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Thread: Events in PMTW 2.0 and their uses

  1. #1
    Crusading historian Member cegorach's Avatar
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    Default Events in PMTW 2.0 and their uses

    Another discovery of Stazi:

    I've finally identified 68 events which dates can be freely changed. Many of them use the same art so there are a bit limited in use. Two the most important are Compass Rose and Gunpowder which can be added as restrictions in BUILD_PROD file. There are still 3 or 4 events which depend on more triggers than just a year or their appearance is random so they are hard to localize. I'll make a summary of what I found soon.
    allows a number of changes in the future. Before that the only way we could stop building from appearent too early was to set complicated requirements which caused massive problems.

    Obviously the two events which can be used as requirements are the most helpful.

    Before Stazi deals with dozens of events and posts a summary I'd like to discuss uses of those two most important events.

    I've been thinking about setting them as requirements for certain military reforms which in my opinion are better to describe changes in warfare during this period than various levels of gunsmits, spearmakers etc.
    In fact I'd like to remove higher levels of spearmaker, gunsmith, swordsmith etc - the techtree will be crowded well enough with other structures such as those which represent political structures, cultural developments etc so we don't really need guys who make slightly better pikes or swords as long as they make enough of them.

    Changes are meant for 2.0. but I'd like to have at least a number of structures depending on the events implemented in 1.6 - it is just too good to completelly leave it for the future.

    Let's start with the simple one - how to name the events and in what years should they pop up?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Events in PMTW 2.0 and their uses

    Well, what about using the Golden Horde event to make the Bundschuh appear in 1492 at Swabia as an un-playable faction?

    For military reforms, I list some of the options here:

    -Maximilian reform in 1487, allow various Landsknechten units.
    -Stephen Báthory reform in 1570s, allow PLC to build Winged Hussars.
    -Karl XI reform in 1682, allow various Carolean units for Sweden.
    Last edited by zweihander; 02-19-2016 at 17:31.

  3. #3
    Member Member Stazi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Events in PMTW 2.0 and their uses

    Ok. The list of events is split into groups using the same art. I shortened events' descriptions to show only their impact on the game mechanics. All text added by me is in uppercase. NONE? means, most probably, zero influence on the game, just an information.

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Heretical Sect.jpg 
Views:	198 
Size:	55.0 KB 
ID:	17572

    {"Heretical Sect"}
    {"[HERESY] grows in Toulose, Provence, Aquitaine and Genoa."}

    {"Heretics and Vile Perverts"}
    {" [HERESY] grows in strength in Toulouse, Provence, Genoa, Milan, Franconia and Bavaria!"}

    {"Dualist Heresy"}
    {"The foul heretics are currently gaining support in Bulgaria and Wallachia."}

    {"Burn the Heretic!"}
    {"Bohemia is now a hotbed of heresy and disloyalty!"}

    {"Lollards Gather Strength"}
    {"Mercia is now a hotbed of heresy and disloyalty!"}

    {"Troublemaking Priest"}
    {"Wessex is now a hotbed of heresy and disloyalty!"}

    {"Church Hierarchy Vilified"}
    {" [HERESY GROWS] in Wessex, Mercia and Northumbria."}

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Opus Maius.jpg 
Views:	195 
Size:	62.7 KB 
ID:	17571

    {"Opus Maius"}
    {" +1 Influence to the English King, but -10% Zeal in English provinces."}

    {"The History of the Empire"}
    {" +1 Influence to the Byzantine Emperor and -10% Zeal in all Orthodox provinces."}

    {"Tristan und Isolde"}
    {" -10% Zeal in Franconia and surrounding provinces."}

    {"The Court Poet"}
    {" [BYZANTINE EMPEROR] +1 Influence and -10% Zeal."}

    {"Respected Islamic Scholar"}
    {" -10% Zeal in all of Almohad Spain."}

    {"Respected Islamic Scholar"}
    {"Reduces Zeal in both Christian and Islamic Spain."}

    {"Historia Regum Britanniae"}
    {"English King gaining +1 Influence, -10% Zeal in English provinces."}

    {"The Rubayiat"}
    {"Reduces Zeal in Turkish provinces, but grants governors +1 Acumen."}

