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Thread: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

  1. #1
    Grand Patron's Banner Bearer Senior Member Peasant Phill's Avatar
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    Talking Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    Heroes fall, heroes break, heroes bleed.
    They shed bitter tears, pull themselves up, not to concede.
    Often are they waylaid and frequent they mourn.
    Heroes are rarely made and even more seldom born.
    Not till after they die, do mice sing of their tale.
    A job, a duty, a thankless obligation not to fail.
    Still many a mouse think only the name is

    —“A Heroes’ Warning” by the Scribe Roibin

    Volunteers please apply. No prior experience required.
    Introductory mission will commence when a full patrol of 4 has assembled.
    Quote Originally Posted by Drone
    Someone has to watch over the wheat.
    Quote Originally Posted by TinCow
    We've made our walls sufficiently thick that we don't even hear the wet thuds of them bashing their brains against the outer wall and falling as lifeless corpses into our bottomless moat.

  2. #2
    Dark Lord of Sith Member Big Bird Hunting Champion, Squid Hunter Champion, Simpsons Shooter Champion, Fun Surfing Champion Darth Feather's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    In, I guess?
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    Nathaniël of the mouse guard

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    "Death is lighter than a feather, duty is heavier than a mountain" - Robert Jordan

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    The writer of above message is not responsible for any mistakes in the reasoning of said message.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Senior Member Jarema's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    any details? what is mouse guard?

  4. #4
    Grand Patron's Banner Bearer Senior Member Peasant Phill's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarema View Post
    any details? what is mouse guard?
    “An official Mouse Guard#role-playing game#was created by#Luke Crane#in late 2008. It is similar in design to his fantasy role-playing game#The Burning Wheel, using a simplified version of the rules.[11]#It won Best Role-Playing Game at the 2009#Origins Awards.” (wikipedia entry)

    Quick explenation Mouse Guard
    Quote Originally Posted by Drone
    Someone has to watch over the wheat.
    Quote Originally Posted by TinCow
    We've made our walls sufficiently thick that we don't even hear the wet thuds of them bashing their brains against the outer wall and falling as lifeless corpses into our bottomless moat.

  5. #5
    Do not Dis Member LazyMcCrow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    I'm very interested Phill - I just need to know a little more about the timings and commitment required. How long do you expect the initial 'session' to last? How often are we submitting orders - Are we even doing such things formally? or is it much more open ended than that? Tentatively IN. :nod:

  6. #6
    Grand Patron's Banner Bearer Senior Member Peasant Phill's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    Quote Originally Posted by LazyMcCrow View Post
    I'm very interested Phill - I just need to know a little more about the timings and commitment required. How long do you expect the initial 'session' to last? How often are we submitting orders - Are we even doing such things formally? or is it much more open ended than that? Tentatively IN. :nod:
    Good questions.
    1) A session at the table woud last about 2 hours. I expect it to last about a month in this forum but that's just a dirty estimation.
    2) One post every other day seems a good compromise between speed and workload
    3) I prefer informal posting unless formal posting rules sound prove necessary.

    I propose to run a sample mission WITH sample characters and explain the rules along the way to spread out the workload.
    Quote Originally Posted by Drone
    Someone has to watch over the wheat.
    Quote Originally Posted by TinCow
    We've made our walls sufficiently thick that we don't even hear the wet thuds of them bashing their brains against the outer wall and falling as lifeless corpses into our bottomless moat.

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  7. #7
    Do not Dis Member LazyMcCrow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    Cool. I shall embolden my 'IN'

    'For the Gruyere!'

  8. #8
    Italian stallion Member edse's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    I have never ever done an RPG (so I might not be the best suited for this) but the mice are so adorable, amazing and awesome that I have to be in

  9. #9
    Mr Self Important Senior Member Beskar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    I am interested in the RPG game, but my initial impression of the Topic Title is as appealing as asking if I ever wanted to be a Platypus on Rollerskates.
    Last edited by Beskar; 01-14-2014 at 20:46.
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  10. #10
    Grand Patron's Banner Bearer Senior Member Peasant Phill's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    OK, so 3 confirmed players and 1 shown interest.
    I want to get this ball rolling pretty soon. Any members you think would be interested?

