Illustrations of Romano-Byzantines and Arabs on the Throne of Archbishop Maximian of Ravenna. Made in either Constantinople or Alexandria, 545–553AD.
The Throne of Maximian (or Maximianus) is a throne that was made for Archbishop Maximianus of Ravenna. It has carved ivory panels on the sides that illustrate the story of Joseph.
Joseph's Brothers sell him to the Midianite or Ishmaelite Merchants
The Story of Joseph on the left hand side of the Throne of Archbishop Maximian of Ravenna, Constantinople or Alexandria, 545–553AD
The Story of Joseph on the right hand side of the Throne of Archbishop Maximian of Ravenna, Constantinople or Alexandria, 545–553AD
Joseph greets his father, Jacob, in Egypt
The Story of Joseph on the left hand side of the Throne of Archbishop Maximian of Ravenna, Constantinople or Alexandria, 545–553AD
The Story of Joseph on the right hand side of the Throne of Archbishop Maximian of Ravenna, Constantinople or Alexandria, 545–553AD
Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers