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Thread: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

  1. #1
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Default Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    [This thread is for public co
    mments for the Resident Evil 2 game.]

    [This thread is for comments and questions, no Strategy may take place here.]
    [Please Read and Understand the Game Rules before posting!]




    The Story of Southgate, Montana will scroll upwards.
    If you want to start at the beginning, refresh the page.

    August 2010

    Mere months after the viral outbreak in Dark Falls, in the nearby town of Southgate, Montana

    There is a wave of missing persons reports

    Prisoners at the maximum security prison are reported missing, presumably they escaped

    Patients at the home for the mentally ill are also reported missing

    Soon, terminally ill patients at the hospital begin to vanish, and their bodies are never found

    Then, from the streets of Southgate, many ordinary citizens begin to disappear

    No one is safe. Even the police report that some of their own have gone missing

    September 2010

    The tide of missing persons reports begins to ebb

    The crimes were never solved, however

    Later on, health inspectors shut down the water treatment facility due to code violations

    Water is pumped in from elsewhere to compensate


    People begin to get really sick.

    October 2010

    The entire town of Southgate, Montana is quarantined by the Federal Government.

    An outbreak of the Omega virus has rendered the city uninhabitable

    The President of the United States is forced to make the call

    The entire town of Southgate, Montana must be sterilized.

    Only nuclear weapons are known to be effective in completely wiping out the virus

    But Congress is still divided. The Hawk Party of the United States, although normally quite willing to take drastic measures

    Opposes the current President and seeks to regain control of the Presidency in 2012

    They declare the current President to be soft on global terrorism

    Yet too willing to use nuclear arms on his own citizens

    The current President gives an address and states that in an emergency such as this

    He has the authority to unilaterally make this decision

    But that he does not want to proceed without first consulting Congress

    Putting the question back to them, and forcing a partisan debate

    Meanwhile, the people of Southgate are suffering and dying

    And when they die, their bodies do not remain still

    Within a week, the bodies begin to rise

    Soon, the living who have shown no signs of illness suddenly turn

    And the infected begin to attack and consume whatever is in their path

    The chaos is unimaginable, and no one is allowed to evacuate

    Martial law is declared, and rioting in the streets reaches a fevered pitch

    Days later.... the riots end

    As the voices of the uninfected slowly are silenced

    And replaced with moaning

    And gnashing

    And chomping

    But not all of the citizens of Southgate were affected.

    A few dozen people wake up scattered throughout the town

    With no memory of the events of the past two months

    And find that they are unaffected by the virus, they appear to be immune

    They find that escape from Southgate is quite impossible

    It is as though someone erected a massive, invisible force field around the city

    Which they cannot penetrate

    If they try to leave, their bodies become weak, and they lose all muscle control, and cannot breathe

    Something is preventing them from leaving.

    Or Someone.

    It's obvious that the Umbrella corporation was involved somehow, but

    Southgate Montana is actually home to one of the largest SynTech Systems research facilities in the United States

    And they have been known to operate with the same reckless disregard for human life as Umbrella.

    There are definitely other players involved, but it isn't immediately clear how they are involved.

    But one thing is clear:

    The survivors of Southgate must free themselves and escape the city

    Before they are all consumed by the zombie horde.


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1. Observe all the Gameroom rules as posted in the Gameroom subforum. They are stickied for easy reference. The major thing that applies to this game is sportsmanship, because unlike most games, there are some aspects of the game I simply cannot police. I need you to be mature and not do things which break the game, as described here.

    Please do not grumble about the outcome of the game, or any delays that may occur. Be a good sport!

    2. PRIVATE COMMUNICATION outside the thread about the game, and PUBLIC discussion about the game is not allowed unless specified exactly by the game host.

    No seriously, this is the biggest rule of them all. Most of you cannot communicate telepathically across a city, so unless you have an item which allows such communication, you cannot talk to your friends or enemies about the game in any way shape or form. You may mention the game in passing to a friend who is not playing if you wish, but do not divulge your current stats, weapons, location, or other sensitive personal information. You never know who your friend might tell that information to... and having your friend communicate this information to other players on purpose is an intentional rule break and it is not allowed, no exceptions.