    Some pictures to intruigue and spike some more interest:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Mouse guard.JPG 
Views:	473 
Size:	139.7 KB 
ID:	11801
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Gwendolyn.JPG 
Views:	353 
Size:	119.6 KB 
ID:	11802
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Barkstone.JPG 
Views:	451 
Size:	257.2 KB 
ID:	11803
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	08_mices5_full.jpg 
Views:	395 
Size:	426.1 KB 
ID:	11804
    Mouseguard™ Copyright 2014 David Petersen
    Quote Originally Posted by Drone
    Someone has to watch over the wheat.
    Quote Originally Posted by TinCow
    We've made our walls sufficiently thick that we don't even hear the wet thuds of them bashing their brains against the outer wall and falling as lifeless corpses into our bottomless moat.

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  11. #11
    Grand Patron's Banner Bearer Senior Member Peasant Phill's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiaexz View Post
    I am interested in the RPG game, but my initial impression of the Topic Title is as appealing as asking if I ever wanted to be a Platypus on Rollerskates.
    Conclusion: I'm not that talented at marketing.
    @Tiaexz interested enough to try it?
    If so I'll start a new thread this evening (in about 10 hours or so).

    Oh and if anyone wonders, yes I would want to be a Platypus on Rollerskates
    Quote Originally Posted by Drone
    Someone has to watch over the wheat.
    Quote Originally Posted by TinCow
    We've made our walls sufficiently thick that we don't even hear the wet thuds of them bashing their brains against the outer wall and falling as lifeless corpses into our bottomless moat.

  12. #12
    Grand Patron's Banner Bearer Senior Member Peasant Phill's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    You can find the game thread here

    Below the characters to choose from:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Knipsel.JPG 
Views:	850 
Size:	123.8 KB 
ID:	11821
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Knipsel.JPG 
Views:	1002 
Size:	116.9 KB 
ID:	11822
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Knipsel.JPG 
Views:	46477 
Size:	126.7 KB 
ID:	11823
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Knipsel.JPG 
Views:	598 
Size:	106.4 KB 
ID:	11824

    Don't start looking for who has the best stats or ask how colflicts are dealt with. Guard mice is about the story, so just pick the one you like best.

    Some background info:

    A Brief History of the Mouse Guard
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    In the not too distant past, mice lived in tiny tree hollows, under logs, in stone cracks and other wayward, forgotten places. They lived scattered across the wild without community or support. They were hunted by predators, subject to harsh weather, and had few supplies to sustain them in the face of calamity. In fact, these mice were far more likely to perish from depredation, exposure, illness or starvation than live a long, prosperous life.
    Against the overwhelming forces of nature, a few disparate groups made a stand. They staked a claim on a handful of safe patches of wilderness. As word of these safe havens traveled, other mice flocked to them. The most famous settlement grew quickly from a hiding place to an outpost to a fortification and finally to a citadel—fortified walls surrounding a prosperous town, defended by a dedicated guard. This place is now called Lockhaven, and it is the center of what is known as the Mouse Territories.
    As Lockhaven became more and more secure, its guardians reached out to other settlements. At first, the Lockhavenites tried to bring everyone they found back to the safety of their city. Many came, but many also would not. Other communities, perhaps less safe but still prosperous, had formed in the wild. They were reluctant to leave what they had begun, despite their precarious position.
    There was a debate within the ranks of Lockhaven’s guardians. What to do about these other settlements? Should they be forcibly moved? Should they be abandoned? In the end, the guardians decided there was only one true answer: Lockhaven must use her strength to defend and support these communities. All mice must prosper or all mice will fail.
    Therefore, these guardians struck out to the distant settlements, marking paths and noting which directions gave them more cover, better viewpoints and quicker routes. These brave, selfless mice quickly became known as the Mouse Guard. As their numbers grew and their protection was extended and came to be relied upon, the far-flung settlements did indeed prosper.
    In the wilds between the settlements, all mice agree, the Mouse Guard is the law. But, in the mouse towns, the Guard only has as much authority as that town’s government allows. Most settlements welcome guardmice but many defer to their own lawmice and protectors. Some places even force visiting guardmice to turn over their weapons at the gates of their settlement.
    The Guard is responsible for its own survival as an organization. While it is supported by various towns with gifts and donations, it takes no tithes or taxes. The Mouse Guard undertakes its duties as sacred obligations. If every mouse in the Territories turned their back on them, these selfless guardians would still spend their last breath defending and protecting them.

