11-23-2013 at 12:26.

  5. #5
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: STORY THREAD

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Am I allowed to talk to you outside the thread about the game? (referring to the game host)

    A: Yes of course, and you may also talk to anyone in your square, in an adjacent square, or if you have a communications device and so does your friend. Think: Two-way radio. The instant you are out of contact, however.... you move too far away.... you can't talk to them anymore. Not without that radio device.

    How do you find out if anyone is there?

    A: You have a certain amount of line of sight which allows you to see people a few tiles away, and you can communicate with and know the name of the players in your "zone of control" which is the 8 tiles surrounding your tile.

    By "see", I mean I'll tell you they are there.

    You are also allowed to climb on top of a building or structure at your location during the "Interactive Phase" and listen and observe carefully. Using this course of action will allow you to determine which direction noises are coming from, which will give you a rough approximation of where everyone else in the game is. You just won't know if they are friendly, hostile, human, or zombie. You also won't know precisely their locations or exactly how far.Example: "There are at least a dozen people northwest of your location, fewer people to the south."

    Can you attack some one without them attacking back?

    A: Yes. A first strike will cause damage without retaliation on the first round of combat. Then if their orders are to escape from combat, they will flee immediately, if they're still alive.

    Can different factions work together / not automatically attack each other?

    A: Yes.

    What about zombies, can I work with the zombies? Or other, non-zombie monsters?

    A: Zombies are different, they cannot cooperate with you. They are part of the zombie horde and have limitations on what they can do.

    Other monsters may be intelligent, but I won't reveal whether or not they're hostile.

    Are we able to make noise? Our awarness is limited but sound travels a long way.

    A: Well, that's good thinking, but it goes against the limitations of what I designed the game to do. Let's pretend if you were to do something like that, the entire zombie horde comes after you, and that's the reason why you can't. However, there is something in the game, the flare gun, which if you fire it into the air, everyone on the map can see it and know precisely where it was fired. You can use that to rally people to your location... or lure them into a trap.

    Do we start with 0 points on everything? When choosing what to add points to, Is there a limit to the amount of points I can assign to any one attribute ?

    A: Most of you start with all your points evenly distributed. You can choose to take away points from one category and add it to the other. So if you don't assign your points, all your skill sets will have an average number of points. And yes, your maximum points in a category at the start of the game is 10.

    Other roles in the game have restrictions, minimums, maximums, or completely locked stats, for game balance purposes. Most ordinary townsfolk can customize their stats, however.

    If I'm attacked does the attack take a fixed amount of my vitality or does it vary? Could I die in one strike (with no chance to fight back or run away), or would it take many?

    A: Some weapons will cause more than one point of damage if you are hit successfully. Yes, you can die in one strike with certain weapons. For example: If you get blasted by the rocket-propelled grenade, you can possibly die instantly. If you get hit repeatedly by an automatic weapon (several shots fired in one combat round) you can lose enough vitality to die that round. Also, some players will have the strength, speed, and skill to cause severe damage with melee weapons.

    However, any attack which removes your final vitality point gets a special 50/50 "saving throw". If you win the "saving throw" you will survive the attack and keep your final vitality point.

    Can this save throw be used multiple times? Seems like you could survive a long time if you get lucky.

    Yes. Every time your final vitality point is taken away, you have a 50/50 chance at life or death.

    This means someone can shoot at you with a machine pistol 4 times in a combat round, and have you miraculously survive each bullet. Or you could die on the first one.

    Can you have more then two weapons? Eg, can you have a sniper rifle and a sub machine gun at the same time?

    Yes. You can carry an unlimited number of weapons and items and gear.

    Also, a related point: During any given combat round can you use more than one weapon, perhaps one in each hand fired simultaneously?

    You can use a different weapon on a different combat round, but not two different ones in the same round. The one exception is if you're using two guns that come as a pair. For example there's a pair of machine pistols that come as a pair and effectively count as one weapon. In all other cases, there are no exceptions.

    Can you combine two similar pistols and treat them as a pair?

    No. Pistols will be relatively common and there will be little point in having automatic weapons in the game when you could effectively turn common pistols into an automatic weapon simply by holding one in each hand. I know this breaks the realism a bit, but it's for the purposes of simplicity (I have made only rare sacrifices in realism for the sake of simplicity) and game balance. If I allowed that, I'd have to make automatic weapons even more powerful than they already are, and then anyone with automatic weapons will destroy anyone with any other kind of weapon, and that's a game balance issue. They are already powerful enough and I do not believe two handguns are more powerful than a single sub-machine gun, and that's the only reason I won't allow combining two weapons.

    Do I need to know anything about Resident Evil?

    Nope, you don't need to know anything about Resident evil. For people who aren't fans of the series:

    1. The dead people in this game turn into zombies and keep playing. They can be killed with weapons, or you can outrun them.

    2. There are non-human creatures that are much bigger and stronger than you. Especially the crowd-busting creature that I will be sending after you. He's about 20 feet tall.

    3. Herbs can be mixed together to make heath items or attribute-boosting items.

    4. There will be almost no one from the Resident Evil games in this game. 98% of you are all new characters. Yes, you have images that look like RE characters, but that's because I'm not about to make 52 brand-new images. These are new characters, with the rare exception.

    5. Some of your fellow townsfolk may simply wish to kill you and take your weapons and items, to increase their chance of survival. Others want you eliminated anyway because they aren't ordinary townsfolk.

    Can I go into the river?

    There may be zombie fish which will um.... eat you.

    Like piranhas, except they are undead and super, super strong and extra bloodthirsty.


    Does the river have sharks?

    I would have sharks, but this particular mountain river doesn't have any.

    As a Botanist, does it mean that i have a 50% chance of finding herbs (during search mode) regardless of search value?

    50% during search mode regardless. You find herbs 50% of the time on average regardless of how bad your search value is.

    If i increase my search stat, would this chance increase with it?

    Nope, just your chance of finding OTHER items and weapons.

    The combined herbs that give +1 or +2 vitality; that essentially means getting more stats points right?

    All of your stats can increase depending on which herbs you find. Some herbs heal you. The really good herbs are rare.

    Is there a limit to the number of items we can carry?


    combat is good for guns but not so for melee yes?

    Combat is important in all forms of... combat. Strength just enhances the damage you do in melee. But think of combat as your TO-HIT-YOUR-OPPONENT percentage no matter what.

    What's the difference between strength and combat?

    Combat is your To-hit-your-opponent percentage. Strength, as it pertains to combat, relates only to melee, and it increases the damage of your physical attack weapon, not your guns, if any.

    Can people inside a group have different commands? For example, one guy is in Search mode, while the other is guarding in Defense mode and the third is in Stealth mode?

    People inside a group can have different commands, absolutely!

    Can players give other players gifts or exchange equipment?

    Yes, players can gift or exchange equipment. Both parties inform the host of their intent, and they must be in the same square or adjacent squares.

    I take it you can still choose what weapon to use vs what enemy?


    I suppose I need to know how the zombie can move (can they only walk?)

    NPC Zombies can walk or run, but cannot sprint.

    What mechanics does helmets and armour use? Luck boost for combat only?

    Luck no longer affects combat at all. If anything they will decrease the amount of damage sustained per combat round or they will have a % chance of doing so built-in.