    If someone accidentally breaks this rule, please inform me immediately, and I'll send them a friendly warning. This is the best outcome for that situation. Otherwise, you're on the hook for this rule break as well.


    This particular rule is so important, that I need to be informed of any accidental rule breaks here immediately, to maintain the game balance. It is possible to keep playing, but there may be a penalty. Depending on the situation, I may have to release you from the game. However I value honesty and you may play other games of mine. Repeated or (In My Opinion) Intentional rule breaks will result in a ban from this and possibly future games.

    3. Screenshots or quoting/full revealing your "Role PM" and any other message from the game host is banned.

    However, you may tell people your name, your general objective, and what items or weapons you have, at your own peril. Just do not copy/paste my role PM, and do not ask anyone to reveal their role PM. Remember, the above rule (Number Two) still applies... you can't reveal anything to anyone you don't have contact with. (This means you need to have a method of communication, or you need to be in the same grid coordinate or you need to be in adjacent grid coordinates)

    4. When you die

    You can continue play as a zombie, provided you be a good sport. This is your best chance of scoring well if you die. The participation points and opportunities to score are quite real, and you can still have a wonderful time. If you don't want to be a zombie when you die let me know.


    I will allow for there being a public thread for commenting. However, the following is strictly enforced:

    You are not to discuss any of the following-

    1) Who you are in the game
    2) Where you are in the game
    3) What you plan on doing in the game
    4) Reveal any game-related information that you have obtained during the game

    What can you do?

    A) Comment on how awesome the writeups are
    B) Comment on how lousy the writeups are
    C) Prod the game host to "GET ON WITH IT"
    D) Ask a question to the game hosts which does not reveal private information.
    E) Want to say something else? Get permission first, please.

    6. Other rules

    If I need to adjust the rules or aspects of the game, I as the host have the prerogative to do so. I will attempt to keep my hands off, but if I need to make a final balancing adjustment to the game or add or remove elements of the game, I reserve that right.

    However, every change I make to the game (if any) will be logged and made public, with apologies that I did not do my job as a game designer and iron out any difficulties beforehand. If this change affects your character or your play in any way, you reserve the right to protest such an action, and you will get my sincere apologies. If I accidentally made your weapon too powerful, then I have learned my lesson for next time. However, if there is a major problem with the game (such as the LUCK stat being too powerful that it prevented normal combat) I may adjust its strength, globally, and announce that change. Other than that, I really have to leave the game as-is and hope for the best. Any change will be made in good faith and with the best interests of fairness and fun.

    7. Phase length

    The reality of this game is that my real life schedule will greatly impact when new rounds begin.

    You will have a minimum of 3 days (72 hours) to send in Movement Phase orders.
    You will have a minimum of 2 days (48 hours) to send in Interactive Phase orders.

    You may attempt to send in missing orders after this deadline for an additional 24 hours, and I will attempt to carry out your wishes as best I can, however, if my hosting duties have already progressed too far to fully accept them, your orders will essentially be to either stand still and waste a turn, or arrive too late to your destination to do anything the following phase, depending on the severity of how your late orders would affect the outcome. That's why it behooves you to get your orders in on time.

    Please note it may sometimes (or often) take longer than 24 hours to resolve your orders. Be patient, this game is more work than hosting 10 large complicated mafia games at once, or hosting 3 huge sized mish-mash games for you 2+2 types. I have a co-host and a backup co-host and this will still be more work than I can always handle within a 24 hour period.

    I reserve the right to add a new rule here, if I need to do so I will announce it. Otherwise, just seven rules to worry about.
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 11-21-2013 at 10:51.

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  2. #2
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    Story Thread
    Discussion Thread

    Official Game rules
    Official Game Mechanics
    Frequently Asked Questions
    Playing Guide