    The Scent Border
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    The Scent Border is a rough line across the southwest and northeast borders of the Territories. Along these borders, the Guard pour a specially brewed mixture that simulates the scent wolves and other animals use to mark territory. The sciencemice of Sprucetuck brew an odd concoction to create a scent that the wolves and foxes tend to respect. It is not completely effective, but it works well enough to keep most large predators out of the Territories.
    The Guard completely repours it twice a year and performs minor maintenance throughout the year.

    Map of the Territories
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Map.jpg 
Views:	334 
Size:	377.8 KB 
ID:	11826

    You can just ask for any additional info
    Quote Originally Posted by Drone
    Someone has to watch over the wheat.
    Quote Originally Posted by TinCow
    We've made our walls sufficiently thick that we don't even hear the wet thuds of them bashing their brains against the outer wall and falling as lifeless corpses into our bottomless moat.

  13. #13
    Member Member Ishmael's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    If Tiaexz doesn't join then I'll be in. Otherwise I can be a reserve.

  14. #14
    Grand Patron's Banner Bearer Senior Member Peasant Phill's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ishmael View Post
    If Tiaexz doesn't join then I'll be in. Otherwise I can be a reserve.
    First come, first served.
    Pick a character and you're in.
    Quote Originally Posted by Drone
    Someone has to watch over the wheat.
    Quote Originally Posted by TinCow
    We've made our walls sufficiently thick that we don't even hear the wet thuds of them bashing their brains against the outer wall and falling as lifeless corpses into our bottomless moat.

  15. #15
    Italian stallion Member edse's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    I want Sloan :)

  16. #16
    Dark Lord of Sith Member Big Bird Hunting Champion, Squid Hunter Champion, Simpsons Shooter Champion, Fun Surfing Champion Darth Feather's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    Nathaniel for me :)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Nathaniël of the mouse guard

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    "Death is lighter than a feather, duty is heavier than a mountain" - Robert Jordan

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    The writer of above message is not responsible for any mistakes in the reasoning of said message.

  17. #17
    Member Member Ishmael's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    Quote Originally Posted by Peasant Phill View Post
    First come, first served.
    Pick a character and you're in.
    Well then, I'll be Thom please. Protecting a brewery is a goal I can get behind.

  18. #18
    Do not Dis Member LazyMcCrow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    Then I am Kyle! - I shall go now and find out what he's like Looking forward to this. Love the artwork accompaniments

  19. #19
    Grand Patron's Banner Bearer Senior Member Peasant Phill's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    OK, this seems the perfect moment to get some rules in by explaining the character sheets.

    Firstly Mouse Guard is about Mice in a big hostile world who despite it all manage to scrape small victories. Don't expect to be super heroes. Failure is always an option but always with interesting and cool results.

    Secondly there are 2 phases during a session. First the GM's turn, where I give obstacles the patrol needs to overcome to succeed in the mission. Afterwards it's the Players turn, where you can recover, tie up loose ends, and/or add something cool to your mouse's story.

