We have this party, SvP (Swedish peoples party)...
I don't agree with them, many of them are nazis, the rest are pretty much just stupid.
To get that over the way, I don't see myself ever voting on them.
Now this is the problem.
This election campaign, when they gave had rallys, thousands of people show up to STOP the rally from happening. It's worth saying again, these thousands of protestors are not there to demonstrate against SvP's beliefs or politics, they are there for keeping the rally from happening.
As a democrat, I think this is wrong. Just wrong. You know, Voltaire and all that:
I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.
I am seriously thinking it's time to man up and actually follow this ideal.
I guess the people in the rally will be around a hundred people or so, 10.000 people are expected to try to destroy the rally.
Last time they had a rally, it got to the level of police doing cavalry shocks into the demonstrants, among other things. Yeah, this election period in Sweden much resembles a war zone.
We're basically just one step up from Ukraine.
I am a bit torn on this. I dont' support the party, but I support their right to be heard.
I would never go there to fight, I just want to show that me as a democratic citizen support these guys rights to hold a rally, as stupid as it may be.