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Thread: A Short History of Britain (Pritanoi AAR)

  1. #1
    Member Member mogami's Avatar
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    Default A Short History of Britain (Pritanoi AAR)

    Hi, Loved EBI, Started campaign in Britain understanding that I am more a tester then a player. For the first 90 turns I unified Britain and Ireland while my diplomat conducted the grand tour making trade agreements. Most of the other states were bankrupt or poor so I handed out a lot of cash. The Romans treated my ambassador rather harshly and demanded tribute.
    So around turn 100 with 105k in the bank I crossed the channel. My diplomat meanwhile had formed alliances with the Gauls and secured military access. Using my native troops I secured a town for a base and with 2 FM recruited mercenaries and headed south towards Massalia
    After crawling south for 9 turns I encountered my first Roman Army under N.C. Scipo. killed him and destroyed his army.
    I had spent 80k on troops so I had 2 full armies. Encountered and destroyed another 900 man Roman force killing another Roman FM.
    By turn 120 I had the province secured and was prepared to head into Italy. I was down to 1 main Army with a second composed of depleted units following.
    The Romans were investing Segesta with a large Army and had another in Northern Italy so I passed between them and headed to Ariminum. It was defended only by a FM so I captured it in 2 turns. I sacked the place to resupply and destroyed everything before moving towards Roma.
    On turn 141 I captured Roma and sacked it netting around 40k after destroying all I could. I then headed south taking Capua, Arpi, Tara, and the southern city. I had hoped to move to Sicily but Carthage already owned it so I turned around. All the cities already sacked had reverted to Roman control except for Tara which had went to Epirus starting a war with them I did not want. Recruiting a diplomat I made peace and an alliance with access before moving north. Recaptured Arpi I am at present sieging Capua on turn 172.
    The plan is to turn over to Epirus everything south of Rome and capture everything north to destroy the Roman faction. My victory conditions require me to destroy the 2 Gauls and Germans. I am presently allied to all 3 but they are fighting one another so I will rebuild my treasury and see what happens. If attacked by one I will use the others to help. It seems I will get my best troops from Italy now.
    Once I figure out how to post these screen shots I'll stick them up and fix my bad spelling.

    My spies and diplomats are masters of disguise they appear as whatever icon I last accessed in town display.
    Disbanding armies does not add to town population
    FM can starve while inside a town
    FM can gain 2 opposite traits in same turn
    CTD on turn 80 and 130 but that occurred in EB1 as well. (I captured Rome after 3 hour battle only to CTD before turn saved so I had to do it over.)
    Pritanoi have no family tree icon *designed this way but causes issues trying to plan future*
    no flaming arrows (during siege defense, defender cannot destroy siege equipment)
    in TWM2 it was possible to recruit ship mercenaries (that would be nice here too)
    why can't you raze city walls? That was always one of first things you did to keep a new city from revolting and certainly something you'd do to a city you were going to leave to enemy.
    disbanded units count as "lost"
    cities abandoned after sacking or gifted to another faction count as lost

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Rome.jpg 
Views:	455 
Size:	287.8 KB 
ID:	14388
    more later.
    Last edited by mogami; 09-14-2014 at 04:19. Reason: fixed spelling

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  2. #2
    Member Member mogami's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Short History of Britain (Pritanoi AAR)

    Hi, Turn 180
    Romans have taken Arpi from Epirus . I hold Rome and Arretium after massive battle. Just about used up all my depleted units after battle and still a few units no longer combat effective. Good news is I can rebuild the units recruited in Italy. (hoplites, spearmen and light cav)
    Installing Allied close oligarchy in Rome. Treasury up to 20+k so I can recruit mercs if I need them. (sure I will) Plan on taking cities to north before going back for Arpi. (perhaps Epirus will do it for me).

    Now turn 200
    invested Felsina and since I had a full army I sent units I rebuilt/hired over to Ariminum to invest it as well (build the rams and towers so the General could take Felsina set it in order and then just move over and take command there.) However, captured Felsina and the General proceeded on his way only to be ambushed by an 800 man Roman army. He eluded (yike) and emptied the treasury hiring units. reinforced he sent the enemy packing down towards Arpi (now Roman controlled for the 5th or 6th time)
    Then as planned captured Arminum.
    Presently the situation is the Romans are at war with everyone they've met. They own Medelsomething in northern Italy and Arpi and Tara in the south. Do not have knowledge of other cities but they are fighting over in Greece. I have Arpi under siege.
    Relations with my German allies are headed south. They have the largest military.
    All the towns in Britain and Ireland are at zero growth because of the high taxes required to finance my adventures in Italy. I am trying to send another leader there but it will require another 3 or 4 years for him to move there.
    My General has fought major battles every other turn for 15 years and has not gained a star yet.
    (He is a great tactician and strategist but reluctant to attack and other negatives that negate his strengths)
    His troops follow him and he has yet to lose a battle. Killed so many Roman leaders that now their armies turn rebel when outside a town. (more rebel Romans then loyal on map of Italy)
    Last edited by mogami; 09-12-2014 at 23:04. Reason: added to subject

  3. #3
    Member Member mogami's Avatar
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    Default A Short History of Britain (Pritanoi AAR) Betrayed

    Hi, Turn 217
    Returned southern Italy to Epirus. I almost felt like Karl XII in Sweden when my reinforcing army moving south through Gaul became mixed up in a battle between my allies and some folks out of Spain. I should have withdrew before the battle but it looked lopsided in our favor (opps) Not long after the battle began my Allies had all fled and hordes of cavalry came swooping down on me. Now understand this General had never been in battle. Had been force marching across Gaul for 3 years and his troops had no faith in him. After a hard battle we killed the enemy leader and they finally fled. My naked fighters turned the tide in the snow. He lost half his army but what is left is about 2 turns from friendly territory. Now to top it all off the allies I had just saved declared war on me the following turn.
    There appears to be another Roman town to the west of Massalia. Once the new guy rests (has trait "exhausted") That will be his mission.
    And then the Aduei. I will have two fronts once a new General replaces the one that died of old age in Nemetokana
    Last edited by mogami; 09-13-2014 at 01:36.

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  4. #4
    Member Member mogami's Avatar
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    Default Re: A Short History of Britain (Pritanoi AAR) The End

    Hi, up grading to new version. Will post a more turn by turn AAR on new faction.


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