    OK on to the character sheets.
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    - Age, Home, Cloak color are just info on the character
    - Rank is also quite obvious. Thom is obviously the leader and Sloan the junior member. However, everybody can propose plans and he who proposes the plan agreed upon acts it out.
    - Parents, senior, mentor and friend will help you if they can. Your enemy will at the very least cause complications if (s)he's around
    - You roll against your abilities and skills to conquer obstacles.
    Nature is your general Mousiness. You can use this to hide, forage, ...
    Will is your mental capacity
    Health is your physical capacity
    Resources is your ability to gather or make items or support
    Circles is your ability to gather info and find other mice
    - Belief, goal, instinct and traits are the most important entries on the sheet. These give you guidelines how to role play your mouse but also your primary source for personal success and advancement.
    Playing according to your belief will earns you a fate point. You can use a fate point to reroll a dice when you rolled at least one 6. Playing against your believe earns you a persona point. These points can be traded for one extra dice when confronted by an obstacle.
    A goal is something short term (during this 'session'). Working towards a goal but failing gets you a fate point. Accomplishing your goal gets you a persona point.
    Playing an instinct earns you a fate point.
    Traits can be used in a positive way as well as in a negative way. Incorporating a trait in a beneficial manner earns bonus dice or a reroll. Using one of your traits to get in your own way earns the player checks to be spend later on things you really want.
    - Gear are items that can help you during certain activities

    It seems much and sometimes hard to grasp. Don't worry I'll explain everything in more detail when it comes in play.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Knipsel.JPG 
Views:	221 
Size:	39.8 KB 
ID:	11835

    Oh and here is some info on 'the monster'
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Snapping turtles are gigantic monsters who look like they’ve crawled straight out of the prehistoric past. They have tough, thorny skin, a long tail, stubby legs, claws and a bony snout all set under a ridged shell.
    Snapping turtles have a notoriously bad attitude. They’d sooner take a bite out of something than look at it. They’ll eat anything! Fortunately, they’re big and slow-moving and they stick close to water. So they’re easy for mice to avoid. But if a snapping turtle should get the drop on a mouse, he’s doomed!
    Last edited by Peasant Phill; 01-16-2014 at 23:38.
    Quote Originally Posted by Drone
    Someone has to watch over the wheat.
    Quote Originally Posted by TinCow
    We've made our walls sufficiently thick that we don't even hear the wet thuds of them bashing their brains against the outer wall and falling as lifeless corpses into our bottomless moat.

  20. #20
    Member Member Ishmael's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    So we do the discussion in here and the roleplaying in the other thread, right?

    Great idea with the signature Lazy. Also, I apologise to everybody for my choice of language during this, which will no doubt oscillate between painfully 'archaic' to casual everyday at whiplash-inducing speed. Just to give you warning.

    A couple of questions for our host:

    1. Do we know each others' goals? For example, would I know to be suspicious of Sloan if this Lester character's house burnt down under mysterious circumstances?

    2. (From a purely ego-flattering perspective:) Does Thom's status as patrol leader grant him a specific title (i.e captain, lieutenant etc.)? I wouldn't mind having something to put in front of his name in my signature .

  21. #21
    Do not Dis Member LazyMcCrow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ishmael View Post
    So we do the discussion in here and the roleplaying in the other thread, right?

    Great idea with the signature Lazy. Also, I apologise to everybody for my choice of language during this, which will no doubt oscillate between painfully 'archaic' to casual everyday at whiplash-inducing speed. Just to give you warning.

    A couple of questions for our host:

    1. Do we know each others' goals? For example, would I know to be suspicious of Sloan if this Lester character's house burnt down under mysterious circumstances?

    2. (From a purely ego-flattering perspective:) Does Thom's status as patrol leader grant him a specific title (i.e captain, lieutenant etc.)? I wouldn't mind having something to put in front of his name in my signature .
    Thom is Patrol Leader. The ranks are as follows:

    Tenderpaws - The fresh recruits of the Guard. Tenderpaws are generally accepted into the Guard after they pass a particular rite of passage. This rite often varies, and the only Guardmouse ever known to skip this initiation step was Lieam, under the unusual circumstances of the Winter War of 1149.[3]

    Guardmice - The foot soldiers of the Guard.

    Patrol Guards - Veteran Guardmice responsible for complicated or independent missions.