    Are there rare herbs, and how do they interact with the Botany skill?

    There are rare herbs. Once you get your 50/50 shot of landing an herb, if you did get an herb, high luck affects your chances of obtaining a rare herb.

    You can search both in the movement round and the interactive round. Does that give 2 search occurences during a single total round? One before you can see how it looks like at your ending place and one when you can see where you ended up?

    You can search while moving (if moving slowly) to cover the entire territory you are walking in. You can do a thorough search of the tile you're in plus the 8 tiles around you by searching during the Interactive round.


    • If you choose Search Mode, you will search all tiles that you cross, as you move.


    • You'll only be able to search the tile you arrive at, none of the in-between tiles


    • You may not use "Search" mode. You're running too fast to look for anything, and you'll be out of breath when you arrive at your location, you'll be forced to rest rather than search anything.

    So if you Sprint, you cannot even Search at all.

    If you Run or Walk, doing a search at your new location is clearly superior than not doing so, given you're searching the tile and the 8 tiles around it.

    If you Walk, you're also thoroughly searching every tile you move across, which highly improves your odds of finding a rare item tile or an ultra rare item, since you aren't skipping any tiles whatsoever.

    However, if you have already searched a tile, it becomes a tile that yields nothing when you search it.

    what is (if any) difference between having, lets say, 1 or 3 strength?

    There is, frankly, no difference.

    4 strength is the first time you got a noticeable difference, which is a boost to melee combat. The next boost is at 7 strength, for melee combat.

    5 strength will be the minimum needed to bust down any doors or into any windows in the city. This refers to ordinary unmarked buildings like offices and residences.

    6 strength will be the minimum needed to bust down any important landmarks or whatever, however most key buildings require more strength than that.

    I will have buildings that require 7, 8, 9, and 10 strength to open. (These will have keys to open, you have to have massive strength to ignore the key requirement)

    So therefore, if you put any points into Strength, it should be a minimum of 4 or 5.

    Otherwise it is a dump stat.

    Do we have any built-in damage reductions if we lose a combat round?

    You now need armor-type items to reduce damage. Luck no longer serves that purpose.

    Are zombies searching or not by default

    Non-player character zombies with the exception of El Gigante do not "search".El Gigante does not search unless 50% (or more) of the players in the group that he is chasing are hiding. Then he searches because he smells many more people than he can see.

    Pizza, what does El Gigante and the zombies consider a group? Is it only people in the same tile, the same zone of control, or just the same general area?

    A "group" is defined as the largest concentration (within 1 tile of the center of mass) of a "chain" of people.

    A "chain" of people is any group of people linked contiguously by others in adjacent tiles or the same tile.

    So, if there are 3 people in one tile connected to one person in another tile connected to one person in yet another tile connected to two people in the final tile, the "center of mass" is the person connected to the three people, and the one person, and that's where El Gigante will strike. The two people are too far away from the center of mass to be impacted by the battle.

    So 3 connected to 1 connected to 1 connected to 2, the largest concentration that El Gigante can hit is by landing on this guy highlighted in blue:

    So 3 connected to This Guy Right Here connected to 1 connected to 2

    Because then El Gigante can hit the following:

    So These three connected to This Guy Right Here connected to This last guy connected to 2 who are too far away

    Gets 5 out of 7. Assuming El Gigante can move that far.

    X- Your location

    Light purple- Melee First Strike range, Ranged weapons (gives up first strike), Sniper (gives up first strike)
    Maroon- Zone of control, Ranged weapons First Strike range, Melee range (gives up first strike), Sniper (gives up first strike)
    Red- Your normal Line of Sight, Sniper range when on ground level (First Strike)
    Orange- Your Line of Sight when atop a building, no sniper weapon
    Yellow- Your Line of Sight when atop a building, with a Sniper Weapon

    Purple- Your location
    Red- Walking distance (4 movement points)
    Orange- Running distance (6 movement points)
    Green- Sprinting distance (8 movement points)

    (1.4 movement diagonally, 1 movement orthogonally)
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 11-23-2013 at 12:07.

  6. #6
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: STORY THREAD

    Playing guide for new players:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1. Almost all of you will begin ill-equipped for the dangers ahead of you. If you do not find health items, armor, or information, at the very least, it may be difficult for you to survive, or know where you should go. If you do not find a weapon, odds are very good you won't win many battles, if any. Searching early is probably crucial, but...

    2. You are vulnerable when you're searching, and especially if you are alone and unarmed. It is also a viable strategy to find yourself an ally, to watch over you while you search, in defensive mode, moving slowly, for the combat bonuses, etc., and vice-versa, once you have a weapon. However, like most strategies in a game like this, there are positives and negatives. The big negative is you do not know who you can trust... or who among you is still fully human.

    3. Key buildings and landmarks are typically places which can bring you greater positives or negatives than the average location. These buildings will contain keys, weapons, special items, or information that is very useful in helping you escape, but there are downsides. For example, everyone knows where the key buildings and landmarks are, and that means heavy traffic. Heavy traffic means larger groups of people. More people means more chances someone in the group isn't human at all, or is hostile to your group. And of course....

    4. Large groups of people attract zombies, and most especially and dangerously, El Gigante. A large group is the primary target of the zombie team. Their goal is to inflict damage, and they do not care if they die, because there are ALWAYS MORE OF THEM. You cannot wipe them all out. That is why they wish to attack the largest possible groups of people. You must be well-equipped because large numbers of heat-generating, alive-smelling bodies attract zombies, and El Gigante in particular, is an extremely dangerous and effective crowd-busting device. More than that, El Gigante is even harder to kill than the previous iteration.... and just as deadly.

    5. Some buildings contain nothing but more zombies. You have been warned. Searching may result in being ambushed by zombies that were once trapped behind those walls. Being equipped and prepared before trying to break into buildings in this zombie-infested city is a grand idea.

    6. There will be story-related and player-triggered events which will cause your entire situation to change. Specifically, the strength of the zombie horde may massively increase at any given moment. You will be warned when this happens. The behavior of the zombies will also change over time.

    7. There are players whose only motive is to slay as many people as possible, and have the means of doing so right from the start of the game, and therefore you may be ambushed or shot at, at any given time, and die suddenly. This is not meant to be a cakewalk. Every second you are alive in this game could be your last. Understand this above all else.

    8. The first time you lose all your vitality points, you automatically win the "luck" toss and survive with 1 vitality remaining. You cannot die the first time you are attacked, no matter how effective your attacker, as long as you choose the option to FLEE FROM COMBAT IMMEDIATELY. This guarantees your survival as long as you haven't reached zero vitality yet. From then onward, your luck is at the mercy of unforgiving fate. It's a 50/50 toss, and you die when you lose it.

    9. Strength is a substitute for finding keys, in most cases. If you have massive strength, you can open almost any door. Otherwise you have to move on foot to several destinations, which increases the amount of time it takes for you to solve the game and find an escape route. That gives the zombies more opportunities to eat you, and for others to find you. It is not strictly necessary to have a strength higher than 1, but it helps.

