Having read Moros' post at TWC where he states that some factions may have a hard time financially even if they blitz has reminded me on something I had thought about earlier already:
One of the features M2TW introduced was the King's Purse (I'll abbreviate that as "KP"). Each factions gets a sum x just at the start of their turn. The sum can be different for each faction and it can be increased/decreased via script.
It is for example possible to change the KP when a faction:
- loses or gains a certain province
- owns a number x of provinces
- exceeds a number of provinces or falls below a certain number
- gets/loses an alliance
What brings me to a question: has the EB team already considered using the KP as a mechanism to get rid of the need for blitzing for many factions?
I don't remember exactly which mod I saw it in (may have been the excellent DEUS IO VULT) but it is even possible to represent the increasing bureaucracy effort needed to maintain a larger empire. That mod had linked specific values for the KP to specific sizes of the empires.
I'll give an example as it is somewhat difficult to explain.
Let's say you start a campaign as the Lusotannan. You start with 1 province. The KP is set to a value that allows you to have a +/- 0 (financially) at the end of the turn, without the need to quickly conquer a second (third, fourth, . . . ) province as soon as possible. In EBI you lost something like 6k per turn as the Lusotannan, if I remember correctly, so the KP would need to be around +6k.
Now you conquer (let's stay with the EBI example for the moment) Sucum-Murgi. Your loss per turn drops to ~4k. You take Baikor as well and the loss/turn drops to 2k. The KP script could have a line for the Lusos, stating "if number of provinces = 1, KP = 6000; if number of provinces =2, KP = 4000; if number of provinces =3, KP = 2000".
You can use that mechanism to even have negative values, which would for example make it harder for the big factions (AS and Ptolies come to mind, Romans too, now that they won't go bankrupt/exterminated anymore as soon as they reach the Marian reforms), since you could "punish" them financially for expanding too much. How about a -10k to their KP when they have conquered 10 provinces more than what they started with?
I'm more or less sure that this could even be used to get completely rid of the money assistance script, making economical warfare possible and preventing gigantic factions (like in EB1 a Ptoly Empire from Lixus to Baktra and from Meroe to Olbia).
Has the EB team plans for using the Kings Purse mechanism?![]()