    Patrol Leaders- Patrol Guard who have demonstrated that they can think independently and guide other mice.

    Guard Captain - Powerful mice appointed to the highest militaristic rank in the Guard due to their longstanding commitment and exemplary service

    Matriarch - The female leader of the Guard, of which only one can be appointed at a time. The Guard's Matriarch has the final word on decisions and is in complete control of the Mouse Guard

    So both Nathaniel and I are veterans, although of different classes - he is a guard mouse and I am a Patrol Guard, Thom is the leader and Sloan is the Tenderpaw/rookie. Plenty of background stuff on the wiki :)

    I have ordered the first book, as I think my daughter who is four is going to love it

  22. #22
    Grand Patron's Banner Bearer Senior Member Peasant Phill's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    A snapping turtle is 5 times bigger and weighs around 500 times as much as an average mouse. You wouldn't casually cut of a leg of a rhino either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ishmael View Post
    So we do the discussion in here and the roleplaying in the other thread, right?

    Great idea with the signature Lazy. Also, I apologise to everybody for my choice of language during this, which will no doubt oscillate between painfully 'archaic' to casual everyday at whiplash-inducing speed. Just to give you warning.

    A couple of questions for our host:

    1. Do we know each others' goals? For example, would I know to be suspicious of Sloan if this Lester character's house burnt down under mysterious circumstances?

    2. (From a purely ego-flattering perspective:) Does Thom's status as patrol leader grant him a specific title (i.e captain, lieutenant etc.)? I wouldn't mind having something to put in front of his name in my signature .

    Yes, that's right. I'll also gather all info on the first post to keep everything in the same place.

    1. Normally, you would only know eachother's goals at the end of the session. That being said, I'm sure the other guard mice are aware that there is some kind of rivalry between Lester and Sloan.

    2. As a survivor of the winter war he's regarded as a hero by all. Being a patrol leader also demands respect from his patrol but he doesn't get a specific title. Mice are pretty much on a first name basis.
    Getting some kind of title could be something to strive for in the player's turn.

    Also, I doubt Thom's brew will have a high enough alcohol percentage to be flamable. Nothing stops him from asking if the brewer has anything better though.

    Also you can ask help from the whole town if you want to.
    There is some death and violence in the comics. Nothing too explicit but still something to be aware of.
    Last edited by Peasant Phill; 01-17-2014 at 12:52.
    Quote Originally Posted by Drone
    Someone has to watch over the wheat.
    Quote Originally Posted by TinCow
    We've made our walls sufficiently thick that we don't even hear the wet thuds of them bashing their brains against the outer wall and falling as lifeless corpses into our bottomless moat.

  23. #23
    Do not Dis Member LazyMcCrow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    Quote Originally Posted by Peasant Phill View Post

    Also, I doubt Thom's brew will have a high enough alcohol percentage to be flamable. Nothing stops him from asking if the brewer has anything better though.

    Also you can ask help from the whole town if you want to.
    There is some death and violence in the comics. Nothing too explicit but still something to be aware of.
    Thanks for the heads up Phill- we'll be reading it together, but in any case; one of her favourite films is Princess Mononoke - repleat with demons, decapitation, dismemberment etc. so I'm sure she'll be fine.

    As far as the turtle is concerned, I think that feeding it the contents of the brewery, combined with Sloans' knowledge of poisons might be one way forward. We clearly can't move the beast, even if we manage to incapacitate it. So we probably need to try and kill it, but then I wouldn't find out what the 'real' cause of the disturbance is! (my goal)

  24. #24
    Grand Patron's Banner Bearer Senior Member Peasant Phill's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    Quote Originally Posted by LazyMcCrow View Post
    Thanks for the heads up Phill- we'll be reading it together, but in any case; one of her favourite films is Princess Mononoke - repleat with demons, decapitation, dismemberment etc. so I'm sure she'll be fine.