    10. Stealth is a substitute for vitality, if you have massive stealth, and elect to flee from battles, it is possible for you to avoid detection and sneak through much of the dangers before you, conserving your health and covering ground more safely, if not more swiftly. Stealth is still a viable method of escape from zombies even if it is at 1, so it is not necessary to have a stealth higher than one.

    11. You can outrun the zombies if you sprint. Speed is a substitute for combat, against the zombies anyway. Therefore it's not necessary to have a combat rating higher than 1.

    12. Having high combat, even if you are unarmed, allows you to dodge damaging attacks. It helps you not die. But as mentioned, you can win the game with a 1 for combat, assuming you avoid battle, escape from battle, heal yourself regularly, or have lots of hit points.

    13. Having high search allows you to find items and armor and health, and shouldn't be neglected, but even a poor searcher has a 50/50 shot at finding something, and a 100 percent chance of finding any key items in tiles they have full access to (open buildings, or key items laying in plain sight). Therefore even someone with a search of 1 can win the game.

    14. It's not recommended to have a vitality of 1. However, since you have a 50/50 shot of surviving all lethal blows, and some blows cause like 4-5 damage anyway, having high vitality is not miles and miles more safe than having only 1 vitality. You just have a chance to heal yourself and survive more non-lethal blows. Having a vitality of one means the zombies are a lot more dangerous to you than anyone else, since a horde is almost guaranteed to hit you at least once or more.

    Playing the game on Nightmarish Difficulty:

    15. If you do set your maximum vitality to 1, I will give your final score a bonus multiplier for every round you survive. That specific bonus is: your final score will be multiplied by 1.01, cumulatively, for every single round you are alive. So, for example, if your final score is 100 (to demonstrate percentages), and the bonus is 1.01, and you somehow died immediately, your score is now 101. You survive the first two rounds (1 cycle), it is now 102.

    Vitality of 1 Non-survival Final Score bonus multiplier

    Movement Phase 1- 101
    Interactive Phase 1- 102
    Movement Phase 2- 103
    Interactive Phase 2- 104
    (etc) see spoiler for full breakdown of your multiplier.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    16. If you survive the game, free yourself, and escape, with an original maximum vitality of 1, that final total score (after multipliers) is then DOUBLED on top of everything else, given the extreme unlikelihood of you surviving.

    And a hearty congratulations.

    Still, I wouldn't try this unless you really like being dead.

    17. Remember, you score well if your team does. Do things that help your team, not just yourself. Team scoring is very important. But, if you think you can score better on your own...

    Playing for maximum evils:

    18. If you are a Town Survivor, but think you will score better this way, you can elect to turn yourself evil and play as if you were a serial killer. Your objective is to kill the most people possible, and be the last Town Survivor standing at the end of the game, and if possible, the last Player remaining in Southgate. If you elect to play the game this way, your points scored on every round after your elected to turn evil is doubled. In order to do this, you cannot be Leon S. Kennedy or a Town Defender, and you must send me an order to turn evil. Once you go down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. You must know that you can never be turned from the dark side. If you are the last town survivor standing, your score (after you turn evil, and then onward) will be tripled instead of doubled. If you are the last person standing in Dark Falls, your score (after you turn evil, and then onward) will be quadrupled instead of doubled or tripled. Note that if you turn Serial Killer, your points for escaping from Southgate are severely reduced, so your incentive is to remain in Southgate and be the last one standing from your team, and overall. Also, you can assist your Town Survivor teammates in escaping, to boost your Team Score. You can be an evil, ruthless bastard and still play for your team, it's just that most of the people you'll be able to kill are your own teammates, and some of them will be able to detect that you are a threat that must be eliminated, and then they will try to eliminate you.

    Caveat 1: if you elect to turn evil and then never do anything evil, or attempt to kill anyone, I will unilaterally decide that you haven't actually turned evil and there will be no bonus. Convince me you're evil.

    Caveat 2: If you betray your own teammates, the violence that transpires will be part of the public writeup. It may be difficult to convince people to trust you when there are tales of betrayals all over the public writeup. They won't know you did it unless they're a police detective, but violently betraying your fellow survivors should make everyone more wary.

    Playing to win normally:

    19. Achieve as many of your objectives as possible, get as many of your team out of Soutgate alive as possible, personally survive, never stop sending in orders even if you die, destroy as many hostiles as possible, open as many buildings as possible, find as many rare or unique items as possible, etc. Even if you fail, each round that you spend achieving something that could conceivably help you or your team win the game will earn you points. The specific point bonuses will be announced.

    20. Every round you send in an order is a large amount of points. Missing orders is missing out on a great number of points. Participation points are usually much higher than any other point bonuses you can find, so continue participating even if you think you're not doing well. You can still score well if you keep playing and trying.

    21. Your team's finish will give you a bonus multiplier to your final score. If your team achieves victory first, second, third, etc, you get different multipliers. If your team does not win, but outlasts other teams, it is ranked accordingly. The serial killers achieve a similar multiplier among themselves and are ranked accordingly, as they have no "team".

    22. If El Gigante dies, moving in groups becomes a much stronger tactical decision than before. Slaying him early could be massively beneficial to your team, even if you die in the process.

    23. Avoid battles you cannot win. Fighting a losing battle to the death means you're dead, so good job, hero.

    24. Some members of your team are strategically more valuable than others. Keep them alive as best you can.

    25. Never give up.

  7. #7
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: STORY THREAD

    Current Strength of the Zombie Horde:

    • 36 Alpha Zombies
    • El Gigante

    Serial Killers remaining:

    • Three starting Serial Killers
    • Other threats unknown


    • Still active


    • Still active

    Relative Strength of Survivors:

    • Between 30 and 40 innocent survivors remaining.

    Note: This information will be deliberately vague; sometimes not particularly accurate or precise.

    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 12-08-2013 at 03:32.

  8. #8
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: STORY THREAD


    Map, no grid.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Map, with grid
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Cyberdrive Manufacturing Plant- (B1 to D4)
    SynTech Systems Research Facility- (B21-C25)
    Church of the Holy Savior- (J13-K14)
    Mercy Hospital- (G11-H12)
    United States Army Base- (E23-J25)
    Southgate Arena- (R22-S24)
    Mall of Montana- (L23-O24)
    Southgate University- (S17-U19)
    Southgate elementary- (T8-U9)
    Sanitarium for the mentally ill- (R8-S9)
    Maximum security prison- (K8)
    KILM Radio Broadcast Station- (N8-O9)
    Police Station- (E15-F15)
    City Hall- (K18-L18)
    Water treatment facility- (B13-B14)

    Gas station- (K6)
    South Gate (EXIT) - (V16)
    Graveyard- (N4-O4)

    Weapons testing range-
    (A1-A25 + A1-E1)
    South River-
    (Only passable via bridge)
    Burning Train-
    (E1-V1 are impassable)
    More of the City
    (A25-V25 is impassable- just leads to more of the city) Quarantine Zone(V2-V15, and V18-V24 is impassable- there is a federal quarantine zone)

    Subway stations-
    (S6 + M16 + E18 + D7)
    Elevated rail stations-
    (S16 + M11 + G4)


    Gated community- (R2-V5)
    Townhouse district- (U6-V23)
    Downtown office district- (H15-O22)
    Downtown shopping plaza- (P15-R21)
    Warehouse district- (B2-I9)
    Industrial Park- (I2-I5-M3)
    Residential apartment district- (M5-U16)
    Parks and riverfront district- (By the river)
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 11-29-2013 at 00:50.

