So, often times I find myself sending out my merchants to locate good trade and after only a few turns a rival merchant from one of the other nations shows up and buys him out, my merchants rarely win this little turf battle.
As a result, because I find this rather annoying, whether because I sent to the trouble of sending my guy half way across the planet or because the other nations also proceed to invade my homeland with merchant spam, I then proceed to recruit an army of assassins and proceed to lay slaughter to anything and everything that moves and claims to be a merchant, otherwise I never have mine stick around long enough to rank up and be able to successfully compete with rival merchants.
Once I get some merchants developed I ease up on the assassin business and use merchants to take over the other nation's merchants.
For those of you who prefer not to take the hit on your traits by the use of assassins how do you deal with the waves of never ending merchants coming at you?