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Thread: Duel of the Fates

  1. #1
    winston 4 champs Member Zack's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Default Duel of the Fates

    This will be loosely based on my previously failed attempt at a Jedi tournament of the same name.

    The basic premise is that a number of Jedi (not necessarily "light side", but force-sensitive lightsaber-wielding guys) are participating in a grand tournament for glory and honor. You know, the Jedi way. There will be a round robin (or swiss bracket, if there's a lot of signups) to determine seeding, then a single-elimination tournament to determine the winner and runners-up.

    There are five basic stats:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Lightsaber Attack: Your ability to attack an opponent using a lightsaber.

    Lightsaber Defense: Your ability to defend yourself from lightsaber attacks.

    Force Attack: Your ability to attack an opponent using the Force.

    Force Defense: Your ability to defend yourself from Force attacks.

    Health: Your health points, i.e. how much damage you can sustain before defeat. (Note that your actual health will be your health stat * a multiplier).

    Players start with 50 points to distribute among these stats.

    Add a little r/p/s element:

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    Lightsaber Form: There are 7 different forms. Each form receives a bonus to lightsaber attack against three other forms. This works out to having 3 strong matchups, 3 weak ones, and the mirror.

    Force Powers: There are 5 different powers. Each power receives a bonus to force attack against two other powers. This works out to having 2 strong matchups, 2 weak ones, and the mirror.

    Players select one Lightsaber Form and one Force Power to start the game.

    Combat generally works in the following manner:

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    Before each duel, you must send me the following information:

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    1. Lightsaber Form - You must pick one lightsaber form to use for this battle.

    2. Force Power - You must pick one force power to use for this battle.

    Once I have both players' information and orders, I will apply any applicable modifiers to their stats based on lightsaber/force forms, and enter in the player's health stat * the health multiplier.

    After that, each round of combat is computed in the following manner:

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    1. Lightsaber Attack - Lightsaber Defense = Lightsaber Damage (can't be lower than zero)

    2. Force Attack - Force Defense = Force Damage (can't be lower than zero)

    3. Lightsaber Damage + Force Damage = Total Damage

    4. A randomly generated modifier between 0.75 and 1.25 is multiplied by the Total Damage.

    5. Each player takes the Total Damage dealt by their opponent. This is subtracted from their health.

    6. If one player's health reaches zero or lower, they are defeated and their opponent wins. If the health of both players simultaneously reaches zero or lower, the battle is a draw.

    7. If the health of both players is still above zero, another round of combat ensues.

    After each Round Robin match, players will progress their character:

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    1. Distribute 5 points among your stats (LA, LD, FA, FD, Health).

    2. Learn either one Lightsaber Form or one Force Power.

    You cannot save these upgrades for later.

    To prevent ridiculous stat distributions (such as 30 Lightsaber Attack, 20 Health, and 0 everything else):

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    For every five points you put into a stat, the cost to increase that stat increases by 1. For example, if your Lightsaber Attack is 3, then it costs one point to upgrade it to 6. If your Lightsaber Attack is 5, then it costs two points to upgrade it to 6. If your Lightsaber Attack is 12, then it costs four points to upgrade it to 13. And so on.
    Last edited by Zack; 06-18-2014 at 18:23.

  2. #2
    winston 4 champs Member Zack's Avatar
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    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Duel of the Fates


  3. #3
    Senior Member Senior Member Jarema's Avatar
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    Oct 2010

    Default Re: Duel of the Fates

    it seems good and I would gladly play

    I only wonder if progress with forms and powers is not too fast

  4. #4
    winston 4 champs Member Zack's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Duel of the Fates

    I made some changes, mostly streamlining. The old OP is in the spoiler below.

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    This will be loosely based on my previously failed attempt at a Jedi tournament of the same name.

    The basic premise is that a number of Jedi (not necessarily "light side", but force-sensitive lightsaber-wielding guys) are participating in a grand tournament for glory and honor. You know, the Jedi way. There will be a round robin (or swiss bracket, if there's a lot of signups) to determine seeding, then a single-elimination tournament to determine the winner and runners-up.

    There are five basic stats:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Lightsaber Attack: Your ability to attack an opponent using a lightsaber.

    Lightsaber Defense: Your ability to defend yourself from lightsaber attacks.

    Force Attack: Your ability to attack an opponent using the Force.