  9. #9
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: STORY THREAD

    Resident Evil 2: Tribulations


    September 24th, 2010

    Jack's Diner on Main street and Elm
    Southgate, Montana.

    "Did you make any money tonight, Cindy?"

    The young blonde waitress looked up and smiled as she was counting her tips. Obviously, it was a very good night for her.

    "Don't I always?" she responded.

    There was just something about her. Her eyes, her smile. The way she brought cheer and happiness to everyone around her. There wasn't a hint of bragging in her voice. Even though she always made great money, she never let it go to her head. She would always give a portion of her earnings to the busboys and kitchen staff. They all loved her. Everyone did. Even after working a grueling 11 hour shift at the all night diner, she somehow managed to keep her poise and enthusiasm. After helping the kitchen staff clean up, she collected her things, and had John the dishwasher escort her to her car. Can't be too careful, it is one of the largest cities in Montana. You never know what evil might be lurking in the shadows at 3 o clock in the morning.

    "All safe and sound, miss Cindy?" said John, as she unlocked her car door and climbed into the driver's seat. Cindy smiled at him. "I'll be fine John. Thanks for looking after me. Go knock out those dishes like I know only you can!" John beamed right back. He loved that woman. If only he wasn't just some dishwasher... he would find a way to show her how he felt. But tonight was not the night. "You be safe. Have a great night, miss Cindy." He turned and walked back to the diner. "What a gentleman" Cindy thought to herself. She turned the key, and the engine started up right away this time. "Must be my lucky night." As soon as she strapped on her seat belt and put the car into reverse, and the engine stalled out. She tried to re-start the car, and it wouldn't start.

    "Spoke too soon, I guess."

    Cindy just clucked her tongue at her car. "Come on Bessie, you always get me to where I need to go. Not feeling well tonight, hon? I guess maybe John will finally give me that ride home he keeps offering me. He's a sweetheart, after all. We'll get you to the car doctor tomorrow, okay? Just sit tight." She took off her safety belt, and opened the door of her car, grabbing the keys. As she walked back toward the diner, she thought she heard a noise in the bushes.

    She turned and looked and saw.... nothing.

    "Hello? Is anyone there?"

    No one responded. Feeling a chill, Cindy turned to head toward the diner again.

    As she turned, she was startled by an unexpected presence. There was a heavy set figure, features obscured, standing right in front of her, and swinging something at her head.

    The blunt object connected, and Cindy fell to the ground, her vision blurring.

    She felt blood drip from her face. It felt warm.

    Rough hands grabbed her and began to pull her away. She blacked out.

    That's the last thing she remembered.
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 11-24-2013 at 10:35.

  10. #10
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: STORY THREAD

    October 24th, 2010

    CNN Live coverage of the Southgate outbreak

    "We are now on Day Fifteen of continuing coverage of the Southgate disaster. Montana state and county officials say that the Federal government's quarantine of the city is preventing medical teams and emergency personnel from attempting rescue operations, to try to save as many people as possible. White House spokesman Jack Carroll made this statement in response to mounting pressure to begin rescue."

    Jack Carroll: "Ladies and gentlemen, we are doing everything we can for the people of Southgate, we are preparing specially trained and highly experienced rescue crews, who are familiar with this sort of disaster. If we send in ordinary EMTs and police officers, they are likely to succumb to the virus and the other dangers within the city."

    Reporter: "Jane Wagner, Fox News. Are we to understand that this administration did not have an emergency team ready to go, to respond to this kind of a disaster?"

    Jack Carroll: "Jane, the President is doing everything he can to assist with the situation. As you know, the President does not have the authority to unilaterally decide to involve the Fed in disaster relief. Everything has to happen in concert with the office of the Governor of Montana, who, as the President has said repeatedly, has been wholly uncooperative with this administration. It took an act of Congress to even override the Governor's authority in this matter. A Congress which has been historically uncooperative with a sitting president in a time of national emergency, might I add."

    Jane Wagner: "Isn't this administration just making excuses and blaming others for their incompetence?"

    Jack Carroll: "Charming as ever, Jane. Does anyone have any questions which deal with the actual, serious issues at hand, or are we reduced to partisan bickering even now, when people are dying by the thousands?"

    Reporter 2: "Nathan Rawling, ABC news. You mentioned 'other dangers' within the city of Southgate, other than the virus itself. What dangers were you referring to?"

    Jack Carroll: "We're taking steps to deal with the additional problems cropping up in Southgate. The riots, for example."

    Nathan Rawling: "Can you be more specific, please?"

    Jack Carroll: "I'd prefer not to comment at this time on that."

    Nathan Rawling: *suddenly furious* "All right, that's enough! I've had it with this administration!"

    Jack Carroll: "Mister Rawling, please take your seat, or you will be escorted...."

    Nathan Rawling: "No, you listen to me, Jack! My FAMILY lives in Southgate. I am trying to be reasonable and PROFESSIONAL about this, but my family's lives are at stake right now, and you can't even give me a COMMENT about some additional unspoken dangers in the city? What am I supposed to tell them when they call me, begging for help, hoping to see me one last time? If this administration can't even tell the American public what's going on, then I'm going to GO DOWN THERE, and drive a news truck through the quarantine zone, and not even those tanks parked outside the city will stop me. NOW GIVE US SOME ANSWERS!!!"

    The entire press corps erupts in chaos. It's obvious most of the press corps is behind Rawling's sentiments. Jack Carroll has a riot of his own on his hands, now. He gulps.

    Jack Carroll: "Everyone please, please settle down..."

    Jane Wagner: "ANSWERS NOW, JACK!"

    Reporter 3: "Give us answers or get the hell off of that podium and send in the President himself!"

    Jack Carroll: "ALL RIGHT! Ladies and gentlemen, I'll answer the question. Please, sit down. I'll answer. Please, everyone, sit down."

    The press corps hesitates, and slowly, one by one, gets back to their seats. There is a dull roar in the press room as they continue their crosstalk and commenting.

    Jack Carroll: "It is far worse than rioting, and it is not just an outbreak of Avian flu. The city of Southgate is confirmed to have been infected by a rare pathogen, one we haven't been able to completely identify. Early reports indicate that this is in the same category of pathogens as the so called "Omega" virus which afflicted Dark Falls. It is not the same virus, but the symptoms have, so far, been nearly identical."

    The press corps is audibly shocked by this.

    Jack Carroll: "The people of Southgate are succumbing to this virus at an alarming rate. The riots only served to exacerbate the situation... the virus swept through the protesters like nothing we've ever seen before. Within a day or two, they were all dead. And, just as with the Dark Falls outbreak, the bodies began to reanimate. They continued to spread the sickness through biting the uninfected. And, of course, the water supply was still compromised, so even those who survived the riots are vulnerable."

    Jack's hand's trembled as he reached for a glass of water. The press corps sat in stunned silence. The revelation was only beginning to sink in.

