I'm in year 264 of my Pergamon campaign, and after capturing Pantikapaion I get the screen asking whether I want to occupy, sack, or enslave the city. Whichever option I try (I reloaded and tested each one), the program crashes the instant I click on the option. I get an error message saying Medieval 2 encountered an unspecified error and had to quit, and then a second error message from Microsoft Script Host saying:
"Script: C:\Users\John\Desktop\documentation\tools\demo_launcher\launcher.wsf
Line: 1114
Char: 4
Error: Permission denied
Code: 800A0046
Source: Microsoft JScript runtime error"
Does anyone know what this means, and if there's anything I can do about it?
Thanks in advance for the help, and thanks to the EB Team for this otherwise incredible and outstanding mod.