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Thread: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

  1. #1

    Default Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Admin of the HS: @Myth & @Nightbringer
    Settings of the HS: VH/VH, Late Era, Savage AI,Longer assimilation and Disable Real Recruitment checked
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 


    Europe is in turmoil and war spread from the basin on which civilization was born to the islands where the winter never leaves. Religion is the shield, ambition is the sword. Warlords from the asian steppes to the Pillars of Hercules challenge themselves to reach absolute power.
    Who's the righteous and who's the evil? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history...!!! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values!!! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground!!! Justice will prevail, you say!? But of course it will!!! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!!!"

    Rules of the HS
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    Brand new rule: the decisive battle!
    Under the following conditions (all of them must be true):
    -you're at war against one or more factions
    -you have 3 regions or less and you lost at least 2 regions since the war started

    Under those circumstances only, you can call the "decisive battle". This is a way to simulate a last
    decisive effort to revert the outcome of a war, which will give the possibility (if succeeded ) to put a stop
    to the war (10 turns of forced peace between the 2 parties) and regain some of the regions lost (if succeeded the player can choose to get back through diplomacy 2 regions of his choice among the one he lost). If the player who call the decisive battle ,loses it, then its faction will be assimilated by the winners (they'll need to find an agreement for sharing those).

    The battle will be played online using a private room Hamachi network, that will be setup by me.
    The losing side will be allowed to spend 18k of money to assemble the army (he needs to choose his own faction, although he can use mercenary units too). The winning side will be allowed to spend up to 22k.
    This is to represent the advantage of what's happening on the campaign map.
    If the players attacking a faction who called the decisive battle are more than one, then they'll choose who will represent them on the battle. Ideally the time for the battle should be agreed within 4 days since the battles is called. No more regions can be taken by the losing side, after the decisive battle is called, until the battle is played.

    Basic Rules:

    -2 Turns of peace: you can't attack anyone on your first 2 turns. And you can't leave any army on enemy territory at the end of your 2 turns. Also you can't attack a settlement on your third turn with units that were on ships at the end of the 2nd turn
    - Reloading turns is allowed (because it can't be banned) but not encouraged. Since reloading is allowed ,Heroic victories are banned. So if you obtain one of them, you must reload until you get a different
    type of result. Remember that once you upload save and ss ,they're to be considered final (it means you cannot replay the save changing the battles you fought due to agreements reached after the save has been posted)
    - Turns must be played within your time schedule. No extension will be granted for no reason . If you can't play your turn, pls organize your subbing or you might be skipped. A player who fail to play twice in a row without explanation might be substituted.
    -Delays: players who play who takes more than 20 minutes (and if it's not skipped) from the time-slot of the next player (the one published it here) will be fined with: 2k, if the faction has 5 or less than 5 regions., 5k if the faction has 15 or less regions, 10k if the faction has 25 or less regions, 15k if the faction has more than 25 regions. Half of such fine will be refund to the player who was subtracted the money, if he still manages to play his turn within his time schedule .

    - Notify next player who comes after your turn by post message or leaving message on message board!

    Battle Rules:

    - Armies that are defeated in battle by a player that comes after them in the turn list may not move the following turn. This is to make it fair for people who are defeated by players that come before them in the turn list.
    Beware: -Defeated army's rule only applies to armies which should have lost mov.points.
    - Its ALLOWED to use siege weapons to attack city straight away instead of waiting siege equipment to construct.Siege equipment must be shown on a battle proof image.
    - All Player vs Player battles must be auto-resolved. Battles against AI can be played. Note: Screenshots (of battles against humans) are to be posted as evidence of auto-resolve.(The Odds and Results windows must not be edited in any way. Editing out Map info, Cash, and any Units/Agents/Regions not involved in the attack is fine). Composition of the army must not be edited and being visible.
    - No surrounding enemy armies with one or few units stack armies, solely to deny any survivors a retreat. Blocks of landbridges ,bridges or similar, to cut the retreat is allowed (only in regions that were yours at the start of your turn)
    if not in contact with the enemy army (which means the red zone around the enemy army)
    -No attacking ships inside a port.You cannot leave a blocked port without fighting the enemy ships first. Exception: If a player keeps an army inside a fleet inside a port,
    other players are allowed to attack that fleet even if it's inside a port (if you don't know how, ask Invicta). If the army in the fleet inside the port, is a defeated army, it can't be attacked until the defeated army will be allowed to move .
    -you can build only one fort per region max (it is meant per faction, so if faction A built a fort in region 1 ,also faction B can build his fort in the same region, but if a faction A also occupy the fort of faction B then it needs to leave one fort free).
    -"You cannot sally out from your settlement/fort, or attack the army besieging your settlement/fort if the result is a defeat" .No exception.
    - Settlements outside the RED line on the map (look at the post below) can be captured and must be gave away within 3 turns . You can sack the settlement (no extermination and no destroying building. This is to keep the AI factions as a competitive threat), but it has to be gifted (you can't take money for it)
    - You can't besiege a settlement/fort to prevent the garrison to reinforce an army next to it.
    - You cannot besiege a settlement/fort to prevent an enemy army to retreat inside the settlement/fort, while rather having the enemy army retreat next to the fort/settlement and attack it again to lure out the army
    outside the fort-settlement
    -you can't purposely lure out an ambushed army if the result of the battle is a defeat.