    Jack Carroll: "I'm tired of covering this up. I'm speaking for myself now, not the Administration. You need to hear this. The city of Southgate is a total loss. Frankly, any rescue mission is suicide. No one is going in or out of the city. The President is busy calling every single member of Congress personally to request a vote on a measure which will completely sterilize the city. But the Hawk Party Caucus has repeatedly issued statements saying they will not support the measure. That means it will take every single Republican and Democratic vote to pass the measure, and that's assuming a few in the Hawk Party break ranks and defy their party leadership.

    I can tell you that the measure will pass. Enough Senators and Congressmen have already requested that the vote be taken off the record, so that none of our sitting representatives will have to base their vote on whether or not it will cost them in the upcoming Midterms. We know, that we can gain their support for the strike, which will sterilize the city and everyone in it. That much is clear."

    Jane Wagner: "Jack..."

    Jack Carroll: "What is it now, Jane?"

    Jane Wagner: "Why doesn't the President invoke the Immunity Act and unilaterally use whatever force is necessary to stop the outbreak?"

    Jack Carroll: "The President could act unilaterally. It is within his power. But he won't make this drastic move without the support of the nation's elected representatives. He knows what must be done, and he is prepared to act. But he's not going it alone this time. Not anymore. We're going to act as one nation, for once, and decide what is right, together. Like we should have, all along. This is not a time for political football. We're going to act like adults and make the difficult and necessary governing decisions, or the American people have a right to know that their elected representative body is not at all capable of action. And the President needs a Congress that knows when action is necessary. Given the Midterms are next month, the President is extending a hand of cooperation to those in Congress to assist, or he is asking the American people to send people to Congress who are willing to assist."

    Jane Wagner: "That sounds an awful lot like political football to me, Jack."

    Jack Carroll: "Yeah, well it's not, Jane. It's how our nation is supposed to govern itself. It just hasn't acted responsibly in so long, some have forgotten the entire concept of responsibility. And both myself and the President are beyond fed up with it. Now we're talking to everyone, and everyone is talking to us. All that's left is hammering out the details about whether we actually do send in that rescue team or not. Because, let me be very clear, there will only be one rescue attempt. And there shouldn't even be one. There's no one alive in that city to rescue. We're wasting our time. Every second we waste, someone might actually escape from the city, and spread the contagion to all of Montana. Once that happens, it will spread to the entire continent, because I'm not sure if you're aware of this, ladies and gentlemen of the press corps, but we don't have enough military personnel to contain the entire state of Montana.

    It simply is not possible. If the containment is breached, and survivors do not go through proper quarantine and observation and testing, our entire civilization could be destroyed.

    These are the stakes. So let me be candid- I'm tired of being polite or apologizing for any of it anymore. And I'm done covering it up.

    You want the truth? We need to send nukes to level Southgate, right now

    And every second we waste, is another gamble with everyone's lives. EVERYONE'S lives. Including your families and children."

    Stunned silence from the press corps.

    Nathan Rawling: "What about MY family, Jack? What if they're still alive?"

    Jack Carroll: "Then they will welcome their death. The symptoms of the Omega III virus are beyond horrific, and the end result is more horrible than you can imagine."

    Nathan Rawling: "All I know is, if there is no attempt made to spare the lives of my family, then I believe I speak for the American people when I say this:

    Your President and your administration are both going to go down.

    I won't rest until I have the President's resignation. This isn't about reporting the news for me anymore. It's about giving a voice to the people your President is about to wipe from the face of the Earth. We won't go quietly, Jack."

    The press corps erupts with enthusiastic shouts of support for Nathan Rawling.

    Jack Carroll: "You'll get your rescue attempt, Nathan. This measure won't pass without such window dressing. But it will pass. And the rescue mission will be a suicide mission, and it will endanger the lives of everyone. Everyone. All around the world. We're all risking our lives to save your family. And it's not a risk that should be taken. It's the future of humanity, Nate. You're on the wrong side of history because you're personally involved."

    Nathan Rawling: "Yeah? Well so are you. And you hate the fact that any delay brings you risk. You'd be happy if the only risk was to my family, wouldn't you Jack? Let me tell you something about humanity. We're all in this together. I don't want to be a part of any humanity that doesn't go through hell itself to rescue innocent people from unnecessary harm. Now we can either send in some volunteers, or we can forever hold the President accountable for blithely murdering my family without a second thought."

    Jack Carroll: "What do you do with cancer, Nate? You remove it, to save the whole body. You don't waste time letting it spread because some innocent cells might die. Wake up! You're letting your emotions override your ability to rationally handle the problem."

    Nathan Rawling: "You're a [expletive] moron. Your rational solution is to kill the patient, rather than risk the cancer spreading.

    My family isn't a cancer.

    ...You'd better walk away before you say something to me that I'll make you regret."

    The press corps erupts in chaos again.

    Jack stares coldly at Nathan Rawling, and then after a minute or two, walks away from the podium, throws off his ID badge, and mutters something about quitting.


    CNN Anchor: "What you've just seen.... is one of the defining moments in the history of the United States. Can we re-run that tape? I can't believe what was just said. The President is urging Congress to use nuclear weapons on Southgate Montana. There is a viral outbreak of a strain of Omega, people are dying by the thousands. A debate in Congress over risking the lives of all Americans to save these few... more details....."
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 11-24-2013 at 13:52.

  11. #11
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: STORY THREAD

    November 14th, 2010

    CNN Live coverage of the Southgate outbreak

    "Congress is still deadlocked with the results of the Midterms too close to call, but enough votes came in to pass a measure authorizing a rescue attempt. Meanwhile the death toll in Southgate is catastrophic, with the Governor of Montana announcing today that 99.9 percent of the population of the city has been taken by the virus. Very few survivors remain to be rescued, but the rescue attempt is one of the few things the public seems to be absolutely certain needs to happen. Recent polls show an overwhelming, 90 percent approve of a course of action to send in rescuers to Southgate. Faced with these numbers, the Congress and the Adminstration have apparently decided to act, at least. with regards to the option with the fewest political consequences."

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: STORY THREAD

    November 24th, 2010

    5:00 PM

    CNN Live coverage of the Southgate outbreak

    "Congress is still in session, Thanksgiving break having been unanimously decided to be skipped this year in favor of an overnight vote on a measure which will level Southgate. Members of Congress and their families are in Washington D.C. today, with freshmen Senators eager to pass the measure. While CNN's sources in Washington presently rate the outcome of the vote as being too close to call, public support for the measure to use nuclear weapons is rising, especially since a rescue attempt was organized a week ago. No word yet as to whether the rescuers were successful or not, details surrounding the rescue effort are kept well out of reach of reporters. Even Washington insiders are in the dark about whether there are currently boots on the ground. While the measure is expected to pass, it is far from guaranteed, as several supporters of the measure are threatening to withdraw their support until they find out what happened with the rescue mission."

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    November 24th, 2010

    8:00 PM

    The city has grown quiet.

    With fewer people left alive, the undead have become more and more hungry. The search for whatever scraps of life remain in the city has slowed. The zombies are restless, roaming the streets day and night, compelled by hunger. It seems they, too, want their Thanksgiving feast to be served.

    Somehow, the light of the moon seems to make them even more vicious. Amazingly, the moon is full, shining almost unnaturally brightly, faintly illuminating the entire city, even through the thick cloud cover.

    The sounds of groaning, and gnashing, and chomping never stop.