    As far as the turtle is concerned, I think that feeding it the contents of the brewery, combined with Sloans' knowledge of poisons might be one way forward. We clearly can't move the beast, even if we manage to incapacitate it. So we probably need to try and kill it, but then I wouldn't find out what the 'real' cause of the disturbance is! (my goal)
    It was just a friendly warning, just in case.

    You can't move it against it's will but maybe …
    But you get to decide as a patrol what to do about the turtle. As long as you get the townmice of Grasslake to go along.
    Quote Originally Posted by Drone
    Someone has to watch over the wheat.
    Quote Originally Posted by TinCow
    We've made our walls sufficiently thick that we don't even hear the wet thuds of them bashing their brains against the outer wall and falling as lifeless corpses into our bottomless moat.

  25. #25
    Do not Dis Member LazyMcCrow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    Quote Originally Posted by Peasant Phill View Post
    It was just a friendly warning, just in case.

    You can't move it against it's will but maybe …
    But you get to decide as a patrol what to do about the turtle. As long as you get the townmice of Grasslake to go along.
    So the idea of baiting it is a pretty good one

  26. #26
    Grand Patron's Banner Bearer Senior Member Peasant Phill's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    So the plan is as follows:
    Kyle will strike and provoke the turtle until it follows him towards the lakeside where it will be dealt with by means procured from the town.

    There are 3 types of obstacles:
    – simple tests: Sloan scouts ahead so he rolls against a fixed number
    – vs. Tests: Thom plays a game of chess with Nathaniel so they roll against each other
    – Conflicts: drawn out cinematic confrontations not recommended for first sessions

    The plan seems like 2 vs. Tests and a simple test. First a vs. test to draw the snapping turtle out of town, then a simple test to get resources from town and finaly a vs. test to get rid of the monster.

    So on to the first test:
    You roll a number of 6-sided dice and every die above 3 is a success. You need more successes than the turtle.

    How many dice can you roll?
    Relevant ability +/- 1D for relevant trait + 1D for relevant gear + 1D/guard mouse who supports the action.

    So for Kyle this could be perhaps 3 dice for fighter + 1 dice for spear - 1 dice for suspicous for a total of 3 dice.

    You can spend a persona point (you all have one) to add your Nature (mouse) to your ability. For Kyle this would set the total number of dice to 8 dice.

    Why tap nature or use traits in a negative way? Because you roleplay your instinct/believe/goal or you want to earn checks for the player turn.

    Does everybody understand this?
    Last edited by Peasant Phill; 01-20-2014 at 16:40.
    Quote Originally Posted by Drone
    Someone has to watch over the wheat.
    Quote Originally Posted by TinCow
    We've made our walls sufficiently thick that we don't even hear the wet thuds of them bashing their brains against the outer wall and falling as lifeless corpses into our bottomless moat.

  27. #27
    Do not Dis Member LazyMcCrow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    I'm 90% following you - I'm sure it will become more clear to me as we progress. I think it's pretty essential we succeed at least in drawing the beast away from the town, so yup - I'll tap my mousey nature for the extra die rolls plz ^^

  28. #28
    Grand Patron's Banner Bearer Senior Member Peasant Phill's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    Resume of the rules (not made by me)
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    The dice
    • 1-3 always fails, 4-6 always succeeds

    • Two parts to the game: GM’s Turn is where I set the story and confront your characters with obstacles. This turn ends when the patrol achieves its mission or when you reach a safe haven. Players’ Turn follows the GM’s Turn and is where players take control of the story in order to heal, to finish up tasks, to find friends, or otherwise pursue their characters’ ambitions. This turn ends when all players have spent their ‘checks.’
    1. Checks are earned each time you use a Trait against yourself and these are spent to gain opportunities (tests) to accomplish stuff you want. You cannot spend two checks in a row; you get to spend a check and then another player gets to spend theirs, and so on back to you. During the Players’ Turn, traits cannot be used to earn checks.
    2. Tests are used to recover, equip, investigate, and so on. For example, you may decide to make a Resource test to buy a suit of armor. You get one test for free; toget more tests, you need to have used a Trait during the GM’s Turn in a way that hindered your character or the patrol. 2. After the Players’ Turn, everyone reads their Belief, Goal and Instinct and is rewarded with Fate and Persona points. End of session.

