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Thread: Alexadrers Tomb found in Alexandreia for Polish Center of Archaeology

  1. #1
    Member Member NIKOMAHOS's Avatar
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    Default Alexadrers Tomb found in Alexandreia from Polish Center of Archaeology

    Visit this link:

    According to the Polish Center of Archaeology, one of their teams found a mausoleum dedicated to "The King of Kings, and conqueror of the world, Alexander III".
    We are waiting for carbon-dated analysis of the bones found in the crystal sarcophagus.....

    If it will be true, maybe this is one of the greatest discoveries ever!

    Last edited by NIKOMAHOS; 05-04-2014 at 11:13.

    Love the responsibility. Say: Me, me on my own I have the duty to save Earth. In case she is not safe I will be responsible. Nikos Kazantzakis-Salvatores Dei.

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  2. #2

    Default Re: Alexadrers Tomb found in Alexandreia from Polish Center of Archaeology

    But then there will be conspiracy theories, like "those aren't really Alexander's bones - it's a substitute. His real body is buried with the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail somewhere in America."

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  3. #3
    ΤΑΞΙΑΡΧΟΣ Member kdrakak's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alexadrers Tomb found in Alexandreia from Polish Center of Archaeology

    Quote Originally Posted by Rex Somnorum View Post
    But then there will be conspiracy theories, like "those aren't really Alexander's bones - it's a substitute. His real body is buried with the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail somewhere in America."
    Yes that is typical. The one I have heard is that the Romans took him and hold him in the crypts of the vatican next to St.Peter's tomb. But for the rest of us, if it makes sense, why dispute it? This discovery seems to make sense...

    But after all does it really matter?
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  4. #4
    master of the wierd people Member Ibrahim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alexadrers Tomb found in Alexandreia from Polish Center of Archaeology

    it doesn't, but it is still cool if it is his tomb (and it must be: it has the inscription clearly written on it--as per the report anyways, and its location matches classical accounts, as well as the earliest Arab ones on the matter--which explicitly stated and still insist that the tomb was in the vicinity of Daniel's Mosque: the Mausoleum is in fact ~60 meters away.)

    the only real question left is this: are the bones in there Alexander's? if so, great (and in fact, this is very likely--perhaps almost certain even). if not, then one of two options exist:

    1-it was destroyed (whether it was moved first or not being irrelevant here).
    2-it was not destroyed, but had to be moved, and is currently safely kept someplace where its location has been lost to time. I've heard (and I don't buy it much), that the mummy in St. Mark's cathedral in Venice is actually Alexander's, and not Mark's.

    which of these two is likely will depend on what happened between ~212 AD (when Caracalla visited his tomb) and the year 641, when the Arabs captured the city.

    I know the options are obvious, but this has to be made clear, since frankly, I've heard even dumber ideas from the "fools of Alexandria". On top of that, if either of the two is correct, then it would help us fill up the gaps between the above-mentioned years, regarding the tomb's history.
    Last edited by Ibrahim; 05-05-2014 at 08:26.
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  5. #5
    Member Member Friendly Sword's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alexadrers Tomb found in Alexandreia from Polish Center of Archaeology

    I am sad to note that 'World News Daily Report' is a notorious purveyor of fake news stories, and as such it is highly likely this is a hoax.

    I don't know *why* they would create a story like this that is effectively just a set of somewhat plausible and unfunny lies, but if you read all of the details it does sound fishy.

    Sorry! :(
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  6. #6

    Default Re: Alexadrers Tomb found in Alexandreia from Polish Center of Archaeology

    There are some strange statements in there, indeed. I would have liked to believe it, but some things in the text stand out. For instance, would Alexander the great really have been referred to as Alexander III in a contemporary inscription? That's not how he is generally referred to on any coins or other inscriptions I've seen. I think that is a miss by the otherwise rather clever purveyours of this hoax.

    And as mentioned above, if you look at some of the other archaeology stories they have on the site, they are making claims which I cannot see how they could corroborate (Check out the Sodom and Gomorrah article, for instance). I can't find any other sources for this information either, on any more well-sourced medias, which leads me to believe it is false. A find such as that would surely get coverage in many more seriouse news items, were it true.

    Still, it is interesting to note that the people behind this hoax have done a decent job as regards the details. The location, the "glass" sarcophagus, etc seem to point to this being wruitten by someone with actual source knowledge about the legends about the tomb. Still, it is most likely this is a made up news article, and the true location of Alexander's tomb remains elusive.
    Last edited by Mithridates VI Eupator; 05-05-2014 at 14:31.

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  7. #7

    Default Re: Alexadrers Tomb found in Alexandreia from Polish Center of Archaeology

    I was excited like no one when I read the title but as a native polish speaker I must destroy it for you: this news is 100% hoax. Website of Polish Center of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw says nothing about the find and it seems to be updated rather regulary: Polish media are also quiet about this and they usually report all interesting finds :(. Not to mention the way the article is written, which is far from professional and believeable...
    Last edited by Yavana; 05-05-2014 at 21:09.
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  8. #8

    Default Re: Alexadrers Tomb found in Alexandreia from Polish Center of Archaeology

    the tomb is important the bones not so much the tomb can give us much information about his time as for the bones not so sure if poison or imediate or sudden disease shows up so only interesting part would be to increase the gossips about ptolemaioi being the murder since originally after the murder he got the best part of the empire the biggest and richest land and ofc he stole the body to conceal the evidences of alex being murdered

    now thats a conspiracy theory that makes sence

  9. #9
    Member Member NIKOMAHOS's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alexadrers Tomb found in Alexandreia from Polish Center of Archaeology

    I found some article in a well known Greek newspaper and searching in the interenet led me to the link I presented.
    I also think that something like this should get more publicity from more respected news agencies but nothing up to date... So I have to apologize for this post.

    Last edited by NIKOMAHOS; 05-08-2014 at 06:36.

    Love the responsibility. Say: Me, me on my own I have the duty to save Earth. In case she is not safe I will be responsible. Nikos Kazantzakis-Salvatores Dei.

  10. #10
    Speaker of Truth Senior Member Moros's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alexadrers Tomb found in Alexandreia from Polish Center of Archaeology

    The website you linked to is obviously a hoax news website, as are so common on the internet. (Check out some of the other stories it covers) While some use it to satirise real events or persons or at least humour (even if sometimes absurd). This one however also just puts up fake stories without much humour or anything.

  11. #11
    Member Member Docus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Alexadrers Tomb found in Alexandreia from Polish Center of Archaeology

    Too bad, I would've like to take a look at the tomb of my namesake (hint, hint!) within my lifetime.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Alexadrers Tomb found in Alexandreia from Polish Center of Archaeology

    Still, it's a nice hoax you discovered :-)

    About Alexander's legend and the following conspiracy theories, it reminds me of this amazing movie :

  13. #13

    Default Re: Alexadrers Tomb found in Alexandreia from Polish Center of Archaeology

    Yeah thats a top film


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