    Movement Phase Tutorial


    1. Amsel
    2. Andres
    3. AntiDamascus
    4. Autolycus
    5. Backwards Logic
    6. Beefy187
    7. BSmith
    8. CHarry
    9. Chief Pappy
    10. Choxorn
    11. crys
    12. Darth Feather
    13. Diana Abnoba
    14. Double A
    15. edse
    16. El Barto
    17. Ferret
    18. Flying Squid with Goggles
    19. Frozen in ice
    20. Gaius Scribonius Curio
    21. gnarlycharlie
    22. Gregoshi
    23. Ibn-Khaldun
    24. ihcjay
    25. Ironside
    26. Ishmael
    27. issaikhaan
    28. Jarema
    29. Jolt
    30. JRodd
    31. Major Robert Dump
    32. Makrell
    33. metsandfinsfan
    34. Montmorency
    35. Naut
    36. Nick Royale
    37. Pokedel
    38. Seon
    39. Sprig
    40. Stildawn
    41. Stuck in Pi
    42. The Moocher
    43. TheFlax
    44. TheLastDays
    45. Tiaexz
    46. ​TMLeafs1967
    47. UncleDynamite
    48. White_Eyes:D
    49. Winston Hughes
    50. Zack
    51. Zain


    1. Rikand
    2. Clockwork Jackal
    3. Ekolite
    4. Visorslash
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 12-21-2013 at 08:53.

  3. #3
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD


    ACTIVITY (20%)

    Premise: Your final RANK is determined by the following weighted factors.

    Each one of the factors will be scored and ranked individually along a percentile curve. Then, like a final grade, each percentile score will be averaged with the others, with different weights given to each.

    Let's begin with the easiest one:


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Each phase you send in a valid order on time, you will get 1,000 points.
    Each phase you send in an invalid order, or a late order, you will get 500 points instead.
    Each phase you send in no order, I deduct 500 points.

    Each phase you are alive, you will get 1,000 points.
    Each phase you are dead, and sending in valid orders, you get 500 points instead of 1,000.

    Removed from play for inactivity:
    I deduct 1,000,000 points


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    • Survivor team (rival: Zombie Team)
    • Serial Killers (rival: Serial Killers)
    • Zombie team (rival: Survivor Team)
    • Umbrella versus SynTech

    Team Standing:

    If your team is eliminated from play, your rivals get a one-time Team Standing score bonus. Since the Zombie Team cannot be eliminated from play, the last Survivor escaping from Southgate means their defeat, as long as enough survivors have escaped to achieve Team Victory for the Survivors.

    Survivor Team Survives Bonus: 20,000 points.
    Zombie Team Defeats Survivors: 20,000 points.
    Serial Killer outlasts another Serial Killer: 10,000 points each instance.
    Umbrella Team Outlasts/escapes before SynTech Team: 20,000 points
    SynTech Team Outlasts/escapes before Umbrella Team: 20,000 points
    Other teams: Spoiler information contained within. Hidden from public view.

    Team Elimination:

    If your team (a member of your team) defeats the final member of your rival team, an additional bonus is given to the entire team.

    Survivor eliminates final member of any faction: 5,000 points each
    Zombie Team slays the final Town Survivor: 10,000 points.
    Serial Killer personally slays another Serial Killer: 20,000 points
    Umbrella Team slays last SynTech member: 10,000 points
    SynTech Team slays last Umbrella member: 10,000 points

    Plus a bonus for the player responsible: 5,000 additional points.

    Other teams: Spoiler information contained within. Hidden from public view.

    Team Objectives:

    Survivor Team

    • 10 Survivors must "Free" themselves- 20,000 points
    • 10 survivors must Escape Southgate- 20,000 points

    Zombie Team

    • Leon S Kennedy is destroyed- 30,000 points
    • Less than 10 survivors escape Southgate- 20,000 points

    Other teams: Spoiler information contained within. Hidden from public view.


    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Primary Objective achievement: 15,000 points for a single instance, 4,000 points for multiple instances.

    Avoid primary objective penalty = 10,000 points for a single instance

    Secondary Objective achievement: 10,000 points for a single instance, 2,000 points for multiple instances.

    Tertiary Objective achievement: 5,000 points per instance.

    Personally survive the game: 10,000 points

    Slay El Gigante: 25,000 points

    Slay Leon S. Kennedy (if not teammate): 10,000 points

    Slay Umbrella Operative (if not objective): 5,000 points

    Slay SynTech Operative (if not objective): 5,000 points

    Slay Serial Killer: 10,000 points

    Slay any player: 2,500 per player killed

    Slay any NPC: 1,000 per NPC killed.
    Open a building: 2,000 points

    Obtain very important item: 2,000 points

    Chainsaw-wielding Maniac- Awarded for getting the largest total number of player kills- 10,000

    Others: To be determined.

