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Thread: EB Command Line Switch.

  1. #1

    Question EB Command Line Switch.

    Hello to all!

    I have played Europa Barbarorum over a year now and i must say that this is the BEST modification ever that my hands have touched. But now, i have some problems with that...i got a new PC with Windows 8 and after installing EB i cannot find any EB.exe files like i must use now a command line options for original RTW.Exe. And here is my question...if i want to play Single Player or Multi Player version of EB, what commands i must add after RTW.Exe? If possible, please, add these, because i really don't want to stop playing EB!

    Thank you!

  2. #2

    Default Re: EB Command Line Switch.

    Quote Originally Posted by Remy View Post
    Hello to all!

    I have played Europa Barbarorum over a year now and i must say that this is the BEST modification ever that my hands have touched. But now, i have some problems with that...i got a new PC with Windows 8 and after installing EB i cannot find any EB.exe files like i must use now a command line options for original RTW.Exe. And here is my question...if i want to play Single Player or Multi Player version of EB, what commands i must add after RTW.Exe? If possible, please, add these, because i really don't want to stop playing EB!

    Thank you!
    Oh, i must add a little fix it also possible to get command for EB launcher (from where you can choose between some options like erasing banners and those ugly green arrows below chosen units).

  3. #3

    Default Re: EB Command Line Switch.

    create a specific paste mine are always in c: disc in a paste called eb

    it´s important to avoid the 127 caracthers crash so always try and keep the folder and the pathlenghts bellow 127 caracthers to avoid crashes

    as for how to help you i got no idea

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  4. #4

    Default Re: EB Command Line Switch.

    Thank you kind sire! But i am still in a dire need for mod commands... :(

  5. #5

    Default Re: EB Command Line Switch.

    try the eb2 forum there´s a direct link just above far more active then here i only come here because i´m set on my ways

  6. #6

    Default Re: EB Command Line Switch.

    Ok, will do!


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