I have all the settlements for the Parthian imperial reform expect for Rhagae I can't find it all and can't reform. Can someone lend me a hand? P.S Playing EBII
I have all the settlements for the Parthian imperial reform expect for Rhagae I can't find it all and can't reform. Can someone lend me a hand? P.S Playing EBII
Last edited by BobMcMans; 01-31-2018 at 10:31.
I have all the settlements for the Parthian imperial reform expect for Rhagae I can't find it all and can't reform. Can someone lend me a hand? P.S Playing EBII
It began on seven hills - an EB 1.1 Romani AAR with historical house-rules (now ceased)
Heirs to Lysimachos - an EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR with semi-historical houserules (now ceased)
Philetairos' Gift - a second EB 1.1 Epeiros-as-Pergamon AAR
Thanks. Looks like I'll have to face the endless hordes of rebels for a few more decades.
when do the Greeks have a change of Spartan hoplites to Lacamedo hoplites and what needs to be done to change some hoplites to others?
what needs to be done so that the f_kh faction starts gaining units Hoplitai Lakedaimonos (Lakedaimonian Hoplites) / Unit ID 309 / Start exp: 0 / Refr rate: 0,044 / Pool cap: 5?
It is available after Agiad Reform around 243 BC if I remember correctly.
what does it take for this reform to pass? I have 236 years and there was no reform
Did you upgraded farms? You have to build farms_four in Lakonike.
Last edited by Zarrr; 06-08-2023 at 13:29.
thank you after the construction of the farm appeared
do the kings of Pontus have gifts from the Greeks and the status of the winner of the Olympics are these random events or do we need to do something to make them happen ?
There is chain of events. You must have over 10,000 mnai to trigger it if I remember correctly. Next missions in the chain need 20000 to trigger.
10,000 money?10,000 mnai is it money?
Synhedrion ton Hellenon why does k 241 g disappear?
I am not sure that I understand you properly. Did you lose 241 000 money after building a Synhendrion ton Hellenon?
no . the building disappears by 241 or 240 B.C.
for what reason (by mistake) are Hellenic settlements not being built in the Pontus faction, although there is a Greek metropolis in Sardis and two polis?
When does Olivia start paying tribute to the Sarmatians?
the event "Carthage strengthens Gader!" happens when you play for Carthage or only when you play for other factions?I played for Carthage, I didn't have one
Last edited by alex16; 11-26-2023 at 09:24.
"Carthage strengthens Gader!" event happen when you play as Leusitane or Areuakoi.
reforms in 2.35 and what about the new version 2.4?
Hi can some help me change the turn time for the swezboz please I don't think I'll make 600 plus turns I'm in V2.35a R3.5
Last edited by Will685; 05-24-2024 at 03:22.
Does Armenia automatically become a kingdom?
why can't Armenians and Parthians restore the "place of burning fire" when they change the culture to the Eastern Imperial one
After the capture of which province does the king of Parthia become Shahin shah?
How can the Armenians get recognition of independence by the Seleucids?