    Judges Awards
    Chaotix, Askthepizzaguy, GH give out these awards.
    Limit 10 per type of award per judge.

    We do not have to give out all 10. Some can have fewer numbers.

    Green Herb award- Awarded for excellent teamwork

    Red Herb award- Awarded for very clever use of items

    Yellow Herb award- Awarded for surviving several brushes with death

    Blue Herb award- Awarded for fast completion of the game

    Brown Herb award- Awarded for unlocking key landmarks

    Black Herb award- Awarded for impressive use of stealth

    Purple Herb award- Awarded for detecting infiltrators

    Orange Herb award- Awarded for impressive item finding

    Silver Herb Award- Awarded for assisting others in victorious escape

    Golden Herb Award- Awarded for best overall effort
    One per Judge.

    Tyler's Crest- Recognition for excellent participation and sportsmanship

    Manhole Cover- Awarded for victory by sheer luck alone

    Flare gun- Awarded for alerting others to possible routes of escape

    The Striker- Awarded for defeating multiple foes at once

    The Sniper- Awarded for defeating a foe from a distance

    Killer 7- Awarded for going it alone and still achieving victory

    Golden Lugers- Awarded for winning a difficult battle against the odds

    Gatling Gun- Awarded for winning multiple battles

    Cold Steel Dragonfly- Awarded for being the last man standing

    RPG7- Awarded for winning the decisive battle of the game

    Virus Sample- Awarded for successful completion of extraction mission

    Chainsaw- Awarded for most aggressive play
    One per Judge.

    Dynamite- Awarded for best explosion
    One per Judge.

    Best Survivor
    One per Judge.

    Best Zombie
    One per Judge.

    Best SynTech
    One per Judge.

    Best Umbrella
    One per Judge.

    Honorable mention
    Three per Judge

    Team Ranking = highest Team score total/rating
    Individual Ranking = highest Individual performance score/rating
    Activity Ranking = highest Activity score/rating

    To determine overall ranking, use the following formula:


    Highest Activity Score = 100%
    example: 50,000 was the highest score. That now represents 100%.
    Therefore, multiply all Activity scores by 0.002 (The multiplier which causes the highest score to become a total of exactly 100) to determine Activity Rating of each player.


    Highest Individual Score = 100%
    example: 50,000 was the highest score. That now represents 100%.
    Therefore, multiply all Activity scores by 0.002 (The multiplier which causes the highest score to become a total of exactly 100) to determine Individual Rating of each player.


    Highest Team Score = 100%
    example: 50,000 was the highest score. That now represents 100%.
    Therefore, multiply all Activity scores by 0.002 (The multiplier which causes the highest score to become a total of exactly 100) to determine Individual Rating of each player.



    Activity Rating (x2) Individual Rating (x4) Team Rating (x4) [Divided by 10] = OVERALL PERFORMANCE RATING


    1. total points scored
    2. Performance rating


    By overall performance rating, and will also show ranks for the 3 scoring categories just for your information. But only the final overall performance rating will count.
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 12-02-2013 at 00:02.

  4. #4
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    Reserved for game host as well.

    Discussion Thread open.

    All posts within this thread must adhere to the Rules. You can find them in the first post of this thread.

    Feel free to ask me questions. If the question might break the rules of this thread, pose your question privately.

    Thanks for understanding!
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 11-21-2013 at 13:24.

  5. #5
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    Your first question might be,

    Where's the map? Is it finished? Where am I on the map?

    That's technically three questions.

    1) The map is not here yet
    2) The map is not finished yet
    3) I haven't placed you on the map yet

    I'll have to do that today and send you another PM indicating your location. Mmmkay?

    Second question might be,

    Where's my role PM?

    I have to spend a few minutes writing your backstory if you are an Umbrella, SynTech, or third party team. They will get sent out later today.

    Third question might be,

    I don't understand my role PM.

    That's technically not a question. You forfeit the rest of your questions.


    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 11-21-2013 at 14:11.

  6. #6
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    I'm actually sleeping now. That should be 39/51 role PMs sent out. You'll get the remaining 12 8 when I wake up, evil peoples.

