There are 6 great gameplays:
and preview:
There are 6 great gameplays:
and preview:
I cannot understand Polish, but the more previews appear, the more I hope this will be a great game from the start, not great after seven patches like Rome 2. Interestingly Darren in his Twitch stream, prefers Rome 2. There is a danger that Atilla might get too knotty. A great Grand Strategy should be played better with close attention to detail, but should still go fine with the campaign map mostly automated. This apprehensive pre-orderer will discover soon....
That's actually a pretty good point, Patricius. From one viewpoint, the real TW game is the battles, and the campaign-level play's fundamental purpose is to provide strategic context for those battles. For some, too much complexity in the campaign just "gets in the way" of the real reason they play TW.
Others feel differently of course; I'm not saying that's true for everyone. But I can see how many players would find too much "work" in the campaign to be a bit of a distraction.
I'm kind of in the middle; I really like the campaign level, and playing the economic/diplomatic/strategic aspects. But I get kinda antsy if I don't fight a big battle every few turns.
They are a yin and yang, need both. Battles w/o context lose meaning. It's why TW Arena and TW Battles Kingdom hold as much interest to me as watching paint dry.