    Crusades and Jihads Rules:

    -Crusade/Jihads can be called only from turn 8 and onward.
    - Crusades can be called by all non-excommunicated Catholic factions with a vote system. As soon as a Crusade will be available,
    any catholic faction ,which has not been excommunicated can call the vote. Once the vote is called and the possible targets made public,
    each player must send within 24 hrs his target choice to the admin (so that no one take advantage from knowing other players choices).
    Each vote will count as many points as how much Papal favor that faction will have at the mement of the vote.
    Once the target has been decided the crusade will be called by the faction with most papal favor points. If more than one have the most papal favor points,
    than the crusade will be called by the one who is closer to come next in the turn order.
    -Jihads: whenever a Jihad is available to be called, any Muslim faction can ask to have it called. However it will be the faction with the imam with the highest piety to call it,
    and decide the target. If 2 or more Muslim factions have their best imam with the same level of piety, it will be the one with the second best imam to call it..and so on.
    - Only 1 army per faction is allowed to join in a crusade/Jihad,No MORE!
    - No crusade or Jihads abuse. Only the crusade/jihad target is allowed to be attacked.No joining a Crusade or a Jihad to get units or movement points and then leaving the invasion.Once you join in crusade or jihad you MUST go all the way to the crusade or jihads target and attempt to capture it. Armies or forts of the enemy target can be attacked if on the way to the crusade/jihad target (They must really be on your way to the target, and they should represent a real obstacle or threat to the crusade/jihad army . You can't use them for instance, to break a siege on one of your cities)
    - Crusade and Jihad armies cannot be used to fight each others.
    -Crusade/Jihads cannot be called against Orthodox and Pagans factions .
    Once a Crusade/Jihad target is named, you cannot:
    -give away the target-settlement to any other faction.
    -the garrison in the targeted settlement can't be moved (the faction has the duty of defend the settlement, not to leave it undefended, like it would have happened in the real world)
    -make any deal with the Pope until the Crusade/Jihad ends .
    -Assasinate the Pope (valid for any faction) until the crusade ends.

    Agents Rules:

    -Agents can perform any action within their capablities as long as they have 60% of chances (ss can be sent to the admin if you want to kep secret your doing). SS of spies opening the gate (you need 2 at least) are required to be posted always. Assassins exception: assassins cannot kill family member (generals can be always killed)
    Assassins exception: assassins can kill other assassins with 30% (or above) chances.
    - Spies aren't allowed to spread plague in any case not matter what.
    -If someone take a settlement in which you had spies (whether it was your or not) previously infiltrated, and you intend to conquer it, you still need to take out of the settlements the spies to prove you have the 60% of chances of infiltrating in the turn you're going to conquer it .
    - Each faction cannot recruit more than a assassin every 25 regions owned. So to recruit the second assassin you'd need to own 26 regions or more. For the third
    51 or more and so on.. If you have 26 regions recruit a second assassin, and after some turns the number of regions decrease to 25 or less you must immediately suicide
    one of the assassins.
    - No exploiting merchants in the form of merchant stack - (Putting several
    merchants in an army or fort/military-unit securing a resource).
    -All the agents rules are applicable against both, humans and AI: please respect them
    -Agents cannot push other merchants off of a resource (rule added the 18/8/14 )
    Buildings Rules:

    - Only Inns/Guilds are allowed to be destroyed
    - If a settlement is under siege then it is NOT ALLOWED to destroy any buildings in the settlement.
    - You are not allowed to exterminate a settlement in the map . This is because it will destroy many buildings in the settlement(Possibly downgrade a settlement). This is also valid against the AI.

