M2TW has Unit LOD problem. On some angles unit's soldiers look differen on a certaion zoom level where unit LOD changes.
I am not familiar with M2TW mods but I will begin with EBII. So I wonder that did you solve or minimize this problem?
That's because the engine switches to the sprites at certain zoom levels.
You cannot fix that, you just have to set the highest unit settings.
And if you remove sprites the game will be pretty much unplayable on most machines.
There is in RTW, set unit detail to medium (The m2tw pic looks like medium to me) then you can see the bright colors of the faction's sprites.
Like Sassanids have light blue, Eastern Romans have purple, etc.
Very high settings essentially disables sprites unless you're very far away, this can cause lag in mods which don't have much LoDs. Dvk from Roma Surrectum set the sprite distance lower in RS2 due to less LoDs for unit models.
It's not like it really matters as mods usually create their own sprites through a generator or hand made.
Lets play Divide et Impera, Ptolemy Campaign. Link to full playlist down below!
yeah, the lower the Setting the sooner(aka nearer) models are replaced with Sprites. when they are at the far horizon they look pretty much the same but up Close(as shown above) the differences become apparent. High Settings thus often result in sprites being so far away(and tiny) that you can't tell them apart from models. You're probably running Rome on max Settings, while med2 runs on medium.
- it reminds me a bit of Rollercoaster Tycoon 3. they work with ~3 lowpoly stages + sprites
"Who fights can lose, who doesn't fight has already lost."
- Pyrrhus of Epirus
"Durch diese hohle Gasse muss er kommen..."
- Leonidas of Sparta
"People called Romanes they go the House"
- Alaric the Visigoth
just imagine it´s shades and shadows i mean if you go outside you can clearly see the diference where the sun hits and where there´s a clear diference where the clouds block the sun (or the mountains or even forests depending on the suns inclination) as for sprites i only noticed in the thraiko kelt sword dude where from above they disapeared and all that was left was some shines where they where instead of a model but then again you´re not suposed to have eagle vision of the batlefield
never forget the famous "it´s not a bug it´s a feature" will help you with your own rpging of the game
I have enough resolution monitor (1920x1200) to see distant units where unit LOD changes on very high unit quality. There is not much difference between unit LODs in RTW no matter which unit quality is selected. Because 3d unit models and 2d sprites have same light. But in M2TW, bright sun effects differently to 3d unit models and 2d sprites, I guess. When I look the army on a certain angle unit LODs don't look different but on a different angle they look very different. I think the origin of problem is related with lighting. I will test it with alternative graphic options to find out.
Trust me, the sprites in Medieval 2 are more subtle and dull.
You should play Rome 1 and check the sprites again; Remember the bright Sassanid blue? Only time the sprites looked good was when they were modded and EB2 is most likely going to mod it. Just like how all the other mods have subtle sprites too.
Also as I have said before; it doesn't really matter as mods usually generate their own sprites.
Only reason I can make out of yours is that in Rome 1 there isn't really HDR and in m2tw HDR applies to all except for sprites obviously as they're 2d.
(PS, you don't need a super duper monitor to tell the difference between sprites and 3d models )
This isn't a problem and you can mod out sprites yourself by searching on google.
Last edited by BroskiDerpman; 12-09-2013 at 21:41.
Lets play Divide et Impera, Ptolemy Campaign. Link to full playlist down below!
It can be modded quite well though, I have forgotten how to do it at the mo but will check on it and get back. Its possible to mod the sprites so they don't appear at all. only low end machines will suffer lag as a result. My comp is 3 years old now and runs great on max settings
Sorry for this late reply guys, Ive been really busy with work and to be honest I forgot to post this but here is the solution to the sprite problem.
Apparently there is a bug in M2TW where if you choose the highest unit detail setting in the options menu of the game, the game doesn't alter the value even though it shows it has. To get around this just open the file medieval2.preference.cfg and change the line unit detail = higher to unit detail = highest and save .hey presto no more sprites! With most modern computers you should be able to play large battles with no lag too (My comp is 3 years old now and plays it fine). hope this helps ya guys if you have any problems just post in here and I'll try to help
Last edited by Goth47; 12-26-2013 at 21:49.