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Thread: Wrong names of factions (Attila)

  1. #1
    REX POLONIAE Moderator KLAssurbanipal's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Exclamation Wrong names of factions (Attila)

    I see weird names on campaign map and videos.

    There are many factions, so I don't write about all. I am giving few examples.

    1. Suebians ???

    I know this faction as Suebi or Suevi - use in Italian, Latina and English, Sueben - German, Swebowie - Polish.

    I don't understand why there is a mistake probably, because in Rome II this faction name was correctly - Suebi.

    2. Anteans ???

    I know this faction as Antes or Antae - use in Latina and English, Anten - use in German, Anti - use in Italian, Antowie - use in Polish.

    3. Sclavenians ???

    I know only Sclaveni - use in Latina, English Sklavinien - use in German, Sklaviniai - use in Greek, Sklawinowie, Sklawini, Sklaweni, Sklawenowie - use in Polish.

    There are only examples. The same you can find with Markomans, Roxolanians and many others...

    What's an idea of CA?
    Last edited by KLAssurbanipal; 01-30-2015 at 03:23.


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