    Diplomacy rules

    -No taking money or regions from the AI. No exceptions.
    -No allying Pope
    -No giving provinces in war zone to a faction controlled by the AI (it means regions bordering-by land- with a faction you're at war with).It's ok giving it to a human-controlled faction.
    -Any new player taking command of a faction previously held by another player cannot attack a faction he's officially allied with for at least 5 turns, or until the allies of that faction break the deal.
    - Any regions that are gifted, sold, traded with another Faction must have all units except one disbanded immediately!
    -Is not allowed to vassalage AI factions
    -Faction Suicide is illegal. Anyone suspecting someone else trying to commit suicide or not playing to the best of his abilities must report it to an admin immediately. Any party involved in the splitting up or taking advantage of such game play will be fined accordingly.
    -when a new player joins, he need tor respect his official (it means made public in the thread with the terms of such agreements and posted in the 2nd post of the thread under the appropriate section) alliances and NAPs for at least 2 turns. The same apply to existing players in regard of the new player. The rule doesn't apply if one of the 2 factions in question, had already a change of player in the last 3 turns (and as such already observed the forced period peace in the last 2 turns).
    -Lifting siege through diploamcy: if you have besieged a settlement, and your enemy allies during his turn with one of your allies, the siege will be lifted (since peace between you and your enemy will be enforced). This is allowed. So beware who you ally with,
    -Diplomatic deals and loss of reputation: you can accuse of betrayal only when a player betrays an official deal. Deals made in secrecy, cannot be mentioned in the thread. So basically if you make a deal in secrecy with another faction, and that faction betrays you,
    you can't denounce him in public. This way we can create a big distinction between official and shady diplomacy. If you break this rule, you'll be subject to a fine of 10k minimum , and the same amount will be given to the player whom reputation has been damaged.

    The mov.bugs cannot be used. All bugs in general are banned unless explicitly allowed.

    When discrepancies will arise or aspects not covered by the rules above, the Admin on its total own discretion will rule out about such cases.
    If you believe someone might have broken the rules, you should not post it publicly! Pm first to the admins who will first investigate on the matter.
    If the breaking of the rules is confirmed, then it'll be the admin to report it publicly along with the appropriate fine/punishment.
    Last edited by sonnet; 08-18-2014 at 17:00. Reason: settings are VH/VH so i changed it

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  2. #2

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Officia Diplomatic deals & Reputation
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    The list of unreliable players.
    Basically whoever breaks an official agreement, will be put in the list of unreliable players for the next 10 turns.
    During such period other players are entitled to break/betray their official agreements with the unreliable players without losing reputation.
    This because if you becomes unreliable, your word won't be iron any more,and other player will have the right to doubt your will to honor the agreements you signed with them. Once the 10 turns passes, everything get reset, and it'll be back to work like before the player lost his reputation.
    Beware: that would apply only to agreements signed before the players became unreliable. If you signed an agreement after the counterpart became unreliable, you'll lose your reputation
    if you break it. This because you knew already before signing the deal that the player was unreliable.
    If the player, who became unreliable , will keep respecting all the other agreements for the next 10 turns after he became unreliable, then he'll be removed from the unreliable list.

    Breaking honorably the alliances.
    Most of alliances do not have an expiration date. In such cases, to breaking it honourably without losing reputation, the player needs to officially notify in the thread that he's breaking the alliance and to not attack his ex-ally for the next
    3 turns (this means that the ex-ally has to play at least 3 turns, after you notified him officially in the thread , before attacking him without losing reputation and become unreliable).

