I have literally just taken my first steps in RTW and have started playing the Prologue campaign. I have found it is not letting me save my game. At what point can I start to save my progress?
I have literally just taken my first steps in RTW and have started playing the Prologue campaign. I have found it is not letting me save my game. At what point can I start to save my progress?
Last edited by 8-bit; 12-08-2015 at 23:45.
Welcome to one of the best video games ever made (I'm approaching the 1000 hours of campaigning mark in the vanilla version and BI x-pack). You cannot save during the prologue for some reason, but it shouldn't take you more than 1 hour to understand the basics and move over to the imperial campaign, where you can save at any time while on the strategic map. If you have any other questions ask around the board. Rome is pretty easy to learn, has a few subtleties and one or two annoying (but not gamebreaking) bugs & exploits (which may or may not have been fixed by an unofficial fan patch, look around for player1's fix if interested). Have fun!
wm is absolutely correct...you cannot save during the Prologue. The Prologue is for learning purposes only and does not carry over into any campaign. Once you start a campaign, and I would recommend a short version (you have the option at set-up to do a "short" campaign or the full "grand campaign") until you get the feel for how the game works.
I would also recommend you let the AI manage your settlements at first, and concentrate on learning the strategical & tactical play. Later, you can opt to manage them yourself, which can get a bit tricky. There are tons of guides for each faction (including how to unlock all the factions) and discussions ranging from economics to politics to tactical use of specific units. Browse around the forum, and do ask as many questions as you like. There are still a few RTW vets around who are more than willing to offer answers & opinions.
High Plains Drifter
Thanks for the replies.
Could you tell me what conditions would end my game suddenly? (Prologue) I had ended my turn and I was greeted with something like..."You have failed Senate etc' (??)
There is no way to "win" the Prologue. IIRC, later versions of RTW (anything other than the original box set) were bugged when it came to the Prologue anyway. I haven't played the Prologue since I first started with RTW back in 2004, so I don't remember all the particulars. If the victory requirements were to take 50 settlements....you can't. There are only 9 in the Prologue, if memory serves If you are playing the Sons of Mars campaign, don't bother. Just start a grand campaign. Anything you do in the Prologue doesn't carry over anyways. If, for some reason, the Prologue isn't recorded as being completed, just hit the Esc button at any time and you will be taken to the full campaign screen selection.
There is another way which requires very little modding by yourself, that is do the following: go into C:\Program Files\Activision\Rome - Total War you will find a .txt file there called preferences (not the folder called preferences) and open up the file. Look down the list until you find the line FIRST_TIME_PLAY, if it says :TRUE after it, change it to :FALSE (using Notepad or Word) and save it. Make a backup first, of course!
Choose one of the Roman factions first, as they are the easiest.
High Plains Drifter
A few extra pieces of information regarding tips given by RS. If you will end up around as maniac as myself and try to finish all of the campaigns in this game, keep in mind that in short campaigns you must be very speedy. You need not only complete the stated objectives, but also complete them before any other faction completes its own set of objectives first.
Unless you mod the game you need to win a campaign (short or long) with a roman family in order to unlock the other factions. I'd say that the order in which the roman families are listed is tied to early game difficulty if you follow the path that is most obvious for the given faction. The Julii have the easies early-game opponents but the natural route for expansion doesn't lead to very rich territories for a while, so you may struggle with the economy. The Brutii face some tougher enemies but can gain relatively quickly some of the richest areas in the game. The Scipii have a more complicated start in front of them which also requires a good deal of naval planning, but they can reach some very wealthy provinces if managed right.
For the most part true, but I've taken my sweet time on occasion just to try out a faction and was still able to win the short campaign.keep in mind that in short campaigns you must be very speedy. You need not only complete the stated objectives, but also complete them before any other faction completes its own set of objectives first.
In order to unlock all the factions by modding the game look here:Unless you mod the game you need to win a campaign (short or long) with a roman family in order to unlock the other factions.
High Plains Drifter
That message could be triggered by losing your last settlement or by reaching the time limit for the Prologue (290 BC).
I have fond memories of the Prologue driving me crazy. See this thread for a spirited discussion: