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Thread: Best campaign (not MP) troop roster?

  1. #1
    Banned Kadagar_AV's Avatar
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    Default Best campaign (not MP) troop roster?

    What do you guys think?

    The Turks are great, but only in the late game...

    Russia however get their kick-arse unit very early - and thus have every chance to level them up. They also have extremely diverse troops...

    AP light javelin knights... (Druzhina )
    AP viking wannabes... (Dismounted Druzhina)
    Great horse archers... (Cossacks)

    List goes on, to end with Tsars Guard who easily hold their own against any knights the western world can throw at them :)

    I'd go with Russia, what do the rest of you think?

  2. #2
    Strategist and Storyteller Senior Member Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Best campaign (not MP) troop roster?

    For Vanilla? I'd go with England. Hurr hurr. No seriously.

    The Longbowmen line is extremely OP in vanilla because high damage AP bows + stakes (not to be confused with delicious steaks) + partial plate armour = death
    Armoured Swordsmen are the best AR units in the game when fully upgraded. They also do their job fantastically in lead battles as they are sword+shield and thus chop two handers to bits because of the two handed bug. English knights are OK, a bit less powerful than French/HRE ones but in Vanilla you can get Temlars/Hospitalliers, and thus get some of the best knights anyway.

    If HA armies are your thing, I'd say the Byzantines or Russia have that as well as other strong stuff. Though the Byz has pretty much the best all around roster IIRC.

    Honourable mention to late game Venice however.
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    when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.

    These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth;
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Best campaign (not MP) troop roster?

    Moors, hands down. Camel Gunners are, arguably, the best overall unit in the game. The Christian Guard (mounted and dismounted) are fantastic. Round all this out with upgraded Lamtuna Spearmen and the world is (easily) yours. The only down side is the extensive development required for these units. Moors pretty much start out with troops wearing just a t-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops. Basically, beach volleyball players armed with a pointy tennis racket.

    My Honorable Mention goes to Byz. With a full roster available, they have something to counter just about anything.

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  4. #4
    Member Member jackfruitguy69's Avatar
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    Default Re: Best campaign (not MP) troop roster?

    pikemen or halberd=noble pikemen/swiss guard
    spearmen=order spearmen/ papal guard
    javelin or short range infantry=almughavars/naffatun
    melee tank=dis. christian guard/dis. ritterbruder
    melee shock troop=canon of the holy sepulchre/dis. polish knights
    archer=dis. dvor
    gunner=jannisary musketeer
    horse archer=mongol horse archer/vardariotai
    heavy cavalry=polish knights
    javelin horse=polish nobles
    light cavalry=stradiots
    horse gunner=camel gunner/spanish dragoons
    siege artillery=basilisk
    antipersonell artillery=monster ribault

    Last edited by jackfruitguy69; 06-24-2014 at 06:26.


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