We hear and welcome it. Let Wodanaz army ride forth once more. Let the raven and the wolf eat their fill. Let us sing the battle hymn one last time.....
We hear and welcome it. Let Wodanaz army ride forth once more. Let the raven and the wolf eat their fill. Let us sing the battle hymn one last time.....
m gonna go a tad more bombastic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdIpoE2LEps
Thank you for posting that, Skald.
I have listened to that repeatedly for the last hour, such a wonderfully epic tune. :)
I'll need to buy the album(s) of them. :)
Finished EB Campaigns: Kart-Hadast 1.0/1.2 | Pontos 1.1 | Arche Seleukeia 1.2 | Hayasdan 1.2 | Sab'yn 1.2 | Makedonia 1.2 (Alex)
Lost Campaigns (1.2, Alex. exe): Getai | Sab'Yn
Ongoing campaigns (1.2): SPQR (110 BC) | Sab'yn (217 BC) | Pontos (215 BC)
from Populus Romanus
"The state of human ethics can be summarized in two sentences: We ought to. But we don't." (Tucholsky)
Yes, the rootless tree will fall when put against the stormy might of the forces of Roma! Those filthy barbarians can sing all they want, but their gods and ways cannot stand against those of the Romani!
In all honesty though, it's a very powerful tune. Thanks for posting. Also, was it that Twitter post about the coming storm that made you think of this? Just curious.
Dont worry my friend we will keep any eagles you send us nice and shiny But you are right it was in response to that post. Just trying to pass the time until release day. Was not sure how it would be received since i have my own odd taste in music but I am glad you enjoyed it.
I think my tastes in music may be a little odd as well, so this is good company, then (even though you're a barbarian...). But this got me looking into some other odd musics, and after several hours of Roman music, I found this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhuTAnJcHH4
Go to around 20 minutes in and again around 39 minutes, and if you've played a Romani campaign then you'll hear some familiar tunes. I really liked all of it, though, so I may end up adding the rest of these tracks to my "copy" of EB II, for a little more variety.
Okay, back to trying to get a life.
Last edited by Centurio; 08-20-2014 at 17:26.
Thank you for that post. The Roman music was actually quite good in my opinion. Well while we are still waiting for release here are some images I found on YouTube of Celts, Germanics and others. Enjoy.