There's so many things in this campaign, that I'm sure lots are praising as great additions, that I wish I could just simply turn off. I feel like a lot of these things are just obstacles to stop me from playing the actual game, and it's succeeding.
My first couple campaigns I tried as the Saxons, and basically just got ruined badly. 2 or 3 attempts. I got owned by an alliance of factions I pissed off, I can accept that, I got conquered, moved on. And before I start my ranting, I do want to say I like the battles more than Rome 2 on this game, and the overall gothic feel.
Anyways, so I started a campaign with the Franks and it has been going well as far as militarily goes. I made allies with everyone on the European mainland pretty much, left my starting city fortified, and sent my armies and conquered Britain.
Now, every single turn goes like this:
Rebellion imminent, rebellion, rinse, rinse, and repeat. I feel like I can't do much else besides keep my armies on the land, moving back and forth fighting rebellions, I've been doing this for about 20 turns now, and I'm starting to get to the point of just tossing this game all together. If I move my army northward, a rebellion happens somewhere else. It's just an annoyance, it's not fun, it's not like fighting another faction. I honestly feel like it would be easier in real life to fight these rebellions off, or at least come to some conclusion.
What will happen, is I move an army away from a city I conquered, rebellion happens, before I can get back there to put it down, it attacks the city. Oh joy, there's another public order debuff for another turn keeping it down.......2-3 of my cities are just mass producing mosquitos that keep me from actually playing the game and expanding.
Most of the rebel battles I just autoresolve win, but no matter how many times I do this, they just keep coming back. Amazingly I've kept peace with the other factions while this clownshow just goes on turn after turn after turn.
Who designed Public order in Rome II/Attila + and why is it such a headache that can't be taken care of??? I have chieftain halls, I even have the upgraded one. I have armies stationed inside of the cities and even that isnt raising it. I've attempted to lower taxes with little to no effect, actually quite negligible, and I need to move taxes back up just to keep the empire rolling or deal with the occasional unwelcome incursion from another faction......
The cherry ontop is I guess I neglected the faction issues more than I should have, and ontop of the rebellions, I'm getting a civil war. So 1-2 cities on the British Isles rebels, and another rebellion at my capital which operates pretty much the same. So I'm at this point in the game where I feel like I can't do much to expand or move on. I have to keep armies up to fight these ridiculous rebellions. I actually dread my turn coming up at times, yes I dread it, cause I know some kind of needle is ready to poke at me again.
From time to time I can understand these kinds of things adding a little flavor to the game during peacetime, but I feel like the person who designed this in Rome 2 and this game is some kind of malicious troll bent on giving me a heart attack. I'm spending way more time stuck in these rebellion loops than I should be. They just feel like anchors I cant get rid of to move on to actually playing the game. I want to wage war not play whack-a-mole.
So wtf do I do? I have all of Britain in rebellion all of them hover around -60 -100 . I'm seriously ready to just line up my armies and have them give out bjs if it'll stop the rebellions. /wrists