    • A focus on teamwork and role playing. Beliefs, goals, instincts , traits, friends and enemies all have more to do with how you play your character, rather than what your character is. Teamwork vs. individual actionss. While in most other RPGs, conflicts are handled individually with each player acting on their own, in MG conflicts are resolved as a team and everyone on a team is equally subject to its success or failure.

    • Gear may be used to aid tests and conflicts. Specialized tools like boat paddles, snow shoes or a map give a +1D to an appropriate skill roll, while weapons and armor have unique properties. In a social conflict, “Weapons of Wit” count too, like strong evidence, promises and deception. Remember though: mice can only carry a few small things and you’ll only ever get a +1D for using any tool, no matter how big or well-crafted it is.

    Traits are distinctive characteristics such as Clever, Determined, or Long-Tailed and are the main catalysts for roleplaying your character and developing the story. Traits can be both good and bad—a Fearless mouse can gain bonuses when fighting, but penalties when discretion is needed; a Compassionate mouse may hesitate when killing, but make friends easier. Some traits derive from your hometown, representing qualities that typify that place. For instance, Sprucetuck mice tend to be Inquisitive and Rational.
    • Beneficial uses of traits have three levels and all traits begin at level 1.
    1. Level 1: +1D bonus to a single, appropriate test per session.
    2. Level 2: +1D bonus to all applicable abilities or skills.
    3. Level 3: once per session, reroll all failed dice in a test where the trait was used.
    • You may only use one trait per test to help you at one time and before the roll is made the player should describe how the trait is benefiting his character’s action. You may use other traits in the same test to simultaneously hinder you, however.
    • Characters are limited to a maximum of five traits.

    • Nature: rated 1-7. This is a rating of your ‘mousiness’—the higher your Nature, the more mouse-like you are.
    1. Nature may be used like a skill to do mouse-like things: escape from danger, climb, hide, and forage for food.
    2. Nature may also be ‘tapped’ to perform a heroic act or to substitute for a skill youdon’t know.
    • Spend a point of Persona to add your Nature rating to an ability or skill.
    • Use Nature to substitute for any skill. However, if Nature is used this way and the roll fails, your Nature rating is temporarily reduced by the marginof failure.

    • Will : rated 1-6. Test to recover from Anger (Ob 2) or Sickness (Ob 4), to resist persuasion and deception, or to aid mental Beginner’s Luck rolls.
    • Health : rated 1-6. Test to recover from Tired (Ob 3) and Injured (Ob 4), strength and endurance obstacles, or to aid physical Beginner’s Luck rolls.
    • Resources : rated 1-10. Represents resourcefulness or wealth; either way determines whatmaterial resources you have access to. You get a +1D when in your hometown. See common resources list on p. 238 for obstacle ratings. Failed tests may reduce a character’s Resources rating.
    • Circles : rated 1-10. Use Circles to find people or to collect information. Characters get +1D in their hometown or with an already friendly contact (34). Failed Circles tests may produce a new enemy who is insulted, cheated or scorned by you.

    • MG is not about winning over every obstacle. Failure is equally important since it produces twists and conditions that further the story or which allow your skills to improve. See the (P)ass and (F)ail circles in the Advancement column to the right of each skill. A skill can increase only once you’ve passed a number of tests equal to current rating and failed a number of tests equal to the rating -1 (not really relevant for a one-shot.
    • Beginner’s Luck: If you don’t have a skill to do something, you can substitute Nature. But this prevents your character from learning new skills and risks weakening your natural mousiness. To teach yourself a new skill, attempt it on the job. Roll Will or Health, add appropriate bonuses for wises, gear and player help, then make the test using half the total number. Keep doing this. Once you have made a number of tests—passed or failed doesn’t matter—equal to your Nature, you may add the skill.

