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Thread: Last Chance

  1. #1

    Default Last Chance

    Flavour text to come when I come home. Just making the thread so I can get signups rolling.

    Game Setup: Vanilla, with a twist. There are 15 players, 10 townies, 5 mafia. Every time a mafia is lynched, the mafia get to make two kills, every time a townie is lynched, the mafia must sacrifice a member to kill one townie. The game is set up around a guaranteed final 3.

    For example:

    10:5 - D1
    9:5 - N1
    8:4 - D2
    8:3 - N2
    6:3 - D3
    6:2 - N3
    4:2 - D4
    3:2 - N4
    2:1 - D5


    The game will end after Day 5. The game will be a lot better if you talk a lot in the thread. It is a relatively quick game, with plenty of info on offer. I would highly advise talking a lot in the thread. There will be no private communication except for the mafia.

    •24 hour days and 24 hour night phases. Phases may be extended if needed and if I require.
    •You may not talk after death. You're dead.
    •No screenshots, etc.
    •You may NOT talk to players outside the thread.
    •You will vote for players you want lynched during the day, using the format, Vote: Visorslash. Votes must be in bold to count. If you wish to unvote, simply: Unvote; Vote: ATPG.
    •If you are replaced or WOG killed, please do not post in the thread anymore unless it is an apology. If you are replaced by choice, please don't comment in the game.
    •Votes that end in a tie result in a tiebreaking 24 round where only the two/three, etc candidates can be voted for. Votes are reset.
    •No lynch is not allowed.
    •Don't edit posts with votes. I won't count them.
    •If you miss two day phases in a row or 3 in total with any reasonable excuse or informing me why you will be WoG'ed. If you do not vote, it is the same as missing a day. No exceptions for role.
    •Have fun. This is not an option . If you don't think you'll have fun with this game... don't join it. Nor if you feel you won't be able to participate.
    •Alignment will be revealed on death.

    I have everything ready for the game, just need the players.

    Players: 15/15:
    1. Darth Feather
    2. LazyMcCrow
    3. Ishmael
    4. Riedquat
    5. Autolycus
    6. Zain
    7. Morgan1
    8. rickinator9
    9. Jarema
    10. edse
    11. dcmort93
    12. Sprig
    13. Chief Pappy
    14. Robbiecon
    15. BSmith

    Reserves: 1
    1. ATPG
    Last edited by Visor; 12-05-2013 at 22:46.

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  2. #2
    Dark Lord of Sith Member Big Bird Hunting Champion, Squid Hunter Champion, Simpsons Shooter Champion, Fun Surfing Champion Darth Feather's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last Chance

    Love the concept, That's why I am in

    who am i kidding, I would have been in regardless
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Nathaniël of the mouse guard

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    "Death is lighter than a feather, duty is heavier than a mountain" - Robert Jordan

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    The writer of above message is not responsible for any mistakes in the reasoning of said message.

  3. #3
    Member Member BSmith's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last Chance

    Put me down as a resreve for now.
    Always meet on the level, act by the plumb and part on the square.

  4. #4
    Do not Dis Member LazyMcCrow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last Chance

    IN please :)

  5. #5
    Member Member Ishmael's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last Chance

    I'll be in, please.

  6. #6
    kumquattor Member Riedquat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last Chance

    returning to the shadows.....

  7. #7
    Masked Man Member autolycus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last Chance

    My game on Civfanatics could use a few more!: MNOTW XVII: The Cursed Blade!

  8. #8
    Host Member Maeda Path Champion, Arkanoid Champion, 3D SuperBall Champion, Simon Champion, Disc Dash Champion, Breakout Champion Zain's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last Chance

    I'll be in

  9. #9

    Default Re: Last Chance

    Bump. Will send some invitations out soon.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Last Chance

    “Sir? There’s something you need to see, in the bridge. It’ll be easier to show you… Sir?”

    The Captain sighed and got up out of his chair, an old version of the Saturn model he had kept for old times’ sake. It was designed with the purpose to keep the user from becoming too comfortable as to relax too much or fall asleep, yet still having enough cushioning that it wasn’t a chore to sit down upon. He walked through the cabin and down a way until he had reached the bridge. The security officer Jones had a light sheen on his face, he looked worried by something.

    “Yes?” As Jones got up and approached the Captain and handed him a few sheets of paper that had technical words of some description on them. “You need to read these. I was monitoring the cameras, and I keep seeing strange things. First I watched as some of the food in Storage A became rotten in front of my very eyes.”

    The Captain narrowed his eyes. “A leak in the sealant, surely?”

    “It isn’t a leak in the sealing when the food reverts back to its original state sir. Check the logs on the screen, there is something on our ship that isn’t human.” Jones pointed with a shaky arm at the various feeds on the screen.

    “Watch this.” Jones rewound the film and played it out over high speed. “I’m telling you, that doesn’t happen normally, I’ve been on hundreds of trips and never seen something like this. Something is aboard the ship.”

    The captain rubbed his chin, “You said strange things, what else have you seen?”

    As Jones opened his mouth, a female scream was heard. The pair looked at each and ran in the direction of the sound. The hum of the engines and ventilation accompanied them along their journey, as they rounded the hallways of the ship. Suddenly they ran into a very pale, very white Emma.