    2 allies going to war one against the other:
    If 2 allies of a faction gets into war each other (example Aragon allied to Castille and France, and France attacks Castille), then the player (in the example Aragon) is exempted from honoring the alliance with the attacking ally (France). But he needs to declare publicly (within one turn since the conflict broke started )that he intends to break the alliance with the attacking ally, if he decides to side with the ally who has been attacked (in the example Castille).
    If he decides to side with the attacking ally, then he would still need to wait 6 turns (after he breaks officially the alliance with the attacked ally) if he doesn't want to lose his reputation.

    NAPs: breaking the NAP with a faction who attacked your ally
    NAPs are meant to be respected even if the other side attacks one of your allies (unless not attacking a certain
    faction is part of the NAP agreement ). If the faction you have the NAP with, attacks your ally (he needs to be your official ally before the conflict began), to not loose your reputation you should announce (within one turn since the conflict started ) the breaking of the NAP ,3 turns in advance (which means that you can attack the other player only 3 turns after you announced the breaking of the NAP.

    Note: it is intended that when you announce about breaking a NAP or an Alliance, the first to be allowed to attack without losing reputation will be the other side. Example: if TO decide to break a NAP with Venice (who comes after TO in the turns order) and announce it on turn 85 after Venice has already played its turn, then Venice will be allowed to attack TO -without losing reputation- on its turn 89, and TO on its turn 90.

    Note 2: you can honorably break your NAP with the 3 turns notice, only if your ally is the one who has been attacked first (which means the faction you have the NAP made the first attack. Beware: the only way to be considered attacked is where either the faction has been physically attacked -like a ship/army/settlement being attacked- or territory transgression -mean the army of the faction you have a NAP with- entered the territory of your ally.This is the only way in which you ally can declare of being attacked while actually having launched the attack first. Water transgression is not a justification, as also thing like spies, or finding assassins in your lands, or siege weapons in reach of your settlements unless specified in your agreements

    Succession to the throne:
    When a player leaves and it's replaced by another player, the new ruler might re-evaluate if respecting the old
    deals or not without being put in the player's blacklist. But unless he declares within the first turn (it means before he plays his second save in the campaign) that he intends to respect all the official deals signed by the predecessor, then also the other factions that have deals with it, can rescind unilaterally the deal without any consequences on the reputation with immediate effect.
    The realm will be put in the "Unreliable Crowns" list for 2 turns during which the other factions (the with which the crown intends to keep the old agreement) can evaluate whether to keep or not the deals with it.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    King of England @Emproment and the Holy Emperor @Tonno, signed an alliance on the anno domini 1263 (turn 44)

    Kyrali @Lord Luka and the Roi @Jiub, signed an alliance on the anno domini 1264 (turn 45)

    El Doxe @Core-i7-inside and the Roi @Jiub, signed an alliance on the anno domini 1264 (turn 45)

    Kyrali @Lord Luka and the El Doxe @Core-i7-inside , signed an alliance on the anno domini 1264 (turn 45)

    Rey @Auran and Caliph @ebs signed an alliance on the anno domini 1271 (turn8)

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Sultan @sonnet and Kiraly @Lord Luka signed a NAP agreement of 32 years, which will be expired by the anno domini 1296 (2 turn forced peace + 30 turns NAP).

    Sultan @sonnet and Roi @Jiub signed a peace agreement which will be expired by the anno domini 1296 (2 turns peace + 30 turns NAP) Options: OI

    Sultan @sonnet and Hochmeister @Vipman signed a peace agreement which will be expired by the anno domini 1296 (2 turns peace + 30 turns NAP)

    Konge @Gaius Octavius Caesar and Hochmeister @Vipman signed a peace agreement which will be expired by the anno domini 1296 (2 turns peace + 30 turns NAP)

    Kaiser @Tonno and Hochmeister @Vipman signed a peace agreement which will be expired by the anno domini 1306 (2 turns peace + 40 turns NAP)

    Sultan @sonnet and King @Emproment signed a peace agreement which will be expired by the anno domini 1296 (2 turns peace + 30 turns NAP)

    Sultan @sonnet and Velikiy Knyaz @Makrell signed a peace agreement which will be expired by the anno domini 1291 (2 turns peace + 25 turns NAP)

    Kiraly @Lord Luka and Velikiy Knyaz @Makrell signed a peace agreement which will be expired by the anno domini 1286 (2 turns peace + 20 turns NAP)