    Wises are specialized knowledge skills, like river-wise or owl-wise. They can be used in two ways:
    1. To augment another skill
    2. To know academic or obscure information relevant to your wise

    • Weather-Watching. This skill is unusual; if successful the character doesn’t merely predict the weather; the player gets to describe what that day’s weather will be.

    • Twists: a failed attempt to use a skill or ability may result in a condition, a twist, or both. A twist is a sudden and unforeseen direction to the story that occurs as a result of the character’s mistake. This new situation may introduce different obstacles or make existing obstacles more challenging.

    • Checks : This means ‘hindrance,’ as opposed to ‘confirmation’ or ‘tick mark.’ Using a trait to get in your own way earns you checks against that trait. So you can hurt yourself a little now for gain later. Checks are like currency “for whatever you want—to recover, to find an old friend, to fashion new armor, to pick a fight or buy a gift for your love”.
    • Earn Checks by…using a Trait in a way that impedes you. There are three levels of hindrance to choose from—see Earning Checks on the character sheet. After choosing to use a trait like this, you earn a number of checks equal to the severity of Trait used. Checks may be donated to other characters in the Players’ Turn (74).
    • Spend Checks by…
    1. Buying opportunities during the Players’ Turn. This costs one check per test ‘purchased’ each test provides a chance of you gaining or doing something that you want.
    2. Buying recovery tests for disabling conditions like Angry or Injured. This costs one check per condition during the Players’ Turn and two checks each in the GM’s Turn.
    3. Instantly advancing your traits to the next level. This costs three checks.

    • Tests are simple obstacles that you need to overcome, like crossing a stream or foraging for food. Tests require a single skill roll and may be either independent or versus. • Independent tests are generally against a natural object with a fixed difficulty. For example, crossing a creek needs three successes from your Health. This is notated as ‘Ob3 Health test.’
    • Versus tests are against living opponents and the side with the most rolled successes wins. Extra successes for the winning side mean a proportionally greater win. For example, a disagreement would be resolved with a Persuader versus Persuader or Persuader versus Will test. In any versus test, the GM always rolls first and shows the result to the players.

    • Fate: “luck and good fortune.”
    1. Earn Fate by acting on a belief or instinct, or by working toward a goal
    2. Spend a Fate point to reroll sixes and add those successes to any test.
    • Persona: “a reserve of inner strength.”
    1. Earn Persona by acting against a belief or instinct, accomplishing a goal, or through group-voted rewards at end of session (MVP, Workhorse and best roleplayer)
    2. Spend a Persona point to add +1D to any roll or to tap your Nature. Tapping yourNature adds its rating to any other ability or skill, even if it isn’t within a mouse’snature to do so. A failed roll will reduce your Nature by the margin of failure.

    Forum dice roller

    Type [rollo]Xd6[/rollo] and change the X with the number of dice you want to throw.
    Quote Originally Posted by Drone
    Someone has to watch over the wheat.
    Quote Originally Posted by TinCow
    We've made our walls sufficiently thick that we don't even hear the wet thuds of them bashing their brains against the outer wall and falling as lifeless corpses into our bottomless moat.

  29. #29
    Do not Dis Member LazyMcCrow's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?


  30. #30
    Grand Patron's Banner Bearer Senior Member Peasant Phill's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ever wanted to be a mouse with a sword?

    Quote Originally Posted by LazyMcCrow View Post
    Hmm, I never knew you could roll a 16 or a 35 with a six-sided die.
    I've probably given you the wrong code.

    Please try again with (8d6)[1][1][3][5][3][1][1][1](16).
    @Darth Feather @Ishmael @edse
    You can do something to help Kyle for an extra die or you can specify how and what your mice will do to get resources to drive off/kill the turtle once it's in the open.
    Last edited by Peasant Phill; 01-21-2014 at 10:41.
    Quote Originally Posted by Drone
    Someone has to watch over the wheat.
    Quote Originally Posted by TinCow
    We've made our walls sufficiently thick that we don't even hear the wet thuds of them bashing their brains against the outer wall and falling as lifeless corpses into our bottomless moat.

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