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Thread: A few bugs

  1. #1

    Default A few bugs

    I have been playing non stop, and by Gods what a fantastic game, and thank you.

    Here are some bugs I have observed, I hope these help.

    -The settlement off Thugga has no buildings, just the outline of them on the battlemap.

    -While playing as the Romani, the Areouaci units and settlements on the campaign map have Roman banners

    -CTD while clicking on AI Areouaki units in their capital

    Also, how do relations work with the AI? Does size of my empire create bad relations for example? I have found while moving my diplomat around through different lands it seems to automatically create negative relations.


  2. #2
    EB annoying hornet Member bovi's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Default Re: A few bugs

    Quote Originally Posted by CuCulainn View Post
    -The settlement off Thugga has no buildings, just the outline of them on the battlemap.
    Could you take a screenshot of this? I'm not sure if I understand just what you mean.

    Quote Originally Posted by CuCulainn View Post
    -While playing as the Romani, the Areouaci units and settlements on the campaign map have Roman banners
    Others have already reported this at TWC, but thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by CuCulainn View Post
    -CTD while clicking on AI Areouaki units in their capital
    Does this repeat if you do it again? Which units are there at the time?

    Quote Originally Posted by CuCulainn View Post
    Also, how do relations work with the AI? Does size of my empire create bad relations for example? I have found while moving my diplomat around through different lands it seems to automatically create negative relations.
    Depending on your selected campaign difficulty, AI relations can turn to the worse without any action from you. Granto is currently working on an alternative campaign AI which may suit you better.

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    I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image. - Stephen Hawking


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