    Edit, nevermind I can send out the third party people's roles. They're done. Silly pizza.

    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 11-21-2013 at 14:20.

  7. #7
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    Just got my first PM back. Paraphrasing,

    Quote Originally Posted by Player
    If I understand correctly, I can now send you information about how I want to relocate my stats. If it is so, I would like to:

    1. substract X points from my strength
    2. substract X points from my stealth
    3. add X to my combat
    4. add X to my vitality
    This is correct.

    I sent this player back his/her new stats with the modifications he or she requested.

    To all who can modify their stats:
    Please feel free to send me this order whenever you're ready.

    There's no rush at all. Prologue won't even officially start till I have the map up and send you your locations.
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 11-21-2013 at 14:40.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    I am El Gigante, and I reallocate 10 points of Strength to Stealth.
    Vitiate Man.

    History repeats the old conceits
    The glib replies, the same defeats

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

  9. #9
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Montmorency View Post
    I am El Gigante, and I reallocate 10 points of Strength to Stealth.
    Congratulations, you are now El Mousey.

    You are 4 inches long and very difficult to see at night.

    Chances are someone will step on you or you'll be trapped in a collapsed building or you'll burn to death or you'll get eaten by a zombie desperate for any living flesh meal, no matter how small and unsatisfying.

    On the plus side, all the garbage you can eat.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    PS- I'm batman El Gigante
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 11-21-2013 at 15:30.

  10. #10
    Not Andres Member Makrell's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Montmorency View Post
    I am El Gigante, and I reallocate 10 points of Strength to Stealth.
    im convinced El gigante is just a metaphysical thought meant to keep us apart. You dont exist, i wont believe in you.

  11. #11
    winston 4 champs Member Zack's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    The scrolling text is kinda cool, but I would MUCH prefer the text contained therein to be laid out normally. It's slow and tedious to read like this, and I can't really look at a specific part.

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  12. #12
    syö minun šortsini Member Space Invaders Champion, Metal Slug Champion, Bubble Trouble Champion, Curveball Champion, Moon Patrol Champion, Zelda Champion, Minigolf Champion El Barto's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    It looks better than inside the [code][/code] tags.
    good lord| if you're telling the truth you're setting new records for scumminess as a townie -Renata on IM, 16/09/2011
    Feles deliberatissimae subiugare humanitiati sunt, et res solae quae eas desinunt canes sunt.
    I see I've been sigged yet again -Askthepizzaguy, 02/08/2012
    Hindsight is 20/20 Askthepizzaguy, 10/07/2013

  13. #13
    Not Andres Member Makrell's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD


    Improves your to-hit percentage or reduces your opponent's to-hit percentage, depending on who is attacking whom.

    Combat V Combat
    Your combat versus their combat

    1 versus 10= 5% chance of hit, opponent has 95% chance of hitting you
    2 versus 9= 15% chance of hit, opponent has 85% chance of hitting you
    3 versus 8= 25% chance of hit, opponent has 75% chance of hitting you
    4 versus 7= 35% chance of hit, opponent has 65% chance of hitting you
    5 versus 6= 45% chance of hit, opponent has 55% chance of hitting you
    5 versus 5= 50% chance of hit, opponent has 50% chance of hitting you
    6 versus 5= 55% chance of hit, opponent has 45% chance of hitting you
    7 versus 4= 65% chance of hit, opponent has 35% chance of hitting you
    8 versus 3= 75% chance of hit, opponent has 25% chance of hitting you
    9 versus 2= 85% chance of hit, opponent has 15% chance of hitting you
    10 versus 1= 95% chance of hit, opponent has 5% chance of hitting you

    In short:
    What if i have 12 and they have 11, then it would work just the same as a 2 versus a 1? Yes?
    Same for the stealth ambush stuff?

  14. #14
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Makrell View Post
    What if i have 12 and they have 11, then it would work just the same as a 2 versus a 1? Yes?
    Same for the stealth ambush stuff?
    This is correct- You could think of the numbers on the chart as representing the numerical difference between the two values rather than specific values.

