I'm finding it difficult to play EB with any continuity due to CTD's when loading battles. It's a recurring problem no matter what faction I play as (or what year it is and is not caused by the Eleutheroi), and once it occurs it effects every turn for that faction after the initial crash, even if I delete the save game on which the crash occurred and load an earlier save game. The initial crash also seems to cause a lag that only occurs on the campaign map. It doesn't crash for every battle after the initial crash but it is very frequent and is very frustrating in between turns when I can't save and when I am attacked more than once, so much so that if that situation occurs I can't progress at all to the next turn.
I have deleted previous campaigns and started again numerous times when the crashes became too frustrating. I'm wondering if there is anything I can do or if anyone else has experienced similar problems? I think it's probably prolonged playing of EB that initially causes the crash, but they occur frequently afterwards with even little running-time elapsing.
I hope I posted this in the right place.