    {"The Alexiad"}
    {" +1 Influence to the Byzantine Emperor."}

    {"increases faith in Turkish provinces."}

    {"Plato and Homer Translated"}
    {" The [BYZANTINE] Emperor's Influence is increased."}

    {"Froissart's Chronicles"}
    {"The French King's Influence is increased."}

    {"The Canterbury Tales"}
    {" -20% Zeal in English provinces, while the King's Influence is increased."}

    {"The Diwan"}
    {"Many who have not already done so convert to Islam in Islamic provinces, while Islamic Zeal is reduced."}

    {"The Decameron"}
    {" -10% Zeal throughout northern Italy."}

    {"Buridan's Ass"}
    {" -10% Zeal in all French Provinces."}

    {"Ockham's Razor"}
    {" -10% Zeal in all English Provinces."}

    {"The Divine Comedy"}
    {"Zeal is reduced in Venice and the Doge's Influence also suffers slightly."}

    {"Great Thinker"}
    {"Zeal is reduced in Scotland, Northumbria, Mercia and Wales."}

    {"The Poet of Courtly Love"}
    {" -10% Zeal in all of France."}

    {"Rime Sparse"}
    {" -10% Zeal in much of northern Italy."}

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Clarendon.jpg 
Views:	211 
Size:	70.5 KB 
ID:	17570

    {"The Constitutions of Clarendon"}
    {"The English King gains +1 Influence and -1 Piety."}

    {"Deus volt!"}

    {"The Golden Bull"}
    {"increasing the Influence of the Emperor [HRE]."}

    {"The Everlasting League"}

    {"Privilegio de la Union"}
    {"reducing [SPANISH KING'S]} Influence. +2 Loyalty to all Spanish Generals."}

    {"Magna Carta"}
    {"[ENGLISH] King's standing suffers a little (-1 Influence). +3 Loyalty to all English Generals."}

    {"all Holy Roman Empire generals, +1 Loyalty."}

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	True Cross.jpg 
Views:	193 
Size:	55.6 KB 
ID:	17573

    {"Saint's Relic On Display"}
    {"Raising the Zeal of northern Italy!"}

    {"The True Cross Found"}
    {"Catholic Zeal is increased throughout Italy."}

    {"The Garments of Christ"}
    {"inspire great Zeal in the faithful in Franconia and surrounding provinces."}

    {"Relic of Christ Found"}
    {" +10% Zeal in all of Catholic France."}

    {"A Most Miraculous Skull"}
    {"Catholic Zeal is increased throughout northern Italy."}

    {"True Cross Revealed"}
    {"Catholic zeal increased throughout Spain."}

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Peasant Crusade.jpg 
Views:	204 
Size:	67.1 KB 
ID:	17574

    {"Doctrine of Poverty"}
    {"Conversion to Catholicism and Zeal bonuses are increased in the Papal States, Tuscany, Rome, Naples and Genoa."}

    {"Healing Visionary"}
    {"Her presence bolsters the Catholic Church in Germany and grants +1 Health in Germany."}

    {"Zealous Preacher"}
    {"His oratory and clear thought has also improved his ruler's [FRENCH] Piety. His emphasis on the Virgin Mary also has appeal to many in Champagne."}

    {"Peasant Crusade"}
    {"All farm income in France is reduced by a tenth."}

    {"A Most Learned Priest"}
    {"Increase Zeal in Italy."}

    {"Bonaventure of the Franciscans"}
    {"inspires great zeal in northern Italy."}

    {"Scholar of the Classics"}
    {" -10% Zeal in Germany, but the Catholic Church gains converts."}

    {"Hounding Out Heresy"}
    {"All Spanish provinces gain a minimum of +10% Zeal and many converts for the Catholic Church."}

    {"The Word of God"}
    {" the Catholic Church is bolstered throughout Scandinavia by his achievements."}

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Long Voyage.jpg 
Views:	199 
Size:	64.3 KB 
ID:	17575

    {"A Long Voyage South"}
    {"There are new trading goods available in Portugal."} [SPICES and COTTON]

    {"Well-travelled Judge"}
    {"there are new goods for trade in Khazar and the Crimea."} [both get SPICES and SILK]

    The list of events with unique drawings:

    Spoiler Alert, click show to read: 
    {"The Compass Rose"}
    {" [COMPASS]"}


    {"Chivalry is an ideal that is not always achieved, but its emphasis on virtue helps to spread the Catholic faith more widely."}