    Kiraly @Lord Luka and the Hochmeister @Vipman signed a peace agreement which will be expired by the anno domini 1296 (2 turns peace + 30 turns NAP)

    Rey @Auran and El Doxe @Core-i7-inside signed a 10 years peace agreement which will be expired by the anno domini 1284 (10 turns NAP signed on turn 54)

    Velikiy Knyaz @Makrell and the Hochmeister @Vipman signed a peace agreement which will be expired by the anno domini 1297 (2 turns peace + 31 turns NAP)

    Roi @Jiuband [B]King @Emproment signed a peace agreement which will be expired by the anno domini 1288 (10 turns NAP)

    Black List of unreliable Rulers
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    El Doxe @Core-i7-inside broke the NAP he signed with the Kaiser @Tonno on year 1265 (turn 3) Expired on turn 13

    Roi @Jiub broke the NAP he signed with the Kaiser @Tonno on year 1265 (turn 3)
    Expired on turn 13
    [B]Konge @Gaius Octavius Caesar broke the NAP he signed with the Kaiser @Tonno on year 1266 (turn 4)- period extended up to turn 18 as Konge @Gaius Octavius Caesar broke the NAP signed with England

    Sultan @sonnet broke the NAP he signed with the Caliph @dur3x on year 1266 (turn 4) Expired on turn 14

    Kyrali @Lord Luka broke the NAP he signed with the Kaiser @Tonno (succeeded by King @Emproment) on year 1272 (turn 9/54)


    Black List of unreliable Crowns
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    -Anno Domini 1249 : New Rey of Castille @Auran cancelled the NAP with the Moors.

    Major HS Events

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Anno domini 1265 :War! Venice declared war on HRE on year 1265 (turn 3)
    Soon after Roi @Jiub and Konge @Gaius Octavius Caesar backed Venice, by attacking the Imperial and the English crown. Peace has been settled between France and England on the year 1278 (turn 14)

    Anno domini 1265: War! Rey @yuonyuon declared war on the Caliph of the Moors @ebs, Sultan @sonnet declared in response war on Castille, all on year 1265 (turn 3) Peace settled on turn 6

    Anno domini 1271: War! Rey @Auran declared war on the Roi of France on Roi @Jiub (turn 8)

    Anno domini 1271: War! Konge @Gaius Octavius Caesar declared war on the King of England @Emproment (turn 8)

    Anno domini 1265 :War! Turkish Sultanate declared war on Egypt on year 1266 (turn 4)
    Soon after shah LooseCannon1 backed Egypt, and invaded the Turkish Sultanate. Peace was settled with Egypt on the year 1268 (turn 4)
    and with the Persian Empire on the year 1279 (turn 15).

    Expired or Broken NAP
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    Sultan @sonnet and the Sultan @dur3x signed a peace agreement which will be expired by the anno domini 1291 (2 turns forced peace + 25 turns NAP) broken by Sultan @sonnet on year 1267 (turn 4)

    Kaiser @Tonno and Kiraly @Lord Luka signed a NAP agreement of 32 years, which will be expired by the anno domini 1296 (2 turn forced peace + 30 turns NAP). broken by Kyrali @Lord Luka on turn 53

    Kaiser @Tonno and Konge @Gaius Octavius Caesar signed a NAP agreement of 12 years, which will be expired by the anno domini 1276 (2 turn forced peace + 10 turns NAP).
    Broken by Konge Gaius Octavius Caesar on year 1265

    Kaiser @Tonno and El Doxe @Core-i7-inside signed a NAP agreement of 42 years, which will be expired by the anno domini 1306 (2 turn forced peace + 40 turns NAP). Deal has been broken by the Doxe @Core-i7-inside

    Kaiser @Tonno and Roi @Jiub signed a NAP agreement of 42 years, which will be expired by the anno domini 1306 (2 turn forced peace + 40 turns NAP).
    Broken by Roi Jiub on year 1265

    Sultan @sonnet and the Shah @LooseCannon1 signed a peace agreement which will be expired by the anno domini 1286 (2 turns peace + 20 turns NAP)broken by the Shah LooseCannon1 while Sultan Sonnet was in the unreliable list

