I'm currently playing my AS campaign and i noticed that i can recruit Peltastai Logades. Is this intentional? It's quite awesome i must say but the seleucids already have the Peltastai Macedones which has about the same use as an elite assault infantry.
Also will other hellenic kingdoms get their own Elite cavalry like the Agema Klerouchikon Hippeon for the ptolemys and the Molosson Agema for epeiros as the mod progresses over time or will all of them keep the heitaroi?
which factions will have access to Hellenic kataphraktoi? I would guess that only AS and bactria will have them. am i right?
also i already asked that in the FAQ but i thought maybe i'll get an answer if i ask here too haha will there be sword armed thorakitai after some reforms? I thought of that after i noticed the machairaphoroi in game. I think that it would make sense that there would be mail armored swordsmen after many fights with the galatians and so on.
thx in advance