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Thread: Ok so im curious.

  1. #1
    Member Member Kamakazi's Avatar
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    Default Ok so im curious.

    With Rome 2 coming out of focus to a degree because of the launch of Attila I am curious as to a few things.
    We all have varying views of this game from love to hate. I personally love the game.

    I wonder:

    How many hours have yall played?

    How many campaigns have you completed? and who with?

    What is your favorite faction?

    Even after Attila drops will you come back to Rome 2?

    I personally have 669 hours played in game. All of which are on GC.
    I have completed 7 Campaigns with : Ardiaei, Sparta, Royal Scythia, Macedon, Pontus, Parthia, and Syracuse
    My favorite faction is Ardiaei
    I definitely plan on coming back to Rome 2. Given that Attila will probably have a buggy start I need something to do ;)

    I have also started playing a bit of multi player with the Ardiaei only and ive never lost a game with them yet (pretty good considering they are one of the worst MP factions.) I look forward to seeing everyone responses and hope you all have fun with Rome 2 and Attila in the future
    If living is nothing dieing is nothing then nothing is everything and everything is nothing

  2. #2
    A Livonian Rebel Member Slaists's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok so im curious.

    - hours? not disclosing, "untold number" ...
    - Completed: 11 legendary - Carthage (Barcids), Rome (Junia), Anthony (IA), Lepidus (IA), Seleucids, Baktria, Lusitani, Massilia, Pergamon, Cimmeria, Syracuse; others (Suebi, Nervii, Persia, Egypt, Pontus, Armenia, Macedon) - far advanced but interrupted due to patches
    - Favorite: Carthage, don't need barracks; 99% mercs (exaggerating) possible
    - Hell yeah.
    Last edited by Slaists; 02-05-2015 at 14:25.

  3. #3
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok so im curious.

    I only have something around 130 hours. Which is actually a lot for me. I have about the same in EU4 and the ply games which took up more time were Mount and Blade Warband and skyrim (both just over 200 hours) though the time I spent with the mass effect series could be untold hours as my average play through for each game was about 30 hours and I replayed them at least three to six times each so who really knows. Other than that I don't really have many hours in many games.
    On the Path to the Streets of Gold: a Suebi AAR
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  4. #4

    Default Re: Ok so im curious.

    I have played for about 120 hours.

    Still no campaign completed - I started campaigns with Iceni and Sparta but with several patches those just didn't work out. I built a far stretching Empire as Bactria and then got CiG in a Steam Sale. So right now I'm commanding the Nervii und aim for finishing that one before returning to the GC.

    Coming back to Rome 2 after Attila - well, first I would have to start Attila, but i'm afraid my machine will not be able to run Attila. Sadly a new one isn't going to happen soon, so I'll stick with Rome 2 for now. Still a lot to try out, e.g. Wrath of Sparta.
    Anyway, I would probably go back to Rome 2 sometimes, since I also play the old TW titles from time to time. Not a whole campaign though, just playing around a bit.

  5. #5
    Member Member Kamakazi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok so im curious.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaists View Post
    others (Suebi, Nervii, Persia, Egypt, Pontus, Armenia, Macedon) - far advanced but interrupted due to patches

    If were including broken patches I have 3 Ardiaei wins 2 Royal Scythia's and a Aravaci ;)
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  6. #6
    A Livonian Rebel Member Slaists's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok so im curious.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kamakazi View Post
    If were including broken patches I have 3 Ardiaei wins 2 Royal Scythia's and a Aravaci ;)
    No, I never completed a campaign before patch 15. Always stopped and restarted when a new patch came out (or when I got bored).

  7. #7
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok so im curious.

    I don't think I have ever completed a campaign in any TW game ever. Always lose focus towards the end when I'm just steamrolling everything anyways.
    On the Path to the Streets of Gold: a Suebi AAR
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  8. #8
    A Livonian Rebel Member Slaists's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok so im curious.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hooahguy View Post
    I don't think I have ever completed a campaign in any TW game ever. Always lose focus towards the end when I'm just steamrolling everything anyways.
    It's kind of easy to get that end-game done nowadays through military alliances. Once your treasury bloats up, everyone wants to be a friend all of a sudden.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Ok so im curious.

    1. Not sure I want to admit this, but....775 hours.

    2. Possible I've forgotten one or two, but I think I've played 8 full campaigns, substantial portions of 6 others (including part of the Athens succession game roughly a year ago). Plus one campaign currently in progress.

    Completed campaigns: Rome GC (x3), Pontus GC, Baktria GC, Lepidus IA, Octavian IA, Egypt IA.
    Partial/discontinued campaigns: Athens GC (succession game), Egypt GC, Roxolani GC, Iceni GC, Dacia IA, Macedon GC.
    In progress: Armenia IA.

    3. Clearly the pattern above shows that I like playing Rome; would be disingenuous to claim any other as my favorite. That said, the single campaign which I enjoyed the most, and put the most effort into, was easily the AAR campaign I did with Pontus. Was actually a little sad when that one ended.

    4. I doubt I'll play a lot of R2 after ATW release, but certainly unlikely that I'd never play it again at all. Most likely would be coming back for some DLCs which I have yet to try out.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Ok so im curious.

    Quote Originally Posted by Neric View Post
    Coming back to Rome 2 after Attila - well, first I would have to start Attila, but i'm afraid my machine will not be able to run Attila.
    In terms of engine, technical complexity, graphics, etc, isn't Attila basically the same game? Am I simplistic in thinking that any computer capable of running R2 should also suffice for ATW?

  11. #11
    Infinite Jest Member easytarget's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok so im curious.

    400+ hours

    A couple complete GC's until I became firmly convinced I'd rather do literally anything including work than ever play it again.

    The DLCs, played and loved them all!!! Completed at least one if not a couple in each of the DLCs released. Great fun in HaTG, really loved CIG, reminded me a lot of S2. WOS has also been a blast, playing as Athens was great fun.

    Will I still play R2 once Attila comes out? Of course, as I have no plans to purchase Attila until it's at least 50% off and properly patched. I look forward to hearing from those of you who pre-ordered it!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Ok so im curious.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bramborough View Post
    In terms of engine, technical complexity, graphics, etc, isn't Attila basically the same game? Am I simplistic in thinking that any computer capable of running R2 should also suffice for ATW?
    I have the impression from the previews that there are going to be some tweaks to the engine - no definitive description though. If the majority of players report no big differences in performance compared with Rome 2, I'll most likely give it a try.

  13. #13
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok so im curious.

    In total, I played around 110 hours.

    As for campaigns, I played 3 and completed 3 - Carthage, Rome Macedon, with the first one being my favourite faction. (hence why I started to play with them)

    As for returning, of course. It's a different time period after all.
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  14. #14
    Member Member Sp4's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok so im curious.


    4 or 5, Rome, Sparta, Rome, Rome, Rome again, some more Rome, some Rome in Emperor Augustus


    Probably not.

  15. #15
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok so im curious.

    I'm not a doctor but I think you have a chronic Rome problem.
    On the Path to the Streets of Gold: a Suebi AAR
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  16. #16
    Dux Nova Scotia Member lars573's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ok so im curious.

    -According to steam 791 hours
    -Never once completed a campaign (but to be fair I can count the number of completed campaign's on one hand across all TW games)
    -Don't have a favorite faction
    -Since I can't buy Atilla till like April (due to needing $200+ set aside for my pre-order on Star Sabre that drops end of March) I'll be playing Rome 2 for a while yet
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