Hi guys, first of all, my great appreciation for delivering this great game for our enjoyment. You do amaze me, EB is all what I've dream about a TW game.
Now, to the issues.
I don't know if I should name this bugs, but I feel these things are wrong:
1.-Sometimes killing a foe takes a long time. For example, when they are sorroundend and less than the enemies. They do receive a lot of hits but don't die. See picture 1 for reference. One thing I love about EB is that battles last long -please don't missunderstand me-, but I do feel at the same time we have got an exception here.
2.- Sometimes AI attacking unit stays "frozen" "throwing javalins", this is not only a drawback for the AI unit itself, but also for the attacking "human" unit, because it doesn't attacks until AI - unit resumes the throwing.
3.-I have fought one siege battle and paths inside the town (a Celtic one) are so few and thin. There seems to be more ground to march on and use to reach the town center but you cannot use it. Please explain if this is intendend and why.
Ok, next points I'm not sure if they should be here:
4.- Can you explain the criteria you used to divide armies into early, late and high period in MP? If you have used one at all. This is important for MP players.
5.- Also, I cannot see the Romani imperial units in the MP roster. And this leads to my last question:
6.-Do you have added all campaign units into the MP roster?
7.- There is no info about the negative or positive consequences about Occupy, Sack or Exterminate a settlement.
8.- When changing scree resolution the image I see doesn't corresponds to the actual place of the buttons. This happens in the main screens.