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Thread: EB I and Win10

  1. #1

    Default EB I and Win10

    I have a very serious question: I am going to buy a new computer. Is there any chance EB I will work with Windows 10? Are there plans to make it playable on Windows 10? Does it take much work to make it playable? I absolutely loved the first part of EB (II is great as well) and I cant stand the idea that I will be never able to play it again. It may sound silly but it is true... Does EB I work with Win 8.1.?
    My girlfriend plays EB (plus she is hottie). I won the universe.

  2. #2
    Arrogant Ashigaru Moderator Ludens's Avatar
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    Default Re: EB I and Win10

    I haven't tried it myself, but apparently there is a conflict between recent versions of Windows (7 and upwards) and the Securom software that R:TW uses, meaning that R:TW won't run. This thread links to possible workarounds, but you do so at your own risk.
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  3. #3

    Default Re: EB I and Win10

    I recently bought a new laptop with Windows 10. I managed to successfully install RTW and EB, also managed to successfully load and play my old save files. However, the damned game went to low-graphics settings even though I can comfortably play Skyrim on this laptop. Even on low settings, the game plays incredibly slowly. Map movements are insane, battlefield screen is lagging so much the game fails to detect me pressing Pause.

    Any advice?

  4. #4

    Default Re: EB I and Win10

    You may want to check out this thread:

    Basically, Windows 10 removed SecureROM and Safedisc capability, so you can no longer play RTW from the game disc. However, I have had success inputting the game code into Steam. Also, the game seems to run fine even in offline mode.

  5. #5

    Default Re: EB I and Win10

    I can confirm that EB works in Win10 using a Steam installed copy of RTW. Haven't tried my old disc - not sure even where it is anymore as I picked up RTW as part of a sale package deal some time back on Steam. It also works with 8.1 (which is the O/S that the laptop was on before upgrading to 10.)

  6. #6

    Default Re: EB I and Win10

    In the past month or so I've installed EB 1.2 on five Windows 10 machines with Steam RTW as a base - one desktop, one laptop, and three Microsoft Surfaces. It seems to work fine on all of them. Nothing really unusual about the install either.

  7. #7

    Default Re: EB I and Win10

    Last edited by Starforge; 04-14-2017 at 20:45. Reason: Duplicate (observant aren't I)


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