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Thread: evidence of Sabaean foreign policy

  1. #1
    master of the wierd people Member Ibrahim's Avatar
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    Default evidence of Sabaean foreign policy

    I know this is likely old hat, but I find this a fascinating insight into the nature of diplomacy in the region (and war). now the pronunciation I cannot comment on (and I do not know the basis behind it), but the information is interesting nonetheless.
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  2. #2
    Speaker of Truth Senior Member Moros's Avatar
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    Default Re: evidence of Sabaean foreign policy

    I've bounced on their other Sabaic video in the past, but then again this one is uploaded much more recently. On pronunciation I can't really comment, though @Abdalqaum could. Technically it's not really Sabaean foreign policy though.

  3. #3

    Default Re: evidence of Sabaean foreign policy

    Subjugating local tribes - in part, through diplomacy - and invading foreign countries is suddenly not foreign policy?

    Also, it sounds like some EB music is playing in the background.

  4. #4
    Speaker of Truth Senior Member Moros's Avatar
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    Default Re: evidence of Sabaean foreign policy

    Quote Originally Posted by Rex Somnorum View Post
    Subjugating local tribes - in part, through diplomacy - and invading foreign countries is suddenly not foreign policy?

    Also, it sounds like some EB music is playing in the background.
    Technically, it's not the Sabaeans.
    Edit: To be more clear. The tribe of Saba, Salhin (the palace at Marib and name giver to the artificial royal dynasty/tribe) are used to legitimize power. This is no longer a confederation under the hegemony of the Sabaean tribe and their mlk.
    Last edited by Moros; 12-29-2013 at 00:45.

  5. #5

    Default Re: evidence of Sabaean foreign policy

    I don't remember seeing a dating on the inscription anywhere in the video. How did you fit that into a timeline?

  6. #6
    Speaker of Truth Senior Member Moros's Avatar
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    Default Re: evidence of Sabaean foreign policy

    The very edgy and sharp corners of the script, show it's late and likely from the Himyar period. Then you have the title: Kings of Saba and Dhu-Raydan. The mention of both "houses". The mention of Abyssinia. And of course the description from youtube itself are some of the first and most obvious pointers. There are probably more if I'd cared to read it again, but I it's 5 am and I'm going to bed now.

  7. #7
    Member Member Abdalqaum's Avatar
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    Default Re: evidence of Sabaean foreign policy

    Quote Originally Posted by Moros View Post
    I've bounced on their other Sabaic video in the past, but then again this one is uploaded much more recently. On pronunciation I can't really comment, though @Abdalqaum could. Technically it's not really Sabaean foreign policy though.
    Yea I could comment on the pronunciation because for certain reasons I know that mysterious "Ancient Semitic" dude personally... ;)

    "Ancient Semitic" on Youtube

  8. #8
    EBII Bricklayer Member V.T. Marvin's Avatar
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    Default Re: evidence of Sabaean foreign policy

    Please do!


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