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Thread: Culture and converting provinces please help!!

  1. #1
    Member Member Skald's Avatar
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    Default Culture and converting provinces please help!!

    Im having a hard time understanding how to influence culture in my lands. In my Sweboz campaign I am having trouble with eastern tribalism becoming dominant in my core regions. Its even replaced forest tribalism as the dominant culture in the very heart of my lands where my capitol is. I have built any structures that list a conversion bonus on them and also built temples to various Germanic gods. Im at a loss as to why my culture is being overwhelmed by eastern. I have even guessed that may be having rebel army sitting in a corner of my lands could be converting? Went and wiped out a few after i thought of that and now Im just waiting to see if there is going to be any change. This is turn 249 btw so its not early on in the game. Its gotten to the point where I can no longer build my veteran spearmen in my capitol only levy(which are still very good btw). Any EB team members can please verify if this is working as intended and Im missing something or is it a possible bug?

  2. #2
    Member Member Thaatu's Avatar
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    Default Re: Culture and converting provinces please help!!

    I'd say this is a bug. I'm playing the neighboring Lugians and all the Sweboz provinces and the rebel provinces related to the Sweboz are slowly gaining in Eastern Tribalism. This includes Skanelendo, Ingaevon, Alfheiam, Duron, Pomera and Widura. It's fun to watch from a distance as the Sweboz are being absolutely murdered by rebellions, but I'd hate to be them.

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  3. #3
    Member Member Skald's Avatar
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    Default Re: Culture and converting provinces please help!!

    Thanks for that info and I think your right about it being a bug. Im thinking it may have to do with the camp farm line. In order to upgrade the camps to permanent settlements you have to upgrade to the top tier of farms in the camp line of buildings. Now if you read the description of the last tier in that line it says it will convert the populace from nomadic to eastern tribal and allow the building of a permanent settlement. I think for some reason when the settlement is converted that bonus which probably should not have been there for sweboz anyhow gets glitched out and is causing all this eastern mayhem in Germania.

  4. #4
    Minister of Useless Tidbits Member joshmahurin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Culture and converting provinces please help!!

  5. #5
    COYATOYPIKC Senior Member Flatout Minigame Champion Arjos's Avatar
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    Default Re: Culture and converting provinces please help!!

    This is in place to allow settling and urbanisation for certain pastoralist factions, however as you have noticed it is affecting the Balto-Germanic factions too...

    We are currently discussing how to approach this and at the moment looks like that these European factions will lose such ability, fixing this unintended consequence, since historically the development of big centers in Greater Germania is outside of our timeframe...

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  6. #6
    Speaker of Truth Senior Member Moros's Avatar
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    Default Re: Culture and converting provinces please help!!

    The current fix limits the cultural influence to the Numidians and Nabataeans. Germanic factions can still upgrage their nomad camps to settlements if they are located in a province with a mixed population (hidden resource) and if they build the highest level of nomadic farms.

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  7. #7
    Member Member Skald's Avatar
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    Default Re: Culture and converting provinces please help!!

    Thank you for the quick reply. Its good to know you guys are tinkering with things like this behind the scenes. All I gota say is Im finding little things here and there that need some work but overall this mod is fantastic and quite fun too. You guys really need to start your own independent studio. If you made a kick starter for a project I would contribute just off the strength of your work so far. Have a beer on me

  8. #8
    EB annoying hornet Member bovi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Culture and converting provinces please help!!

    Actually I have my own independent "studio" - with quotemarks because it's only me. The progress on my game is less than desired right now, with all the action on EB2's release and bugfixing.

    Having problems getting EB2 to run? Try these solutions.
    I do NOT answer PM requests for help with EB. Ask in a new help thread in the tech help forum.
    I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image. - Stephen Hawking

  9. #9

    Default Re: Culture and converting provinces please help!!

    Quote Originally Posted by bovi View Post
    Actually I have my own independent "studio" - with quotemarks because it's only me. The progress on my game is less than desired right now, with all the action on EB2's release and bugfixing.
    What king of game is it? :P

    Also probably not the best place but I can't build colonies no matter what. Any idea as to why?
    Last edited by Mony; 08-30-2014 at 07:26.

  10. #10
    EB annoying hornet Member bovi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Culture and converting provinces please help!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Mony View Post
    What king of game is it? :P

    Also probably not the best place but I can't build colonies no matter what. Any idea as to why?
    It's for mobile, completely different from EB as you can imagine.

    I don't know why you can't build colonies. Maybe you haven't conquered a lot of settlements yet? Your homelands are not appropriate locations.

    Having problems getting EB2 to run? Try these solutions.
    I do NOT answer PM requests for help with EB. Ask in a new help thread in the tech help forum.
    I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image. - Stephen Hawking

  11. #11

    Default Re: Culture and converting provinces please help!!

    Quote Originally Posted by bovi View Post
    It's for mobile, completely different from EB as you can imagine.

    I don't know why you can't build colonies. Maybe you haven't conquered a lot of settlements yet? Your homelands are not appropriate locations.
    Ahh okay, figured it would be similar to this. :P

    And I get the messages and have conquered quite a few cities not my own culture, so I'm not sure either. Oh well I guess, no one seems to know exactly why.


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