    {"Mystic Visions"}
    {"her support granting Influence to the Pope."}

    {"Years With No Summer"}
    {"Across northern Europe income will suffer this year."}

    {"A Traveller Returned!"}
    {"There are new goods for trade in Tripoli and Syria."} [both get SPICES and SILK]

    {"The Mastery of Time"}

    {"Banking Houses"}

    {"The Children's Crusade"}
    {"Farm income in France and the Holy Roman Empire is reduced, and the bereft parents are turning away from the Church to heretical beliefs."}

    {"The Princely Merchant"}
    {"His wise counsel and clever schemes have increased the general wealth to the benefit of many, and the King of France's Acumen is also increased."}

    {"God's Judgement on the World"}

    {"The Great Fair of Champagne"}
    {"This wise policy gives the governor of Champagne +3 Acumen."}
    This event share the art with common "population happiness" event.

    "The Golden Horde Emerge"
    Mongol Invasion

    There are 3 events that adds trading goods to the various provinces on the map. I'll test them and add detailed description later. Done.
    All my findings are based on the latest (11.I.2016) patched Steam version of the Medieval_TW.exe.
    Last edited by Stazi; 02-20-2016 at 10:41.
    "Do not fight for glory. Do not fight for love of your lord. Do not fight for hatred, honor or faith. Fight only for victory and you will succeed." - Uji sensei.

  4. #4
    Member Member Stazi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Events in PMTW 2.0 and their uses

    Some additional thoughts.
    There are only few events that seem to do not influence the campaign in any way but there are many that increase/decrease zeal. Zeal itself has very little influence on the game so I think they can be treated like the blank ones.

    Many events influence certain factions. Faction declared as e.g. FN_FRENCH doesn't have to be France in game. This way we can assign events with hardcoded effects to the desired faction, not necessary the one designed by CA.

    3 events add tradeable goods. If we move some provinces like Tripoli or Khazar to the west part of the map, they can be linked with some colonial gains. Again, province declared as ID_TRIPOLI doesn't have to be Tripoli in game.
    Last edited by Stazi; 02-19-2016 at 19:34.
    "Do not fight for glory. Do not fight for love of your lord. Do not fight for hatred, honor or faith. Fight only for victory and you will succeed." - Uji sensei.

  5. #5
    Crusading historian Member cegorach's Avatar
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    Default Re: Events in PMTW 2.0 and their uses

    I agree that zeal has little influence and would reward hard work with less than meaningful results.

    When it comes to faction specific events I'd keep them with those factions and try to find uses for events instead of converting factions only to use their IDs for... events. Too complicated and would mean a lot, I mean a lot of work just to have one new feature in the game.

    Different description and different year should be enough when it comes to such events.

    Trade goods.

    Tripoli entry can easily be used for Holland which we need anyway. Syria can represent Persian provinces benefiting from Dutch-Portuguese conflict during the reign of Abbas the Great. This way both areas can use the same event with a nice doze of realism.

    Not perfect, but quite all right.

    Khazar - for now let's leave it. Maybe we can find good uses for this event later.

    Portugal - perfect to describe benefits of Portuguese colonial empire.

  6. #6
    Crusading historian Member cegorach's Avatar
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    Default Re: Events in PMTW 2.0 and their uses

    Quote Originally Posted by zweihander View Post
    Well, what about using the Golden Horde event to make the Bundschuh appear in 1492 at Swabia as an un-playable faction?
    I am in general against unplayable factions with the exception of the Papal State. Bunschuh are tempting, though...

    I guess this can be a feature in the future, but it is questionable. Bundschuh can be represented by generic peasant revolts during conquests in the period.

    For military reforms, I list some of the options here:

    -Maximilian reform in 1487, allow various Landsknechten units.
    -Stephen Báthory reform in 1570s, allow PLC to build Winged Hussars.
    -Karl XI reform in 1682, allow various Carolean units for Sweden.
    The game starts early enough so we don't need the first one. Both the second and the third proposals are reasonable, but we need something more general which all armies would use.

    I guess the use of matchlock musket and flintlock musket afterwards could be decisive breakthroughs.

    First leads to Dutch Brigade level reforms - so also Stephen Bathory & Jan Zamoyski's reform in Poland, later Russian reforms, later Tertios etc.