    Konge @Gaius Octavius Caesar and [B]King @Emproment signed a peace agreement which will be expired by the anno domini 1276 (2 turns peace + 10 turns NAP) broken by Konge @Gaius Octavious Caesar on anno domini 1271

    Roi @Jiuband [B]King @Emproment signed a peace agreement which will be expired by the anno domini 1286 (2 turns peace + 20 turns NAP) broken by Roi Jiub on anno domini 1267 (turn 3)

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    OI= off-instantly. If this option is present it means that the NAP/Alliance will be cancelled immediately (without giving the 3 turn notice), if some one of the allies of the 2 party involved is attacked. The party who wants to break the alliance/NAP still have to announce his will to break the NAP/Alliance within 1 turn, or else the player will end up in the black-list.

    OtAatMoStD: Only-the-allies-at-the-moment-of-signing-the-deal. If this option is present, it means that one of the 2 parties can break the alliance or NAP only if it has been attacked one of the Allies who were already allied officially at the moment of signing the NAP/Alliance.
    Otherwise, by default, is intended that even future alliances will be taken into consideration. But in any case, it won't be taken into a consideration an alliance formed after the conflict started (Example: if A & B sign a NAP, and then B attack C, and few turns later C sign an Alliance with A, A can't break honorably the NAP with B, since he signed the alliance when B was already at war with C)

    Military-access: Military-access. Whether it's a NAP or an Alliance, if this option is present, it means that both the factions have military access on the lands of the other party. If this option is present, when the deal (NAP or alliance) is broken, if armies of one party are present on the other faction's lands it must be given 3 turns to leave the lands. 3 turns won't be enforced if the OI (off-istant) option is present.

    Last edited by sonnet; 09-17-2014 at 19:21.

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  3. #3

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Political Map Updates
    Conquerable Area-the whole map is conquerable

    Map Turn 45

    Map Turn 50
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	RC_t6.jpg 
Views:	372 
Size:	173.3 KB 
ID:	13752

    Map Turn 60
    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	maturn15.png 
Views:	324 
Size:	617.6 KB 
ID:	14567

    Player's turn schedule:
    B]The new schedule[/B]
    day 1:(Tuesday and Friday) [00:00-13:00] Venice @core7-inside [08:00-21:00, time in Bangkok]
    [13:00-16:30] Norway @Gaius Octavianus [15:00-19:00,time in Bucharest]
    [16:30-20:00] Kiev @Makrell [17:30-21:00, Time in Oslo ]
    [20:00-00:00] Moors @puddingkip (prev Ebs from turn 1-10) [21:00-01:00, +1 GMT Time]
    [00:00-13:00] Kwarezm @Core-i7-inside (prev-LooseCannon1 until turn 5, from turn 5-11 Dr Mac,yuonyuon-turn 12-14 ) [08:00-21:00, time in Bangkok]

    day 2:(Wednesday & Saturday)[13:00-16:00] Turks @sonnet
    [16:00-19:00] Fatmid @Tonno (Dur3x turn 1-5) [17:00-20:00, time in Zagreb]]
    [19:00-23:00] Castille @dur3x (prev-Yuonyuon turn 01-05, Auran turn 06-14 ) [21:00-01:00, time in Bucharest]
    [23:00-10:00] England @Emproment

    day 3:(Thursday and Sunday)
    [10:00-15:30] France @Jiub [12:00-18:00,time in Bucharest]
    [16:00-19:30] Hungary @Lord Luka [17:00-20:30,time in
    [19:30-24:00] TO @Vipman [21:30-01:00,time in Bucharest]

    Factions official subbers:

    TO (Vipman) : @puddingkip
    Venice (Core-i7-inside) : @Gaius Octavius Caesar
    Norway (Gaius Octavius Caesar ): @Core-i7-inside
    Kiev (Makrell) : @Gaius Octavius Caesar
    Moors (puddingkip) : @Vipman
    Kwarezm (Yuonyuon) :
    Turks (Sonnet) : @Emproment
    Fatimids (Tonno): @Vipman
    Castille (Auran) : @Tonno
    England (Emproment)/HRE : @sonnet
    France (Jiub) : @Lord Luka
    Hungary (Lord Luka) : @Jiub
    Last edited by sonnet; 10-03-2014 at 09:57. Reason: added map

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  4. #4

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    England and HRE have declared allegiance to each other.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Emperor of Rome and German people made peace with the Great Hungarian Kingdom and to the delight of both people, King and the Emperor made a NAP that will last for 30 years.
    Last edited by Tonno; 07-03-2014 at 19:06.

