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Thread: Attila tips and un-/under-documented features

  1. #31

    Default Re: Attila tips and un-/under-documented features

    Both Arian & Greek Christianity provide an edict which gives +10 Morale to recruits...I haven't looked, but I'm guessing Latin Christianity does the same. So the Christians do have a counter available for the Huns' morale penalty...not to mention making them quite powerful morale-wise vs other factions.

  2. #32
    A Livonian Rebel Member Slaists's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila tips and un-/under-documented features

    Quote Originally Posted by Philipvs Vallindervs Calicvla View Post
    Fighting against Christians you get a -10 to the ENEMY morale, and on top of that even your horse archers scare them. Unless the AI has top-level units with the "encourage" trait they'll buckle.

    Don't be fooled though, Hunnic armies are powerful mainly before they can attack the enemy morale rather than their raw killing power.

    Want a real challenge - learn to defeat the Huns with a Roman army, much more satisfying.


    Now - about the WRE's "Constant Immigration" trait. After some experimentation I've deduced that the WRE basically operates "one level" above other factions when it come to immigration - so where normal taxes would have a neutral effect for other factions then encourage immigration for the WRE and where high taxes bring you to 0 (excluding external factors). Immigration can up to -9 PO, which high taxes causes only -6 on top of the normal - 4. What this means is that the WRE is better off grinding down immigration using governors and then setting taxes to high. With that set up you should be able to get to 0% immigration and you'll be better off PO wise, the higher taxes will compensate your the loss of immigrants and it grees up your governors to do other things.
    The Tier I Hunnic horse bowmen don't scare anyone. It's the tier II HA's that have the scare trait. But I refuse to research those. Why would I pay 2x - 3x upkeep if I can get the job done with tier I HA's?

    Regarding that -10 to morale: beating Sassanids on legendary is as easy as beating Romans (for Huns). Sassanids do not get the anti-Hunnic morale malus.

  3. #33
    Voluntary Suspension Voluntary Suspension Philippus Flavius Homovallumus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila tips and un-/under-documented features

    Quote Originally Posted by Slaists View Post
    The Tier I Hunnic horse bowmen don't scare anyone. It's the tier II HA's that have the scare trait. But I refuse to research those. Why would I pay 2x - 3x upkeep if I can get the job done with tier I HA's?

    Regarding that -10 to morale: beating Sassanids on legendary is as easy as beating Romans (for Huns). Sassanids do not get the anti-Hunnic morale malus.
    Legendary is an irrelevant difficulty level when comparing factions - medium is the only meaningful comparison because it's the only level playing field, it's also the one which models multiplayer most accurately. On legendary difficulty the Romans will be getting a big morale buff which will wipe out the Hunnic debuff. On medium a Roman army facing the Huns starts out in the "shaken" staight and morale only improves as you rout Hunnic units.

    There are of course ways to combat this, a better general, legion traits you can assign to buff morale against Nomads, special edits and other things like researching units with an experience bonus. Of course the Huns can also do similar things so you can only mitigate the problem, not eliminate it.
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  4. #34
    A Livonian Rebel Member Slaists's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila tips and un-/under-documented features

    For me, on normal, the campaign loses steam too soon, as in, the AI just rolls over and is done for. I don't see much difference on the battlefield though; the only difference being a straight out missile duel. There, the AI owns the player on legendary.

  5. #35
    Stranger in a strange land Moderator Hooahguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila tips and un-/under-documented features

    Anybody try this mod yet?

    Better Aggresive CAI for Attila

    Looks intriguing.
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  6. #36
    Voluntary Suspension Voluntary Suspension Philippus Flavius Homovallumus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila tips and un-/under-documented features

    Looks interesting - what I really want is an AI that will gang up on me though, the whole ATTACK! ATTACK thing just leads to death.

    You know what I really want? Hordes that keep suing for peace after a few turns of war, they'd be much more dangerous to Rome if they were jabbing at it, dipping in and out of Roman territory.

    As things stand once a Horde declares war it's best to just wipe them out, which kinda sucks.
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  7. #37
    Voluntary Suspension Voluntary Suspension Philippus Flavius Homovallumus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila tips and un-/under-documented features

    Defeated Attila today, shattered his bodyguard, got down to one guy and suddenly I could no longer pursue him. Interestingly his unit card showed up as 0 men, so in addition to everything else, sometimes you can't kill him on the battlefield, for some reason.

    I literally watched the bastard ride away, and I got nothing for that bloody battle except eliminating a Hunnic stack which will respawn next turn.
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  8. #38

    Default Re: Attila tips and un-/under-documented features

    I just try my best to leave the Huns alone before maybe 420. Atilla needs to die five times?

  9. #39
    Voluntary Suspension Voluntary Suspension Philippus Flavius Homovallumus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila tips and un-/under-documented features

    Quote Originally Posted by Patricius View Post
    I just try my best to leave the Huns alone before maybe 420. Atilla needs to die five times?
    Thing is, this time he didn't "die" his unit just got checked out of the battle - I stabbed him again and got the "grievously wounded" message, but his stack escaped, so I'll have to stab him at least twice more. I wish CA would just post the rules on this so we knew what we had to do, two times, eight times, four times... nobody seems to know.
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  10. #40

    Default Re: Attila tips and un-/under-documented features

    Quote Originally Posted by Philipvs Vallindervs Calicvla View Post
    I wish CA would just post the rules on this so we knew what we had to do, two times, eight times, four times... nobody seems to know.
    I've read so many different first-hand accounts of "how many times it took me to kill Attila". Some folks write they've finished him off in only 2-3 tries, while for others he seems to have 9 lives. I suspect there's an element of randomization involved. Like, say, the first "kill" (zero percent chance of an actual kill) kicks in some sort of increasing chance of getting him on successive opportunities. Or something like that.

  11. #41
    Member Member Kamakazi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila tips and un-/under-documented features

    Not gonna lie I just let him die of natural causes.... I was t busy fighting everyone and their mother to deal with the huns
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  12. #42
    Voluntary Suspension Voluntary Suspension Philippus Flavius Homovallumus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila tips and un-/under-documented features

    Quote Originally Posted by Bramborough View Post
    I've read so many different first-hand accounts of "how many times it took me to kill Attila". Some folks write they've finished him off in only 2-3 tries, while for others he seems to have 9 lives. I suspect there's an element of randomization involved. Like, say, the first "kill" (zero percent chance of an actual kill) kicks in some sort of increasing chance of getting him on successive opportunities. Or something like that.
    Well, in my case I fought him five times - first time he escaped, his unit became invulnerable after he broke, second time he was wounded, third time he was wounded, fourth time I got the "Only a Man" popup and then he died on auto-calc.

    So I think you have to eliminate his stack, then wound him again and it fires. I tried reloading and he get getting bad entrails, so it wasn't random, something is definitely counting tokens.
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  13. #43

    Default Re: Attila tips and un-/under-documented features

    I usually don't try to assassinate a general immediately before a battle. If I expect him to try retreating, I misdirect instead, so that the targeted army can be chased down. Otherwise, I kinda like hitting them with the Fatigue de-buff. mobdro apk
    Last edited by bariszop; 03-12-2022 at 13:50.

  14. #44
    Ja mata, TosaInu Forum Administrator edyzmedieval's Avatar
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    Default Re: Attila tips and un-/under-documented features

    I've played some Attila recently, about 10 hours or so, finishing up another Eastern Roman Empire campaign and one of the things that I noticed was quite useful is that after you conquer a province, you can still keep the benefits of the existing buildings, despite the culture difference.

    You don't get all of the benefits but it's a start.
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