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Thread: Can someone help me with naming conventions

  1. #1

    Question Can someone help me with naming conventions

    I’ve seen that tribes often are used for the lands name –

    Vasconia for the Vascones,

    [A]Media for the Medes –

    Sannica for the Sanni?

    does this hold true, and is it just for tribes who end in Latin “-I”? What about “Ae” or “A”?

    I've also seen as with the Sinti of the Maeotian sea they've been called the "Siraces" - any tips there?

  2. #2
    syö minun šortsini Member Space Invaders Champion, Metal Slug Champion, Bubble Trouble Champion, Curveball Champion, Moon Patrol Champion, Zelda Champion, Minigolf Champion El Barto's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can someone help me with naming conventions

    If it's Latin, then {district} {genitive form of the local tribe} should be enough.

    It's for a game, right?
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Can someone help me with naming conventions

    Quote Originally Posted by El Barto View Post
    If it's Latin, then {district} {genitive form of the local tribe} should be enough.

    It's for a game, right?
    A map, actually. So it's all genitive - I should look into that.

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