    Second could bring all the most modern forms of mass infantry, mass cavalry and mass artillery forces in the game so work as the end event for the evolution of military forces in the game.

  7. #7
    Crusading historian Member cegorach's Avatar
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    Default Re: Events in PMTW 2.0 and their uses

    All right. I think that 1580 and 1630 seem to be the best dates for Gunpowder and Compass events.

    This way we'd avoid a problem with certain units being impossible to recruit because they are set for a different period.

    Yes, I do realise that 'High' period is set differently in the first campaign, but I have a simple solution which concerns 'mirrior' units - simply some units will be available in smaller numbers recreating somehow the difficulty to recruit certain forces before necessary reforms were implemented.

    1580 will be a good year for Dutch Brigade level military reforms while 1630 can cover Swedish Brigade level pretty well. Sweden will get access to certain units via their 'mirriors' so it should be fine.

    BTW Only those two events can be set as requirements for buildings? Is there any way to exploit other events for build_prod file?

    I mean events which apparently give no known effects in the game ({"The Mastery of Time"}{"NONE?"}) - perhaps we don't know it yet, but there is something left by the creator of the game we could use...

    Just a thought. After all MTW VI has so many open possibilities made possible only after we try something...

  8. #8
    Member Member Stazi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Events in PMTW 2.0 and their uses

    Quote Originally Posted by cegorach View Post
    BTW Only those two events can be set as requirements for buildings? Is there any way to exploit other events for build_prod file?

    I mean events which apparently give no known effects in the game ({"The Mastery of Time"}{"NONE?"}) - perhaps we don't know it yet, but there is something left by the creator of the game we could use...

    Just a thought. After all MTW VI has so many open possibilities made possible only after we try something...
    Just checked it again and I'm pretty sure that there are only those two. Unfortunately, no more wonders this time.
    "Do not fight for glory. Do not fight for love of your lord. Do not fight for hatred, honor or faith. Fight only for victory and you will succeed." - Uji sensei.

  9. #9
    Member Member Stazi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Events in PMTW 2.0 and their uses

    Quote Originally Posted by cegorach View Post
    All right. I think that 1580 and 1630 seem to be the best dates for Gunpowder and Compass events.
    Ok, dates set. Check if it works for you. Medieval_TW.rar
    "Do not fight for glory. Do not fight for love of your lord. Do not fight for hatred, honor or faith. Fight only for victory and you will succeed." - Uji sensei.

  10. #10
    Crusading historian Member cegorach's Avatar
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    Default Re: Events in PMTW 2.0 and their uses

    Ok, I'll let you know during the coming week. Not sure if I manage to test stuff today.

    EDIT Doesn't work on a XP run computer. I'll test it on 8.1. Gold edition when I buy it and see how it goes.
    Last edited by cegorach; 02-28-2016 at 11:53.

  11. #11
    Member Member Stazi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Events in PMTW 2.0 and their uses

    Quote Originally Posted by cegorach View Post
    Doesn't work on a XP run computer. I'll test it on 8.1. Gold edition when I buy it and see how it goes.
    Hmm.. I use Win 7 64 bit. I don't have access to 8.1. Steam requirements shows: Vista, 7, 8.
    "Do not fight for glory. Do not fight for love of your lord. Do not fight for hatred, honor or faith. Fight only for victory and you will succeed." - Uji sensei.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Events in PMTW 2.0 and their uses

    It is almost because of the Game version rather than Windows version, CA change the EXE file and other things in the Steam Gold version(no idea they do so on GOG gold version or not.)

  13. #13
    Member Member Stazi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Events in PMTW 2.0 and their uses

    Quote Originally Posted by zweihander View Post
    It is almost because of the Game version rather than Windows version, CA change the EXE file and other things in the Steam Gold version(no idea they do so on GOG gold version or not.)
    Is there any GOG version of MTW:VI? Hmm... I can't find it. btw I have unprotected original version of the exe which I can alter but I think its pointless as most of the people use steam version nowadays.
    Last edited by Stazi; 02-29-2016 at 12:32.
    "Do not fight for glory. Do not fight for love of your lord. Do not fight for hatred, honor or faith. Fight only for victory and you will succeed." - Uji sensei.


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