    The cars in the streets have been overturned. The windows of buildings either smashed in, or boarded up. The streets are littered with garbage, and blood-stained tattered rags that used to be clothes.

    The zombies rule the city.

    Tonight is different, however.

    The streets are no longer devoid of human life. All across the city, people are waking up, feeling completely out of place. Light headed. The effects of drugs wearing off.

    The survivors of Southgate are barely aware of who they are, and where they are. They have little or no idea what has happened in the last month or so.

    Their first thought is to escape the city, after seeing the zombies moving about, searching for them.

    When they try to leave the city, their bodies begin to fail.... their muscles ache until they feel as though they are on fire. Their nerves feel as though they are being shocked by a downed power line. The further from the city they go, the worse it gets. Some brave souls tried to crawl through the pain, until their hearts stopped them dead.

    Something is keeping the survivors inside the city.


    It's up to the people still alive in Southgate to find out what has happened to them.

    And find a way out.

    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 11-24-2013 at 13:41.

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  15. #15
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: STORY THREAD

    KILM Radio Tower

    November 24th, 2010

    8:05 PM

    After weeks of nothing but static, every radio in the city that is tuned to 101.1 KILM crackles to life. Loudspeakers positioned throughout the city at various intersections also seem to come alive.

    As Louis Armstrong sings, a screeching noise reverberates in the background. It is distinctly similar to electronic feedback. The noise seems to happen at the mention of colors.

    I see trees of green,
    red roses too.
    I see them bloom,
    for me and you.
    And I think to myself,
    what a wonderful world.
    I see skies of blue,
    And clouds of white.
    The bright blessed day,
    The dark sacred night.
    And I think to myself,
    What a wonderful world.
    The colors of the rainbow,
    So pretty in the sky.
    Are also on the faces,
    Of people going by,
    I see friends shaking hands.
    Saying, "How do you do?"
    They're really saying,
    "I love you".
    I hear babies cry,
    I watch them grow,
    They'll learn much more,
    Than I'll ever know.
    And I think to myself,
    What a wonderful world.
    Yes, I think to myself,
    What a wonderful world.

    The radio returns to being silent.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: STORY THREAD


    November 24th, 2010


    The sound of a helicopter high above the city can be heard for miles, in the stillness of the night. The chopper drops down below the clouds, lowering a very large cargo container into the center of the city. Once the cargo container reaches the ground, a pair of chains pulls on the locking mechanism, forcing the door open. Then the chains are released from the helicopter, and they drop to the ground. Strange, inhuman noises come from within the cargo container, which begins to bend and contort as something within slams against the inside. The rage within the creature builds, until it finds the weakness. With a mighty slam, the door of the shipping container is knocked completely off, and flies 100 feet down the dark, abandoned street.

    Something has emerged....

    Amelia and Ramon were cutting through an abandoned lot, in the middle of a cluster of industrial buildings, looking for things. As Ramon turned a corner, he finds himself face to face with a walking abomination.

    Before Ramon can even react, the creature charges forward, and begins viciously snapping its teeth, with arms outstretched, trying to tear the flesh from Ramon's body. Tackling Ramon to the ground, the creature attacks with the ferocity of a ravenous wolf, sensing the fear and panic of its victim.

    Ramon fights back as best he can, gripping the creature's jacket and pulling it as far backwards as possible, trying to keep the creature from biting into his neck. The creature struggles with Ramon, and they tumble into Amelia, who was standing there frozen in terror. The creature snaps at Amelia as well, who shrieks and tries to escape. The creature grabs Amelia by the leg and begins to pull her toward it, drooling eagerly.

    Ramon kicks the zombie in the back of the head, freeing Amelia from its grip. He too, slips away, before the zombie can bite him.

    The zombie quickly gets up and gives chase. The two survivors run in opposite directions, hoping at least one of them would make it out alive.

    Nearby, Jack and Alfred happen upon one another by a collection of warehouses. Without warning, another creature leaps out from the darkness, and begins staggering and limping toward the duo.

    Jack draws a pistol and begins to fire at the creature, but its irregular, erratic walk makes it difficult to hit, and it quickly closes the distance and lunges toward Jack, grabbing his wrist. Jack is surprised by the creature's incredible strength, and cannot aim his weapon. The creature tackles him to the ground and begins to bite down on his shoulder. Jack punches the creature in the head with his other fist, trying to shake the creature loose. It doesn't work, the creature is too strong.

    Alfred, however, runs over to the creature and pulls it off of Jack, hurling it to the pavement. The creature snarls and lunges toward Alfred now, hungry and enraged. Alfred dodges the creature's tackle, and moves back over to where Jack is getting back on his feet. The two men square off against the zombie. Jack puts his pistol back in the holster, and raises his fists.

    As the zombie charges toward Alfred, Jack moves in swiftly, and punches the zombie in the face. The zombie barely slows down, just enough for Alfred to deliver a roundhouse kick to the chest of the creature.

    The creature is knocked backward, slamming into Jack, who wraps his arm underneath the creature's chin and attempts to snap its neck. The creature squirms violently, tearing and scratching at Jack. The sound of the creature's neck bones snapping brings Jack some relief, but the creature continues moving, trying to tear into his flesh.

    Alfred grabs the creature by the neck and lifts it straight up, slamming it down into the pavement with one smooth arc of motion. The creatures head hangs limply to one side, as its body continues to squirm.

    Jack and Alfred take turns kicking the prone and helpless zombie in the head, as hard as they can, until it finally stops twitching.

    Jack wiped the sweat from his brow. "Good riddance"


    Elsewhere, Derek is attacked by a zombie, and managed to flee without taking damage.

    In the industrial park, Michael walked carefully, gripping his iron bar tightly, ready for anything that might jump out at him. That's why, when something lunged out of the shadows, Michael was prepared to strike.

    Michael dodged the creature as it tried to tackle him, and swung mightily, knocking the creature to the ground, but otherwise leaving it undamaged. As it tried to scramble to its feet, he swung again, slamming it on the back of the skull.

    The force behind the blow was so massive, that the skull shattered completely, and the zombie slumped to the ground with a sickening thud.

    "Hmph." muttered Michael. "Wasn't even a challenge."


    Elsewhere, David is attacked by a zombie, and it manages to bite him pretty hard, before he squirmed away and ran as fast as he could.

    held his M4a1 ready, and moved slowly and carefully, checking every corner before proceeding. This was not a man who would be caught unaware. Sure enough, he spotted a zombie sneaking out from the building he just passed, and he turned and fired.

    The bullets impacted the zombie in the chest and the stomach, and it kept right on coming, even though it was a gory mess. Not willing to be zombie food today, Ryan moved backward and continued firing, as the creature lunged forward, barely slowed down at all by the hail of bullets.

    Ryan shot the creature in the shoulder, and then in the face, and blew a chunk of its head clean off of its body. Still it came for him, and Ryan found himself pinned against the wall. The creature began clawing and tearing at Ryan, oblivious to the damage on its body, wanting nothing more than just one taste of human flesh....

    Ryan shook the creature off of him, and noticed he wascut up pretty badly.

    "You're going to pay for that."

    Ryan aimed his weapon squarely at the creature's head, and blew it off as it tried to get up. The creature died instantly this time.