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  15. #15
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Zack View Post
    The scrolling text is kinda cool, but I would MUCH prefer the text contained therein to be laid out normally. It's slow and tedious to read like this, and I can't really look at a specific part.
    Request granted, just click this spoiler.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    August 2010

    Mere months after the viral outbreak in Dark Falls, in the nearby town of Southgate, Montana

    There is a wave of missing persons reports

    Prisoners at the maximum security prison are reported missing, presumably they escaped

    Patients at the home for the mentally ill are also reported missing

    Soon, terminally ill patients at the hospital begin to vanish, and their bodies are never found

    Then, from the streets of Southgate, many ordinary citizens begin to disappear

    No one is safe. Even the police report that some of their own have gone missing

    September 2010

    The tide of missing persons reports begins to ebb

    The crimes were never solved, however

    Later on, health inspectors shut down the water treatment facility due to code violations

    Water is pumped in from elsewhere to compensate


    People begin to get really sick.

    October 2010

    The entire town of Southgate, Montana is quarantined by the Federal Government.

    An outbreak of the Omega virus has rendered the city uninhabitable

    The President of the United States is forced to make the call

    The entire town of Southgate, Montana must be sterilized.

    Only nuclear weapons are known to be effective in completely wiping out the virus

    But Congress is still divided. The Hawk Party of the United States, although normally quite willing to take drastic measures

    Opposes the current President and seeks to regain control of the Presidency in 2012

    They declare the current President to be soft on global terrorism

    Yet too willing to use nuclear arms on his own citizens

    The current President gives an address and states that in an emergency such as this

    He has the authority to unilaterally make this decision

    But that he does not want to proceed without first consulting Congress

    Putting the question back to them, and forcing a partisan debate

    Meanwhile, the people of Southgate are suffering and dying

    And when they die, their bodies do not remain still

    Within a week, the bodies begin to rise

    Soon, the living who have shown no signs of illness suddenly turn

    And the infected begin to attack and consume whatever is in their path

    The chaos is unimaginable, and no one is allowed to evacuate

    Martial law is declared, and rioting in the streets reaches a fevered pitch

    Days later.... the riots end

    As the voices of the uninfected slowly are silenced

    And replaced with moaning

    And gnashing

    And chomping

    But not all of the citizens of Southgate were affected.

    A few dozen people wake up scattered throughout the town

    With no memory of the events of the past two months

    And find that they are unaffected by the virus, they appear to be immune

    They find that escape from Southgate is quite impossible

    It is as though someone erected a massive, invisible force field around the city

    Which they cannot penetrate

    If they try to leave, their bodies become weak, and they lose all muscle control, and cannot breathe

    Something is preventing them from leaving.

    Or Someone.

    It's obvious that the Umbrella corporation was involved somehow, but

    Southgate Montana is actually home to one of the largest SynTech Systems research facilities in the United States

    And they have been known to operate with the same reckless disregard for human life as Umbrella.

    There are definitely other players involved, but it isn't immediately clear how they are involved.

    But one thing is clear:

    The survivors of Southgate must free themselves and escape the city

    Before they are all consumed by the zombie horde.

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  16. #16
    <Insert Joke Here> Member Choxorn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD


    You can use your brains to help the town!

  17. #17
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Choxorn View Post

    You can use your brains to help the town!
    SHHH! You're giving away the secret!

  18. #18
    Senior Member Senior Member Ibn-Khaldun's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Choxorn View Post

    You can use your brains to help the town!
    You mean like "I will cut off your head, take your brain and throw it to the zombies and in the same time run the other direction" ? Well, I guess this might actually work!

  19. #19
    Host Member Maeda Path Champion, Arkanoid Champion, 3D SuperBall Champion, Simon Champion, Disc Dash Champion, Breakout Champion Zain's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    Just read it all, all rules, all guides, I'm pumped!

  20. #20
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    So, what are we waiting on, hosty host?

    Sir Pizzaman?

    What's the status?

    A) I have to make you famous. I need to put everyone here on the map. Give me one hour to determine your whereabouts.

    Then I have to make the map look prettier, but to be honest, that's not as important as having a grid, with you guys on the grid, and I can do that while you're waiting for the prologue to finish anyway.

    So, priorities. Time to give everyone a place to stay....

    By the way, where you end up getting placed should be a lot fairer this time around. I'm being a nice pizzaguy.