  6. #6
    Strategist and Storyteller Senior Member Myth's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    I started numbering from turn 1 in the save file name just to keep track of the actual turns played. The naming is game name - turn number - faction name (since the factions change more times than the turn number)

    TO is up. @Vipman
    @sonnet i need a list of players and their associated factions please.

    Turn 44 map:

    The art of war, then, is governed by five constant
    factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations,
    when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.

    These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth;
    (4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline.
    Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
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  7. #7

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Quote Originally Posted by Myth View Post
    I started numbering from turn 1 in the save file name just to keep track of the actual turns played. The naming is game name - turn number - faction name (since the factions change more times than the turn number)

    TO is up. @Vipman
    @sonnet i need a list of players and their associated factions please.

    Turn 44 map:

    Thanks @Myth, I put the time schedule with players list on the third post of this thread

    Member thankful for this post:

  8. #8

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Let's kick it off!
    Good luck and have fun! :D

  9. #9

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    HRE and Norway have agreed a 10 turn NAP.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Whooaa that was unexpected... Ok then :)

    May I suggest to change the naming of the save? It's easier to have it as RC_Faction_1 , because each player will always have a certain faction after them, so they just name it once, then next turn when saving the game they select the RC_Faction_1 , press backspace and write 2 then double enter to save. If turn number would be in the middle it will take more time until you select the middle of the name. Also, we all on TWC do it like this :P

  11. #11

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Quote Originally Posted by Vipman View Post
    Whooaa that was unexpected... Ok then :)

    May I suggest to change the naming of the save? It's easier to have it as RC_Faction_1 , because each player will always have a certain faction after them, so they just name it once, then next turn when saving the game they select the RC_Faction_1 , press backspace and write 2 then double enter to save. If turn number would be in the middle it will take more time until you select the middle of the name. Also, we all on TWC do it like this :P
    Sure, yu can change it for the next player.
    Now, c'mon lets play it and don't you dare to go to sleep without having played the turn first!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Yes I will play it tonight, unfortunately for my sleep I've been doing some modding right now as I wasn't expecting anything to happen tonight and I have to finish it, then I'll play the turn.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Quote Originally Posted by Vipman View Post
    Yes I will play it tonight, unfortunately for my sleep I've been doing some modding right now as I wasn't expecting anything to happen tonight and I have to finish it, then I'll play the turn.
    Axe reports in... SLEEP IS FOR THE WEEK!

  14. #14
    Strategist and Storyteller Senior Member Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    I slept 4.5 hours last night and still went to work and to the gym afterwards. Be real Spartans and play

    But FYI I'm joining the next game. I want to try you guys on the battlefield
    The art of war, then, is governed by five constant
    factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations,
    when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.

    These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth;
    (4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline.
    Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
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  15. #15

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Quote Originally Posted by Myth View Post
    I slept 4.5 hours last night and still went to work and to the gym afterwards. Be real Spartans and play

    But FYI I'm joining the next game. I want to try you guys on the battlefield
    @Myth: if you're interested in Europa Barbarorum II, there's a chance (depending on how good will be the mod with the first open beta) that I'll start a HS with that one in August.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Venice up

    Did they say the mod will support hotseating?

  17. #17

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

  18. #18
    Strategist and Storyteller Senior Member Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Quote Originally Posted by Vipman View Post
    Venice up

    Did they say the mod will support hotseating?
    It's a M2TW mod so I don't see why it wouldn't. The team is right here on the .org, I think we should ask.
    The art of war, then, is governed by five constant
    factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations,
    when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.