    Elsewhere, Billy noticed there was a zombie lunging for Allyson, who screamed in horror and ran.

    Billy ran up to the zombie, and swung his crowbar as hard as he could, splitting the creature's head open. The creature dropped to the ground and stopped moving.

    The zombie followed Jake for a couple blocks, before Jake ducked behind an abandoned vehicle and prepared himself for the inevitable confrontation.

    The zombie was undeterred, however, and simply tore the door off of the vehicle and began crawling inside it, trying to get to the other side. Thinking quickly, Jake swung his axe and shattered the passenger side window.

    The zombie now had a clear path to jake, and scrambled to get through the shattered opening to destroy Jake. It was a little bit faster than he anticipated, but he swiftly dodged the creature's wild, clawing hands.

    Jake took his axe and chopped the creature's arm off at the shoulder, causing it to writhe in pain.

    Seizing the initiative, Jake chopped again, and his axe stuck in the zombie's back, as it began struggling violently, half in and half out of the vehicle. It managed to force the door open. Jake kicked the door shut again, and the creature fell to the ground, and the axe fell out of its body. Jake grabbed the axe and jumped backwards, before the creature could act.

    As the creature struggled to get to its feet, Jake charged in and swung the axe again, chopping it at the knee, knocking it back to the ground. Prone and helpless, the zombie still continued to try to struggle as Jake swung his axe repeatedly, hacking and chopping the living corpse until it no longer resembled a human body. Still it was moving, and Jake removed its head with one final swing.

    A man was singing "Summer Holiday" as he turned the corner, and watched a zombie attack Richard, who was defending himself only with a knife.

    "Oh crap." said Kevin, as he realized things had just gotten real. The zombie heard Kevin, and turned to try to attack him.

    Kevin looked down at his pocket knife, and back up at the zombie. It was around this point that Kevin decided, perhaps, discretion was the better part of valor.

    He turned to flee, and another zombie came out of nowhere and lunged at him. Kevin threw up his knife-wielding hand defensively, but that didn't stop the zombie from tackling him to the ground. The zombie sunk its teeth into Kevin's shoulder, as he cried out in pain.

    Richard took advantage of the zombie's momentary distraction and stabbed the zombie as hard as he could in the spine, causing it to drop to the ground. Richard attempted to come to Kevin's aid, slashing at the zombie but doing no real damage. Kevin pulled himself out from under the zombie and ran as fast as he could, in a panic.

    Richard was now surrounded by two zombies. The zombies slashed and clawed at him, as he broke through the trap, and also fled the scene, bleeding heavily.

    and Arthur met up at one of the office buildings downtown. Betty soon joined them, looking quite frightened."What are you scared of, little missy? Come, stand by us. We'll protect you." said Frank.

    Arthur looked at Frank disapprovingly. "You don't even know who she is. She might be infected."

    "I'm not! I'm not, I swear!" shouted Betty, tearing up.

    "You're safe now." said Frank. "Are you hurt?"

    "No, no I'm fine.... I just..."

    The glass in the building behind them shattered. Zombies began pouring out of the opening. "Frank!" shouted Arthur. The two men acted quickly, and pushed a metal dumpster in front of the opening, before it was too late. But two of the zombies had already escaped, and were now lunging toward Betty.

    "Help her, Arthur!" pleaded Frank.

    "I AM THE LAW!!!" shouted Betty at the zombies. The zombies looked at one another, and simply continued trying to eat her.

    Arthur grunted, irritated. "Waste of perfectly good ammo."

    Arthur opened fire with his TMP pistol, and aimed at the zombie closest to Betty, specifically, aiming at its legs, trying to prevent it from reaching her. Hitting those legs at a distance was difficult, but one of the bullets managed to hit the zombie in the bone, shattering it, and causing it to stumble to the ground.

    The other zombie lunged at Frank, and began biting him in the arm. "Get off of me you disgusting FREAK!"

    Frank bashed the zombie in the head with his flashlight, but it didn't even faze the creature. Arthur turned and ran up to the zombie, not wanting to hit his friend, and pointed the weapon at the creature's head.

    "GET DOWN, FRANK!" roared Arthur. Frank was only too willing to oblige, and dropped to the ground like his life depended on it, letting the zombie rip the flesh from his arm. "DO IT!!!" he shouted.

    Arthur opened fire on the zombie's head at point blank range. He pressed the trigger and let his weapon drift downward as it fired, shattering the zombie's skull, and blowing its spine to pieces as well.

    Betty fled from the other zombie, and Frank bolted from the scene as well, clutching his wounded arm.

    The remaining zombie turned and charged toward Arthur, who seemed more pissed off about having to fire his weapon at all, than he cared about the threat the zombie posed to him. He waited until the zombie closed the distance, and lunged. Finally, he opened fire, tearing the zombie to ribbons with his fully automatic weapon.

    Arthur spat on the dead zombie, and called for the others. "Don't run, you'll just get yourselves killed!"

    Arthur shook his head. "Amateurs."

    Angela held her combat knife at the ready as she made her way through the streets of Southgate. She ran into Robert, who was just down the street. She waved at him, and he waved back.

    Then, one of the overturned vehicles in the middle of the street began to shudder, and Angela and Robert both were startled by the sudden noise. The door whipped open, and a large, hulking zombie emerged, dragging a half-eaten body out with it, still chomping on it. The zombie took one look at Robert, who promptly turned white and ran as far away as he could.

    Angela waved at Robert one more time, dismissively. Then, the zombie turned and took a long, hungry look at Angela, as it continued chomping on the ribcage of its latest victim.

    Angela took careful note of her surroundings, and made sure there were no others lying in wait for her. Then she looked back at the massive zombie, with a determined look on her face.

    "Hey! Maggots-for-brains! OVER HERE! Why have leftovers when you can have dessert? Come and get me you slimy...."

    The zombie began stomping its way toward Angela.

    "DISGUSTING, vile, smelly...."

    ....stomp.... stomp... stomp.....

    "...gigantic pile of horse crap. And boy, talk about ugly. Your face looks like it is about to rot right off your skull. Oh wait! It is!"




    The giant zombie hurled the half-eaten carcass at Angela, who did a cartwheel and a few backflips. The maneuvers confused the much less agile giant zombie, but it continued to try to grasp at her.

    Angela slashed at the zombie's outstretched hands, causing it to howl in pain. It got even more determined to bite her, but she nimbly moved out of the way, slid between the creature's legs, and slashed at its gonads, only to be surprised when they were severed cleanly off of its body, dropping down on her chest.

    "OH MY GOD, EWWW!!!" she shouted, surprised at how disgusting it was.

    The gigantic creature reached down and snatched the woman in her moment of hesitation, and lifted her up, and up, and up.... Angela began to choke, feeling the powerful creature's hands wrap tighter and tigher. She knew she was done for unless she got away immediately....

    She threw her combat knife directly into the creatures' eye, causing it to drop her and thrash around in pain. The knife itself went flying, and she dove for it.

    The creature, half-blind, was not deterred, it was now very angry. It ran after Angela, and quickly had her pinned in an alley between two buildings. There was no escape.

    "Oh, BIG mistake, you big tackling dummy. Now you've ensured that the very next thing that happens is that I feed you your own intestines."

