Here are black and white images of the 8 scenes on the roof of the Karlsschrein, Shrine of Charlemagne, Aachen Cathedral, c.1215
I have a coloured image of one, the Conquest of Pamplona on the Charlemagne Reliquary, in Aachen Cathedral, ca. 1215
Does anyone have better images?
This knight of c.1205 in Armies of Feudal Europe 1066-1300 by Ian Heath, is based on the Conquest of Pamplona on the Charlemagne Reliquary
In this, (b) is based on The Cardena Beatus Codex, Spain, 12th century, Archaeological Museum, Madrid
(d) is based on Knights on Wall paintings from All Saints Church, Claverley, Shropshire, England
Any ideas what (c) and (e) are based on?
Mirror site:
Karlsschrein, Shrine of Charlemagne, Aachen Cathedral, c.1215
13th Century Illustrations of Costume & Soldiers