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Thread: Bug discovered

  1. #1

    Exclamation Bug discovered

    playing with bosporus faction i attacked skythiapolis , it's a nomad settlement or small village ( whatever its called like ).

    this city doesn't have walls but i still had to build siege engines in order to attack the city, 8 seconds after deployement fase ( starting battle ) the battle stopped and it told me i lost the battle - i haven't even done anything yet aside from moving my units.

    afterwards i haven't lost units neither did the enemy, i just lost the battle and siege is broken

    i have no problems with walled cities or open field battles

    im running MTW2 version 1.3

  2. #2
    Member Member I_damian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Bug discovered

    They already covered this in the FAQ - there are some "bugs" with the game that are known and are unfixable. In M2TW engine every city is considered to be a walled city (I think) so even though some cities have no walls the engine thinks they do.

    Also you're running the wrong version of the game. Uninstall everything, delete the M2TW files from C:>program files, restart computer, install M2TW + Kingdoms and patch to 1.5.
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Bug discovered

    this city doesn't have walls but i still had to build siege engines in order to attack the city, 8 seconds after deployement fase ( starting battle ) the battle stopped and it told me i lost the battle - i haven't even done anything yet aside from moving my units.
    You need to build a ram it's because the engine thinks it's a castle ,so only building ladders or siegetowers while result in the game thinking that you can't get into the settlement because it doesn't have walls.

  4. #4
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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