    Angela charged the creature, whose outstretched arms slammed shut, but Angela had already closed the distance and leaped toward the creature's face, stabbing it in the other eye. Now the creature couldn't see at all, and began wildly swinging its fists. Angela ducked under them, and quickly sliced the creature's achilles tendons, causing it to fall flat on its bloodied face, screaming in horror.

    She climbed onto the creature's back, and began stabbing it in the kidneys. This made the creature howl in pain, but it otherwise kept trying to get up. Angela slashed the creature's neck, causing it to drop back down to the ground and writhe around ineffectively, losing motor control. The creature ended up on its back, and Angela slashed the creature's wrists viciously, until they couldn't even grip anymore. Now its arms and legs were both severed, and couldn't move. It roared with pain.

    Angela stabbed the creature in the chest, and it roared with pain again.

    She stabbed it again, and again it howled with pain.

    She stabbed it again, and again, and again, and it kept screaming and screaming.

    Over, and over, and over, she stabbed the creature, digging out huge chunks of its torso, but it would not die.

    Finally, she ripped out the creature's intestines and began shoving them down its hungry jaws. Too dumb to know any better, the creature began to eat them, hungrily.

    She wiped her bloody hands on the shirt of a nearby corpse, and walked away, while the creature slowly choked to death on its own bowels.

    Angela angrily shouted at Robert.

    "Hey! Come back here, you big coward!"


    Elsewhere, Vance and Ashley were attacked by yet another zombie. Ashley fled the scene unharmed, but Vance suffered minor wounds.

    Leon S. Kennedy had only just finished his mission briefing with Hunnigan when he spotted a zombie lurking in front of a building. He drew his weapon and fired at the creature's head.

    The shot missed, and the enraged zombie began to charge toward Leon, eager to rip his pretty little face right off, and eat it.

    Leon reached for his combat knife, only to find that it wasn't in the usual place. "Great, just great." he muttered. "Why do I get sent on these missions with only a pistol anyway? Who thought that up? Is that my reward for saving the President's daughter, another suicide mission with no firepower?"

    By now, his complaining had allowed the zombie to close the distance and was now right on top of him. Using his advanced combat training from years and years of Resident Evil 4 speedruns, he deftly stepped aside and allowed the lunging monster to pass right by him. The creature didn't recover from the lunge quickly enough, and found Leon's boot slamming right into its face as it turned around.

    The zombie staggered, and Leon went in for another roundhouse kick, knocking the creature's skull apart with another blow.

    "Hmph. What can I say? I'm the best."

    Somehow, the zombified creature got back up, and charged at Leon, grabbing him by the neck, and lifting him up. "Hey! What the hell! ...I KICKED YOUR HEAD OFF, DUDE!"

    The zombie continued to strangle Leon, who broke the creature's hold after regaining his composure, grabbed the creature by the wrist, twisted it until it flipped onto its back, and snapped the creature's arm in half. He then stepped on the other arm and bent it until it was also broken and useless. Finally, the creature stopped moving.

    "Another warm welcome from the locals. How charming." Leon said sarcastically, rubbing his bruised neck, and noting he was bleeding from a few small cuts. "Nice souvenirs."

    Living players: 51/51

    1. Amsel
    2. Andres
    3. AntiDamascus
    4. Autolycus
    5. Backwards Logic
    6. Beefy187
    7. BSmith
    8. CHarry
    9. Chief Pappy
    10. Choxorn
    11. crys
    12. Darth Feather
    13. Diana Abnoba
    14. Double A
    15. edse
    16. El Barto
    17. Ferret
    18. Flying Squid with Goggles
    19. Frozen in ice
    20. Gaius Scribonius Curio
    21. gnarlycharlie
    22. Gregoshi
    23. Ibn-Khaldun
    24. ihcjay
    25. Ironside
    26. Ishmael
    27. issaikhaan
    28. Jarema
    29. Jolt
    30. JRodd
    31. Major Robert Dump
    32. Makrell
    33. metsandfinsfan
    34. Montmorency
    35. Naut
    36. Nick Royale
    37. Pokedel
    38. Seon
    39. Sprig
    40. Stildawn
    41. Stuck in Pi
    42. The Moocher
    43. TheFlax
    44. Tiaexz
    45. ​TMLeafs1967
    46. UncleDynamite
    47. Visorslash
    48. White_Eyes:D
    49. Winston Hughes
    50. Zack
    51. Zain

    Dead players: 0/51

    Dead zombies: 9
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 12-06-2013 at 04:44.

  17. #17
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: STORY THREAD

    Residential District

    November 24th, 2010

    8:30 PM

    The sound of huge, powerful footfalls alerted a group of 4 figures that something was approaching. One of them tried to hide, fearing for their lives. Fear soon turned into full-blown horror.

    El Gigante
    destroyed a nearby small concrete building, crushing the already dilapidated building with ease. He then saw a man attempting to flee, and he grabbed the man, and hurled him ferociously down a nearby set of stairs, shattering the poor man's bones.

    George lifted himself up and tried his best to flee.

    The next victim, El Gigante lifted up and
    threw straight into a concrete wall, also causing massive damage.

    The victim scrambled away, terrified and limping.

    The creature wasn't even finished. El Gigante smelled someone hiding, and destroyed the building he was hiding behind. Ms. Bauer attempts to flee, but the monster swung its fist, and the powerful blow knocked her several yards away, knocking her unconscious, briefly. Her bones were also shattered.

    Dave witnessed the carnage unfolding in absolute horror. Soon, the massive monster turned and tried to crush him as well.

    Miraculously, Dave dodged the blow and began to flee.

    Ms. Bauer picked herself up and limped away as fast as she could.

    El Gigante roared triumphantly, having almost killed three victims in one shot.

    It was only a matter of time before death would come to the survivors of Southgate.

    Soon.... very soon....

    Living players: 51/51

    1. Amsel
    2. Andres
    3. AntiDamascus
    4. Autolycus
    5. Backwards Logic
    6. Beefy187
    7. BSmith
    8. CHarry
    9. Chief Pappy
    10. Choxorn
    11. crys
    12. Darth Feather
    13. Diana Abnoba
    14. Double A
    15. edse
    16. El Barto
    17. Ferret
    18. Flying Squid with Goggles
    19. Frozen in ice
    20. Gaius Scribonius Curio
    21. gnarlycharlie
    22. Gregoshi
    23. Ibn-Khaldun
    24. ihcjay
    25. Ironside
    26. Ishmael
    27. issaikhaan
    28. Jarema
    29. Jolt
    30. JRodd
    31. Major Robert Dump
    32. Makrell
    33. metsandfinsfan
    34. Montmorency
    35. Naut
    36. Nick Royale
    37. Pokedel
    38. Seon
    39. Sprig
    40. Stildawn
    41. Stuck in Pi
    42. The Moocher
    43. TheFlax
    44. Tiaexz
    45. ​TMLeafs1967
    46. UncleDynamite
    47. Visorslash
    48. White_Eyes:D
    49. Winston Hughes
    50. Zack
    51. Zain

    Dead players: 0/51

    Dead zombies: 9
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 12-17-2013 at 04:36.

  18. #18
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: STORY THREAD


    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 12-21-2013 at 09:22.


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