I am and i've got the steam version of mediveal 2 so we dont need hamachi or anything like that just need to make sure we both have the same mod and stuff
And i apollogize for spamming the fourms earlier and hope the EB team accepts my Apology
I am and i've got the steam version of mediveal 2 so we dont need hamachi or anything like that just need to make sure we both have the same mod and stuff
And i apollogize for spamming the fourms earlier and hope the EB team accepts my Apology
Last edited by Hamata; 08-31-2014 at 22:00.
Hi Pharaoh, I just played with a friend in steam. Feel free to add me (same name as here) and we could play some weekend. There are EB 1 mp fórums in Steam which would help to build the EB 2 community.
Quetzalcóatl, The Feathered Serpent.
From Tellos Athenaios as welcome to Campus Martius
Welt ist ein GeltungsphänomenEdmund Husserlτὰ δε πὰντα οἰακίζει κεραυνόϛἩράκλειτος ὁ Ἐφέσιος