    Force Defense: Your ability to defend yourself from Force attacks.

    Health: Your health points, i.e. how much damage you can sustain before defeat. (Note that your actual health will be your health stat * a multiplier).

    Players start with 50 points to distribute among these stats.

    There are several different abilities:

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    Lightsaber Form: There are 7 different forms. Each form receives a 1.25x bonus to lightsaber attack against three other forms. This works out to having 3 strong matchups, 3 weak ones, and the mirror. Each form has various stat bonuses and maluses spread across the five categories, summing to a total of +5.

    Force Form: There are 5 different forms. Each form receives a 1.25x bonus to force attack against two other forms. This works out to having 2 strong matchups, 2 weak ones, and the mirror. Each form has various stat bonuses and maluses spread across the five categories, summing to a total of +5.

    Force Powers: There are both defensive and offensive Force Powers. I am still working on creating and balancing these, but hopefully I can get a list up soon. They are rather varied in their effects.

    Players select one Lightsaber Form, one Force Form, one offensive Force Power, and one defensive Force Power to start the game.

    Combat generally works in the following manner:

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    Before each duel, you must send me the following information:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1. Lightsaber Form - You must pick one lightsaber form to use for this battle.

    2. Force Form - You must pick one force form to use for this battle.

    3. Force Powers - You must pick one offensive force power and one defensive force power for this battle.

    Once I have both players' information and orders, I will apply any applicable modifiers to their stats based on lightsaber/force forms, and enter in the player's health stat * the multiplier.

    After that, each round of combat is computed in the following manner:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1. Lightsaber Attack - Lightsaber Defense = Lightsaber Damage (can't be lower than zero)

    2. Force Powers are resolved to calculate Force Damage (can't be lower than zero).

    3. Lightsaber Damage + Force Damage = Total Damage

    4. A randomly generated modifier between 0.75 and 1.25 is multiplied by the Total Damage.

    5. Each player takes the Total Damage dealt by their opponent. This is subtracted from their health.

    6. If one player's health reaches zero or lower, they are defeated and their opponent wins. If the health of both players simultaneously reaches zero or lower, the battle is a draw.

    7. If the health of both players is still above zero, another round of combat ensues.

    (I will put an example here sometime, to make it clearer.)

    After each Round Robin match, players will progress their character:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    1. Distribute 5 points among your stats (LA, LD, FA, FD, Health).

    2. Learn either one Lightsaber Form or one Force Form.

    3. Learn one Force Power.

    You cannot save these upgrades for later.

    To prevent ridiculous stat distributions (such as 30 Lightsaber Attack, 20 Health, and 0 everything else):

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    Each stat starts at Level 0. For every five points in a stat, it progresses to the next level (e.g. 0-4 Lightsaber Attack is Level 0, 5-9 is Level 1, 10-14 is Level 2, etc.). The lowest level stat you have costs 1 point to increase. If a stat's level is higher than your lowest stat's level, that stat costs 1 additional point to increase for each level. This is awkwardly worded, so hopefully the example below makes it clearer.

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    I would really appreciate your feedback and thoughts. Last time I did this, the battle system was completely broken. I want to try and prevent that. Here are some things I definitely want feedback on:

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    1. Lightsaber/Force Forms - I'm not sure about the stat bonuses, and if I should simply cut them and have forms be a purely r/p/s element.

    2. Force Powers - I feel like there's potential here, but I also feel like these are difficult to balance. One route would be to have r/p/s abilities (e.g. offensive: lightning, choke, push; defensive: counter lightning, counter choke, counter push). Another would be to have a lot of different possible effects (stat bonuses, absorb damage, heal, attack with your lightsaber twice, chance to stun your opponent so they can't attack with lightsaber, drain life, chance to cancel one of opponent's force powers; stuff like that). Something else to consider is whether players should be forced to choose one offensive and one defensive force power, or if they can choose to use two of the same type.

    3. Levels - Does it work? Is it too restricting?

    4. Updates - How much should I reveal? Of course stats will never be explicitly revealed, only implicitly. That said, I'm not sure what to do in regards to revealing the forms and force powers a player uses in a battle, and how explicit/implicit I want to make it.

    5. Modifiers - Too big? Too small?

    6. Progression - Too much? Too little? Too limiting?

    Anything else you think of, speak up!


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