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Thread: 5 essential applications for good gaming

  1. #1

    Default 5 essential applications for good gaming

    Hi guys,

    As we all know gaming is not only fun but also a matter of good software and hardware solution. According to the specialists the new Windows 8 released in October 2013 offers a real pleasure for gamers due to the fact that it solves a lot of problems, that can be met in Windows 7 for example.We can't deny the fact that Windows 7 has reliability, even if it's missing some of Windows 8's under-the-hood improvements. In order to give my PC a good shape I installed list of the best (according to my opinion) free programs for Windows 7, which can ease its bugs and pains while gaming. I selected 5 programs that I think are essentials: CCleaner because it keeps the PC clear of temporary files and error logs as well as leftover registry strings, Defraggler - sometimes after moving a ton of files, or making space on an overly full hard drive the PC needs some manual defragging. More importantly, it can do targeted defragmenting,Recuva - if a file has been deleted, Recuva can help to get it back. It's designed to help with a simple undelete, or to go digging for files that may still be accessible even after you've formatted a disk, VLC player - This free, open source video player, which comes with built-in video codecs for just about any file format imaginable, LastPass - Daily we enter many websites and forums at which we have to put our credentials. One simple solution to that problem is the presence of password manager and using LastPass is a one of the possible measures.

    I made this short list of "must have" software but ofcourse there are a lot more that can be said on this topic. So can you share which are the most important programs for safe and pleasurable gaming installed on your PC.
    Last edited by CosPetia; 08-25-2014 at 13:50.

  2. #2
    master of the pwniverse Member Fragony's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5 essential applications for good gaming

    I only play games on consoles and never looked back really, I got a pc (well not really it's a mac) for e-mail and internet but that's just about it. It's just too much work and expensive to get something running on a pc. A good pc is really expensive, I am absolutily impressed when I see Crysis 3 running on my friend's uberpc though

  3. #3
    Mr Self Important Senior Member Beskar's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5 essential applications for good gaming

    You basically listed Piriform's product catalog. But I actually do use CCleaner and Defraggler too, for Win7.

    As for one of the most important for PC gaming, I would say "Steam" for all the discounts and good range of games.
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  4. #4
    Member Member Sp4's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5 essential applications for good gaming

    Uh 5.. okay, I'll try to name 5 that I use.

    Steam, TS (probably the most important ones)
    Something to listen to music with (I use winamp)
    Can't think of a fifth one buy I'll put Skype because if I don't use TS, I use Skype ^^

    Oh nevermind, I didn't read which kind of applications you meant.

    I use CCleaner, not sure if it helps, I got into the habit of using it a few years ago. It sure looks satisfying when it says yay I've deleted 500 MB of useless crap!
    Not sure if it counts as application, but a disc that lets you wipe your hard drive in case you break it. I use this like once or twice a year. Yay utility gaming computer lol.
    Last edited by Sp4; 08-25-2014 at 17:08.

  5. #5
    Mr Self Important Senior Member Beskar's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5 essential applications for good gaming

    I prefer Ventrilo and Mumble to TS. Favourite being Mumble.
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  6. #6
    Iron Fist Senior Member Husar's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5 essential applications for good gaming

    For a pleasurable gaming experience I need a game that is pleasurable. Most of the other stuff is extra/superfluous.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiaexz
    You basically listed Piriform's product catalog.
    CosPetia always sounds like a marketing/advertisement shill to me.

    "Topic is tired and needs a nap." - Tosa Inu

  7. #7

    Default Re: 5 essential applications for good gaming

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiaexz View Post
    You basically listed Piriform's product catalog. But I actually do use CCleaner and Defraggler too, for Win7.

    As for one of the most important for PC gaming, I would say "Steam" for all the discounts and good range of games.
    Yes you have a point, but sometimes I prefer to play a game on my PC :)

  8. #8

    Default Re: 5 essential applications for good gaming

    Quote Originally Posted by Husar View Post
    For a pleasurable gaming experience I need a game that is pleasurable. Most of the other stuff is extra/superfluous.

    CosPetia always sounds like a marketing/advertisement shill to me.
    Sorry, thought it might be useful to share :)

  9. #9
    Mr Self Important Senior Member Beskar's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5 essential applications for good gaming

    Quote Originally Posted by CosPetia View Post
    Yes you have a point, but sometimes I prefer to play a game on my PC :)
    But how does Steam stop you with that?
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  10. #10
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5 essential applications for good gaming

    5 apps you asked for, 5 apps you get.

    Origin (for FIFA and Battlefield)
    TeamSpeak 2 / Ventrilo / Skype (for inter connectivity)
    FRAPS (if you record video or want screenshots)

    There's also Xfire, but that was back in the days, even if it's still around.
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  11. #11

    Default Re: 5 essential applications for good gaming

    I just read this almost word for word the other day... Oh yeah Here is the article.

    As for 5 essentials

    TS/Vent/Mumble (hate skype, these are all tied for #2)
    Speedfan or a program that keeps track of heat and power and all that jazz
    WinRar(I know my life has meaning when I click no i dont want to purchase this product)
    Raptr So I can keep in contact with all my old xfire and AIM gaming friends.
    Last edited by Veho Nex; 08-26-2014 at 22:10.
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  12. #12
    Member Member Sp4's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5 essential applications for good gaming

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiaexz View Post
    I prefer Ventrilo and Mumble to TS. Favourite being Mumble.
    I'll go with whatever the other guys have a server for. If I run a server myself, it'll be Vent but I've not needed to/been asked to do that in ages.

  13. #13

    Default Re: 5 essential applications for good gaming

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiaexz View Post
    But how does Steam stop you with that?
    First, it is just a habit and second I like to travel a lot to wild destinations. Sometimes I don`t have internet connection and play games from CD or from my laptop hard drive :)

  14. #14
    master of the pwniverse Member Fragony's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5 essential applications for good gaming

    Quote Originally Posted by Husar View Post
    CosPetia always sounds like a marketing/advertisement shill to me.
    This is a wargame-forum for people who apreciate wargames. That's why we all ended up here no. So let's give the guy as much feedback as possible no?

  15. #15
    Mr Self Important Senior Member Beskar's Avatar
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    Default Re: 5 essential applications for good gaming

    Quote Originally Posted by CosPetia View Post
    First, it is just a habit and second I like to travel a lot to wild destinations. Sometimes I don`t have internet connection and play games from CD or from my laptop hard drive :)
    There is offline mode, so you can access the game when you are away, so you can still travel and play from the hard drive.

    I dislike disks though, they have a tendency to break or go missing.
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