Turn 1 Peace. You may cross another players region, but must not end turn there nor take any hostile action, like fighting or forting.
Pm the next player that it is their turn. You have 24 hours to play each turn before skip/sub
3 strike rule when it comes to a player being late. If your late 3 times with no warning, word or reason then you'll be replaced.
Destroying buildings is not allowed
3 forts a region/player and forts need to have a garrison of at least 4 units, to limit fort spamming a bit.
No assassinations
No bug abuse! When you think someone has used a bug report it here and the admin will look into it.
No sailing from a blockaded port without first defeating the blockading ships, it is illegal to burn down ports in order to get around this rule.
Armies must not be hidden in ships inside of ports.
No sallying forth in a siege to deny your besieger the opportunity to sack your settlement.
Post pictures of battle odds, involved armies, their banners and the results. It is advised to hide everything else, especially the mini map and your finances.
Settlements gifted should disband all units save one. No gifting regions in a war zone ( bordering faction at war with, or under threat )
For a princess to steal a general, there must be a 35% chance OR HIGHER. You must take a picture of the odds and the results to prove it.
Armies defeated by a player (b) that comes after the original player (a)'s turn cannot move next turn, so if Tyrell defeats a Lannister army that army cannot move next turn. - Exception: Reinforcing armies standing in defenses, even if defeated, don't lose movement points. So player 'a' is allowed to move the army that reinforced another while in a fort even if defeated by 'b'. Addendum to the same rule: no sallying out of a fort\castle which has forces which were defeated last turn. This is to make it fair for those who come last at the turn order, because they will not be able to do this
Heroic victories are banned
No watchtower spam to prevent forting, admin will be the one to decide if it is or not so dont risk it.
The recruitment of siege equipment and their use is strictly prohibited.
Not allowed to besiege a fort/settlement solely to deny the besieged army from participating in battles(with enemy forces next to the fort) or to prevent a defeated army to retreat into the fort.
If someone preforms a trick\move which isn't forbidden by the rules that the admin does not like, that action (if it should be allowed or not) goes to a vote and if more then half the players agree then that rule will become valid immediately. This goes for any loopholes a player may find, if you believe an action to be unlawful/possibly against the rules, consider it an illegal move and contact an Admin before making the move.
Liege Lords may not declare war on their vassals for at least 5 turns unless clearly provoked by said vassal, as an example: Tyrell cannot wipe out Redwyne simply because he desires Redwynes lands. (Otherwise factions like Frey, Darry, Hightower and Redwyne will end up being killed off simply because 'I want your stuff!'. Liege Lords are meant to protect their banners, not kill them.)
- Rules for Nights Watch :
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
1: You must first defeat the Wildling Threat before being allowed to move South (Night King, or to aid Stark/Botlon)
2: You are not allowed to enter any Alliance with the Wildlings as they are your sworn enemies. NaPs are allowed however.
3: Southern factions are not allowed to attack the Night's Watch, unless they prove themselves to be a threat by claiming Night King/Aiding Stark/Bolton or Entering your lands uninvited.
4:Wildings must spend a turn climbing the wall
5:Lords may become in favour of the nights watch by helping them Money or Soldier wise and he then can join in war along with them (but Wildings must yield / or be deystroyed)
Download the file, then find your data/world/maps/base and overwrite the file there. (Delete the map.rwm)
Also please remember, if you're going to be late, even ask for an extension or an ally to sub for you. I normally don't skip people but in this hotseat I will, I can't sub everyone that is late.
I think that the Bolton player haven't created a profile here yet, I'll pm him on TWC, if not played in 24 hours I'll sub, sorry for the delay, I haven't had much time to organize things here
Sorry for any delay that my abscence may have caused. Since the Bolton player haven't showed up yet I'll assume he left the hotseat so I'll sub now and look for a replacement.