The earliest known illustrated copies of the Persian epic, the Shahnama, are referred to as the First and Second Small Shahnamas, produced by the Ilkhans.
Here are illustrations of Ilkhanids from the First Small Shahnama from various museum collections:
Zahhak bound on mount Damavand
The King of Yemen receives Faridun's sons
Manuchihr kills Tur in battle
Zal displays his skills before Manuchihr
Sam visits Zal and Rustam
The second battle between Nauzar and Afrasiyab
Rustam catches Rakhsh
Rustam lifts Afrasiyab by the belt
Rustam mortally wounds Suhrab
Sudaba accuses Siyavush
Guruy executes Siyavush
Faramarz captures Surkha, son of Afrasiyab
Giv finds Kay Khusrau in Turan
Kay Khusrau reviews his troops
Bizhan pursues Tazhav, who carries Ispanay on his horse
Rivniz dies, but Bahram saves his crown
Ruhham overcomes Bazur the Turanian wizard
Rustam kills Ashkabus and his horse
Rustam captures and kills Kamus
Rustam overturns Chingish by seizing the tail of his horse
Rustam fights Sava
Rustam pulls the Khaqan of Chin from his elephant by lasso
Rustam overthrows Puladvand
Gustaham kills Lahhak
The execution of Afrasiyab
Iskandar kills the Abyssinian monster
Illustrations of Ilkhanids from the First Small Shahnama
14th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers