This is unbelievable we have gypsies building palaces in Romania courtesy of the DWP yet a guy that served his country is left to starve alone in his flat after his Jobseekers Allowance was revoked.

From the Mirror article:

"When David died he had just £3.44 to his name, six tea bags, a tin of soup and an out-of-date can of sardines. His electricity card was out of credit meaning the fridge where he should have kept his insulin chilled was not working.

A coroner also found he had no food in his stomach.

A pile of CVs for job applications were found near David’s body."

Heads better roll because of this. If it was up to me I would have Ian Duncan Smith on some sort of manslaughter charge because it fits the bill of criminal gross negligence in his duty. One of the most disgraceful things I have ever seen. Guys were setting themselves on fire back in Tunisia for far less when they kicked off their Arab Spring. But sadly people in this country will be too apathetic to do anything about it.

When are people going to stop buying into the lame mantra used by all the parties that our unemployed are all just scroungers? The reality is that there are always dozens of unemployed people for every vacancy... they can ride about on their bike all they like just like that moron Tebbit said but that is never going to change the fact that no matter how hard people look for work, the demand for them isn't there.

The scapegoating of the unemployed is sickening it and now people are dying because of it. Things have to change but they won't. What else can I say?