1. Siege engines in walled cities seem rather useless as they can't fire over the walls nor can they be moved outside the walls. Is this a bug? Especially since the adviser tells you to target attacking siege engines.
2. I accidentally conquered the SPQR faction - really, I was trying to get an army to the sea to be evacuated (Carthage) and SPQR attacked me an were annihilated so I walked into and held Rome instead of evacuating. Will the two remaining Roman factions (the Scipi were already defeated) ever go into civil war?
EDIT: Also, how does the game determine the makeup of rebel armies when a civil revolt occurs? Once, when I was Roman, Cordoba rebelled and their army was comprised of elephants (where the heck did trained war elephants come from :) ), eastern hills tribesmen, and several other units only found in the eastrn (Persian) areas. Recently, a revolt had eight barbarian warlords (Osca, northeastern Spain). Is it random?