    “He did it! He tried to kill me!” she screamed at Jones, finger raised accusatorily.

    Jones stopped abruptly in confusion. The captain looked from Emma to Jones and back again. “He did what?”

    “I saw him; he was walking towards me with an axe in his hand. He had a terrible smile on his face and I only stopped him by locking that panel.” She pointed to the closed door on the opposite side of the captain and Jones.

    “But… I know that code. If that was me I could’ve unlocked that.” Jones said, face as white as Emma’s now.

    The captain raised his hand. “Jones was with me the entire time. He couldn’t have done this. Something is aboard the ship. Call the crew, we’ll assemble in the bridge.”


    “Something or someone is amongst us, who wasn’t part of the original crew. They seem to be taking the shape of various objects, one took the form of Jones. Don’t trust anyone. There must be a way to find out who is real and who is not.”

    The scientist, David, spoke up, “We could put them into stasis and run a check? They surely couldn’t keep the appearance up forever.

    The captain nodded. We’ll throw someone in stasis every day until we get rid of our imposter. We’ll let you out when we them. Secure your rooms, carry protection at all times. We will make it out of here alive.”

    With a nod, he dismissed the rest of the crew and began to watch the recordings. They were under siege in their own ship.

    Small note: I am not a writer, I do this for fun, don't judge too harshly.
    Last edited by Visor; 12-04-2013 at 15:02.

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  11. #11

    Default Re: Last Chance

    I intend for the night writeups to be a lot more entertaining then the day writeups.

    Sent out a bunch of invites, if this doesn't start filling soon, I'll close it for other people to host a game.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Last Chance

    I'll play

  13. #13
    Annoyingly awesome Member Booger Flick Champion, Run Sam Run Champion, Speed Cards Champion rickinator9's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last Chance

    @Visorslash The writeup was good. Nothing to be critical of.

    Anyway, IN
    rickinator9 is either a cleverly "hidden in plain sight by jumping on the random bandwagon" scum or the ever-increasing in popularity "What the is going on?" townie. Either way I want to lynch him. - White Eyes

  14. #14
    Senior Member Senior Member Jarema's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last Chance

    ok, in.

  15. #15
    Italian stallion Member edse's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last Chance

    In, I was only waiting on the flavour text.

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  16. #16
    Member Member dcmort93's Avatar
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  17. #17
    Eating Babies since 1983 Member Sprig's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last Chance

    in as well

  18. #18

    Default Re: Last Chance

    Excellent, the player list has doubled. Just three more and we can begin, hopefully tomorrow.

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  19. #19

    Default Re: Last Chance


  20. #20
    Desynchronized Member robbiecon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last Chance

    I like the format, and the invite is nice too.

  21. #21
    Member Member BSmith's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last Chance

    I can be fully in now.
    Always meet on the level, act by the plumb and part on the square.

  22. #22
    Know the dark side Member Askthepizzaguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last Chance

    Mark me down as a replacement player. What the hades. I bet you I die in one of these things.

    Consider it my thanks to you for subbing in on RE2.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Last Chance

    Well what do you know, actually got the 15 players. Will randomise and start the game tonight.

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  24. #24

    Default Re: Last Chance

    Roles have been randomised and sent out. I will post a short flavour introduction to the day and then we will begin.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Last Chance

    A few hours had passed by before the call sounded. The captain ordered all hands to the bridge. There he sat with a circle of 15 files on the table.

    "Read, talk, discuss. We will find this beast. We must choose someone to put into stasis now, whilst we have an advantage."

    With a flourish of his hands, the members of the crew slowly approached the table and begin to read.

    Day 1 has begun. You have 24 hours to discuss your situation. The round ends at 7:10 PM GMT+10.

    Sidenote: You may also vote for an extension of the day if you want, as long as it gets a majority it will be accepted.

    You may now begin to talk and discuss.

  26. #26

    Default Re: Last Chance

    Okay, the timer is obviously incorrect. It isn't recognising the +10. Therefore just go from what I posted above, 7:10 PM GMT+10 is the phase change.
    Last edited by Visor; 12-06-2013 at 10:25.

  27. #27
    Member Member Ishmael's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last Chance

    Timer is looking funny. NaN days, hours, minutes and seconds.

    vote: Chief Pappy

  28. #28
    Dark Lord of Sith Member Big Bird Hunting Champion, Squid Hunter Champion, Simpsons Shooter Champion, Fun Surfing Champion Darth Feather's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last Chance

    I say we put Vote: LazyMcCrow into stasis.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Nathaniël of the mouse guard

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    "Death is lighter than a feather, duty is heavier than a mountain" - Robert Jordan

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    The writer of above message is not responsible for any mistakes in the reasoning of said message.

  29. #29

    Default Re: Last Chance

    One final note:

    The timer doesn't work so I've removed it, and please make sure you post and discuss as much as possible. It can only help your team.

    Good luck to all, I'll see you later.

  30. #30
    Italian stallion Member edse's Avatar
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    Default Re: Last Chance

    I was about to say something about the set-up but then decided I'd better not.

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