    These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth;
    (4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline.
    Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
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  19. #19

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Quote Originally Posted by Core-i7-inside View Post
    Ill do my turn after work, aprox 7 hours from now

  20. #20

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Emperor of Rome and German people made a NAP with the Dodge of Venice that will last for 40 years. Let the people of both nations prosper in this great time.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Quote Originally Posted by Tonno View Post
    Emperor of Rome and German people made a NAP with the Dodge of Venice that will last for 40 years. Let the people of both nations prosper in this great time.
    It seems that the Fake Emperor is quite active on the diplomatic side
    (yesh I have been active too )

  22. #22

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Quote Originally Posted by sonnet View Post
    It seems that the Fake Emperor is quite active on the diplomatic side
    (yesh I have been active too )
    It seems another fake emperor has something on his mind.
    Speak it out! The Venetian is listening.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Quote Originally Posted by sonnet View Post
    It seems that the Fake Emperor is quite active on the diplomatic side
    (yesh I have been active too )
    There's only one true Emperor, the given title remained in the hands of German people since the crowning of Frankish king in the 800, the Byz crown was never given to them by the people of Rome, or their representatives, the Church. The myth of saint Andrew doesn't give any rule to the Byz patriarch... he's about to case to exist, pretty soon.
    So by the right of the succession the German Emperor have all that is needed for reinstatement of the great Roman empire... but this time under German people. And war is not the only type of coming to power, politics, that's the key that true Romans use.
    Last edited by Tonno; 07-04-2014 at 10:36.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Quote Originally Posted by Tonno View Post
    There's only one true Emperor, the given title remained in the hands of German people since the crowning of Frankish king in the 800, the Byz crown was never given to them by the people of Rome, or their representatives, the Church. The myth of saint Andrew doesn't give any rule to the Byz patriarch... he's about to case to exist, pretty soon.
    So by the right of the succession the German Emperor have all that is needed for reinstatement of the great Roman empire... but this time under German people. And war is not the only type of coming to power, politics, that's the key that true Romans use.
    You call yourself Holy Roman Emperor..yet you admit you're German.
    And you don't even control Rome!

    How can you call yourself Holy Roman Emperor without being laughed at?
    Change your name in Emperor of the Barbarians!

    Look at the Sultan Invicta, also nicknamed by the Eastern Romans, the illuminatus. He brings to all of you barbarians, all the advanced technology from China,Persia and India.
    You should be thankful to us for bringing to you such knowledge,improving your miserable lives.
    So be thankful, and give me all your lands, because it's evident I'd be a better ruler than you ever would be!
    Last edited by sonnet; 07-04-2014 at 10:45.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Quote Originally Posted by sonnet View Post
    You call yourself Holy Roman Emperor..yet you admit you're German.
    And you don't even control Rome!

    How can you call yourself Holy Roman Emperor without being laughed at?
    In time, the Turks will be informed of everything, no need to jump into conclusions.

  26. #26

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Quote Originally Posted by Tonno View Post
    In time, the Turks will be informed of everything, no need to jump into conclusions.
    How much time...?

  27. #27

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    My first quest is to unite Scandinavia, my men knows my ambition, they dont call me King Ragnar for nothing.

    King Eystein 'Ragnar' Tjorvason

    Kiev next

  28. #28
    Strategist and Storyteller Senior Member Myth's Avatar
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    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    FYI guys Charlemagne was Frankish. I've read Einhard's and Notker's accounts of his life He waged a 50 year war to subjugate the entirety of eastern Francia (Germany).
    The art of war, then, is governed by five constant
    factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations,
    when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.

    These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth;
    (4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline.
    Sun Tzu, "The Art of War"
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  29. #29

    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Quote Originally Posted by Myth View Post
    FYI guys Charlemagne was Frankish. I've read Einhard's and Notker's accounts of his life He waged a 50 year war to subjugate the entirety of eastern Francia (Germany).
    AFAIk Franks were germans indeed:

    Or propbably I misundestood your point
    Last edited by sonnet; 07-04-2014 at 17:57.

  30. #30
    Master of the Universe Member LooseCannon1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Restless crowns: forging empires [Late era -Skip a few]

    Quote Originally Posted by Myth View Post
    I slept 4.5 hours last night and still went to work and to the gym afterwards. Be real Spartans and play

    But FYI I'm joining the next game. I want to try you guys on the battlefield
    Oh, is the that SilverSheild and I are applying in CoG3 not enough? No problem, I've got 4 fresh, full stacks coming out of Norway for you. I wish you and NB would talk more in the thread. I really don't know how many fireworks to bring for the next turn.

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