    For now.

    I fully intend to twist the screws on you later. But you're all so very, very vulnerable. I like to build up to your deaths, not splatter your brains everywhere right away.

    It's called foreplay.

  21. #21
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    Also, Ibn-Khaldun, I note that your avatar took a level in badass. Much more provocative than your previous one.
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 11-23-2013 at 11:22.

  22. #22
    Member Member Ishmael's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    On topic, I'm very excited for this. This means it is almost inevitable that I will be amongst the first few to die. But every good game needs cannon fodder!
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 11-23-2013 at 11:22. Reason: Nothing to see here!

  23. #23
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    Speaking of cannon fodder, I wish to now deliver the happy news to my friends the town survivors.

    Good news: The zombies decisively outnumber you. Isn't that grand?


  24. #24
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD


    X- Your location

    Light purple- Melee First Strike range, Ranged weapons (gives up first strike), Sniper (gives up first strike)
    Maroon- Zone of control, Ranged weapons First Strike range, Melee range (gives up first strike), Sniper (gives up first strike)
    Red- Your normal Line of Sight, Sniper range when on ground level (First Strike Sniper)
    Orange- Your Line of Sight when atop a building, no sniper weapon (First Strike Sniper)
    Yellow- Your Line of Sight when atop a building, with a Sniper Weapon (First Strike Sniper)

    Purple- Your location
    Red- Walking distance (4 movement points)
    Orange- Running distance (6 movement points)
    Green- Sprinting distance (8 movement points)

    (1.4 movement diagonally, 1 movement orthogonally)
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 11-23-2013 at 12:10.

  25. #25
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    Movement rules:

    You cannot move through river tiles (that is to say, crossing through them) you must move around them. If you send an order that is illegal, I'll move you as close to your target location as legally allowed.

    Note that your movement can be interrupted by a successful ambush that causes you to flee. Often times, you'll flee in the opposite direction. Maybe you get lucky and flee in the right direction. The trouble is, it's not up to you which way you flee! It is random.

    If you move into the zone of control of someone who has prepared an ambush, and they elected to engage you, and you don't spot them, the ambush is successful.

    If their ambush fails, you gain the first strike, and if you flee immediately, you'll flee in the correct direction (where you intended to go). If you do not flee immediately, but later flee from battle, it means your opponent gained the upper hand and you lost your chance to move in the correct direction. Your flee direction is randomized.

    If you do not flee and your opponent does flee or is defeated by you, you'll move in the right direction.
    Last edited by Askthepizzaguy; 11-23-2013 at 12:26.

  26. #26
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    Ok, I just got my starting location. What's the status of the game now?

    Now, I need to sleep.

    Then, I need to write the Prologue, and kick off the Prologue round.

    And I'll also finish up the aesthetics of the map during that time so you finally have a map with like buildings and stuff. But everything else I've done has been a higher priority. I mean, I can launch the game without the map looking perfect. ETA on the map being finished: End of the Prologue round.

    So we're just waiting for me to nap (go to work), write the Prologue, and kick off the game officially.

    When the Prologue round begins, I'll tell you when it ends, and notify you it has begun via PM.

    You'll need to send me those stat decisions and ask me any further relevant questions you may have by the end of the Prologue round.

    When the Prologue round ends, Movement Phase One begins.

    Anticipate the Prologue Round beginning within 24 hours.

  27. #27
    <Insert Joke Here> Member Choxorn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    They built an Elementary School right across the river from an Asylum? What the heck were they thinking?

  28. #28

    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    The land was cheap. They got it at an insane discount. ;)

  29. #29
    winston 4 champs Member Zack's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Choxorn View Post
    They built an Elementary School right across the river from an Asylum? What the heck were they thinking?
    Not to mention the prison is right next to the hospital. Hopefully the Joker isn't in that prison.

    Also, that is either a humongous elementary school or a tiny university.

  30. #30
    Senior Member Senior Member Jarema's Avatar
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    Default Re: Resident Evil 2: DISCUSSION THREAD

    Quote Originally Posted by Choxorn View Post
    They built an Elementary School right across the river from an Asylum? What the heck were they thinking?
    They want to teach them truth about life

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