As per discussion in
this thread, these are the current number of games allowed to run
at one time (though some leeway is allowed - i.e. a host may begin signups for his or her game if the currently running game is in its final phase or two:
Regular games (10 or more players at the outset of the game)
Mini games (3-9 players at the outset of the game)
- No queue required, but mini games should conclude within 120 hours of game start
Speed Mafia (number of players will vary)
- No queue required, but exercise good judgment when creating one.
- Phases limited to a maximum of 30 minutes
Non-Mafia games
- Consult with the moderator before setting one up, but I will usually have no objections. Not subject to the queue.
tl;dr if it's a mafia game for 10 or more people, it goes in the queue. Otherwise it doesn't.
Restriction subject to change based on current activity levels.
Gameroom rules and reference for additional information.
In your request, please note the following:
Name of host -
Name of game (if known)
GeneralHankerchief - Pirate Ship Mafia III
- You cannot request a new slot of same game size in the calendar until a previous game of yours with the same game size has reached concluded status.
- Liaising with other hosts if you need additional time/want to trade slots etc is permitted in this thread.